Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

Yea it causes hard knockdown. If you do it exactly on the last hit while in the corner, you should have plenty of time to carry on the combo. And tutorial, it will probably be a video one but I’ll be sure to add some wordy content on SRK to help aid it.

EDIT: Alright, just spent some time in training mode and here are a couple of things with Dante and Dormammu:

Dante: There is plenty of time after a Devil trigger DHC to go combo into volcano or any OTG follow up after the last hit of HCS. Doing the following combo while in Devil trigger after a Cap corner relaunch combo will get over 1mil damage (but it does cost 3 meters inclusive of HCS and devil trigger doesn’t build meter):
volcano>beehive,S>gunshot>stinger, bold move sky dance, volcano>beehive (cancel early), fH bc Jet Stream>fireworks, Million Dollars

Since I haven’t really used Dante very much in Ultimate, I’m sure there are more damaging combos especially since you are in Devil trigger.

Dormammu: Dark hole does require spacing but a small back dash in the corner can easily solve it, just be aware with spacing. It is possible to DHC from Hyper Stars and Stripes into Stalking flare but if you do it on the 4th hit (while they are on the ground), it can set up nicely for at least 2 power ups (power of destructor/creator). I’m not too familiar with Dormammu but I’m sure you can work with that. Ideally you’d want to end the Cap combo with charging stars before Hyper Stars and stripes (didn’t test which hit would be best to DHC but I’m going to guess the third one would be ideal) as shield slash coming back will mess up the location of the opponent but since you have centurion rush, it should be quite easy.

Otherwise you can just go for Hyper Charging Star>Chaotic flame for raw damage or TAC for more meter since Dorm has flight TAC combos.

When my exams have finished, I’ll work on a Cap team tutorial as Cap is a leader and can get any soldier to work well with him.

I run a pocket team of Cap(ch.star), Dante (Jam Ses), Hawkeye(poison tip) which I’ve invested quite a bit of time into. Some tech/info with the Cap/Dante duo
[]Weasel Shot could work good with Cap, but there’s better assists that cover the horizontal range farther, cause at some distances, weasel doesn’t reach them. Plus, if you cr.L+Weasel assist into cartwheel for a mixup, sometimes they can duck right under the weasel shot (I’ve had Weskers combo me right below the weasel gunshots). If you have your third character with a good horizontal assist, you can have one of the best vertical assists (jam ses) in your arsenal for Cap. Plus, Cr.L+jam session into cartwheel is a lot more reliable, and you can get a good 500k off of it doing the right combo.
]You should definitely watch Ken’s Cap video for combos and resets [media=youtube]445xXmAa-w8[/media] For example, the reset @4:50 in that video, in combination with Dante’s Jam Session assist instead of Hawk’s arrows, is a 99.9% guarantee reset IF they air tech backwards, because Jam session creates a vertical wall, and its basically impossible to react to.
[]After a full combo into Hyper Charging Star, I do not recommend DHC’ing into Devil Trigger. Dante’s minimum damage scaling is 5% … which is pathetically low. DHC’ing into Devil Trigger is basically just building meter for your opponent for very little extra damage. You’re way better off DHC’ing into million dollars, because a legit Cap combo into million dollars does around 900k+, meaning against characters like Wolvy, Vergil, and CViper, its a one touch kill for Cap. If the opponent has pixels left of health, then yeah, do Devil Trigger then tag Cap back in
]If they block an unsafe charging star, but you catch them pressing buttons by hyper canceling into stars&stripes, you can DHC after the 2nd hit of it into Devil Trigger into volcano, j.M, j.H, killer bee(QCF+L) into a full combo
tl;dr: Jam session, no devil trigger DHC

What I’m running right now: Cap-A/ Hawkeye-A / Vergil-Y.

This reflects the intended character order as well, but you can also throw Vergil on point and get easy cross-ups with Teleport M and calling the Shield Slash assist. It’s that special kind of combination that adds damage, and meter, and calling the assist isn’t that terribly risk because Cap is high health.

Simple team-building ideology here:

Cap on point: Hawkeye is one of the fastest projectiles assists in the game, crucial to helping Captain get those cross-ups with the backflip and start the combos. For the BNB I use*, Hawkeye scales the damage back from 720-730K to around 680K, but he also makes the BNB meter neutral. In the corner, Vergil makes landing a relaunch a breeze with the ridiculous hitstun on his assist. You can also tack him on right before 236L xx Hyper Charging Star when doing it full screen for extra damage (I think) and meter neutrality if you didn’t use Hawkeye-A.

*L, M, H, S, M, H, 8H, S, 236L, Dash, S, M, H, 8H, S, (Dash optional) 236L xx Hyper Charging Star.

