Yea it causes hard knockdown. If you do it exactly on the last hit while in the corner, you should have plenty of time to carry on the combo. And tutorial, it will probably be a video one but I’ll be sure to add some wordy content on SRK to help aid it.
EDIT: Alright, just spent some time in training mode and here are a couple of things with Dante and Dormammu:
Dante: There is plenty of time after a Devil trigger DHC to go combo into volcano or any OTG follow up after the last hit of HCS. Doing the following combo while in Devil trigger after a Cap corner relaunch combo will get over 1mil damage (but it does cost 3 meters inclusive of HCS and devil trigger doesn’t build meter):
volcano>beehive,S>gunshot>stinger, bold move sky dance, volcano>beehive (cancel early), fH bc Jet Stream>fireworks, Million Dollars
Since I haven’t really used Dante very much in Ultimate, I’m sure there are more damaging combos especially since you are in Devil trigger.
Dormammu: Dark hole does require spacing but a small back dash in the corner can easily solve it, just be aware with spacing. It is possible to DHC from Hyper Stars and Stripes into Stalking flare but if you do it on the 4th hit (while they are on the ground), it can set up nicely for at least 2 power ups (power of destructor/creator). I’m not too familiar with Dormammu but I’m sure you can work with that. Ideally you’d want to end the Cap combo with charging stars before Hyper Stars and stripes (didn’t test which hit would be best to DHC but I’m going to guess the third one would be ideal) as shield slash coming back will mess up the location of the opponent but since you have centurion rush, it should be quite easy.
Otherwise you can just go for Hyper Charging Star>Chaotic flame for raw damage or TAC for more meter since Dorm has flight TAC combos.
When my exams have finished, I’ll work on a Cap team tutorial as Cap is a leader and can get any soldier to work well with him.