**Hawkeye: **Y’know how when you pair Hawkeye and Doom, you call Doom and use Hawk to cover the horizontal space? It’s reversed here: focus more on covering the air space with 623M and call Vergil to cover the horizontal, then Hxx236(L/H). Easy stuff. Of course, Hawkeye got dat Stand M which is fantastic anti-air, and you can easily go straight into S for a full combo. Basic stuff here. Avoid using meter here, as with Hawkeye it usually isn’t worth it. Basically, “finish the plate” with “Poison tip!” (with scaling on any decent combos, Gimlet’s only going to do 100K. Fuck that noise.) Depending on how good your Hawkeye is, you can practically play him as a battery for the Meter-dependent Vergil.

**Vergil: **Works great on his own. The range of his normals compared to their lack of safeness, as well as his relatively low damage off of BNBs, make him a good choice for the speed and damage benefits of Lv. 3 X-Factor. If you’ve got the 4 meters to off a high health character, use them. The stagger state after the level 3 is a perfect opportunity to pop the cherry, and will lead to death for any character before you have time to spend your fifth meter (if you have it.)

This is my current team for ranked matches, although I’d really prefer to learn a good Doom to run as anchor, because his Missiles are even better (I’ve called them broken in the past), and Doom on point is fantastic, even better than Vergil. (Does more damage and is his own battery.) Plus, running Doom would give the option for those absolutely sick TACs that you see dudes like MarlinPie do. (But I’m not technical enough to land that kinda shit yet.)

EDIT: The ideas here are similar to the stuff that built Ken123103’s team (Cap-A/Hawk-A/Nova: Centurion Rush M), except I honestly think mine has the better assist for Hawkeye with Cap dead, and the better anchor (Nova’s stuff that makes him good like the ridiculous overheads and stuff is much better on point, and/or with an assist.) I’m certainly not the better player, however.

That was me :slight_smile:
Although my streamed matches were pretty much a disaster. You either saw me drop a combo that would have put me 2-1 against Noel Brown, or the other match where I went 0-3 against Frankie G who I beat in a MM right after. Oh well, once I get the nerves under control I think I can bring CAPatilizm to some top 8 spots.
I’m trying to track down money match footage to have you guys analyze. I think OMG itz Andre was my only loss.

Ah yeah I remember the name now! You went up against some tough customers, but your Cap team was cool to watch. The only thing I’m still wondering about is why you went with Purification over Dark Hole haha

MrBGuy: Thanks so much, you’ve given me a lot of ideas. Glad to see Jam Session is as ridiculous as I’d heard.

i run a team of what i like to call Team Blond Guys. Cap’n America (shield slash)/Chris Redfield (machinegun)/Strider (vajra) all with their blond hair alternate colors. i basically have the order set cause i don’t think there is a much better order to be honest since captain is my best character and puts in work, then Chris is second to help zone if captain america bites the bullet and then strider is anchor to help chris cover the screen better with Vajra assist as well as having level 3 XF with strider has immense matching changing potential if im losing. im interested in finding out more about the combo extender potential of those two assists with captain america using them as well as the potential for resets. as is my typical BnB’s Are:

(if midscreen or more) crL, crM, crH, S, jL, jM, jH, dH, S, L Shield Slash, dash, S, jM, jM, jH, S, L Shield Slash, Hyper Charging Star if not dead and have another bar ill DHC into Chris’s Sweep Hyper and hope for the kill.

(if close to corner) crL, crM, crH, S, jL, jM, jH, dH, S, call Chris machine gun assist, L Shield Slash, relaunch ***(but the timing is tricky sometimes still trying to figure out why opponent pops out of the machinegun fire portion of the combo before i can land the relaunch hit sometimes as opposed to others)***, jM, jM, jH, S, L Shield Slash, Hyper Charging Star.

I wanna figure out how i can improve my Cap’n gameplay as he is my fav character and even thou im not american i feel a sense of pride playing as him so i like OCV with him.

Any tips, criticisms, or comments on my team and how i can play my captain better please and thanks?
NB just in case anyone says it; yes i have watched Kens exhibition combo vids as he is my idol and part of the reason i started playing Captain america seriously but his skill is so sick i can only replicate the beginner combos cause my execution timing is kinda scrubby i think.

Having recently rediscovered Cap myself, I can relate to some of this.

The main thing with the relaunch is that you have to time it to occur after all of the bullets have hit. The relaunch gets stopped if any of the bullets hit after the S, so you are going to want to delay the S slightly if you find yourself not launching. Another observation with this is that gunfire seems to add quite a bit of HSD compared to other assists with fewer hits used for the same purpose. I’ve had more success with single-hit attacks that cause a ground or wall bounce (neither of which Cap will have used already) to relaunch in the corner. I’m not familiar enough with Chris to comment on whether or not you can use any of his other assists for this purpose.

For me, I found myself playing a better Cap when I started focusing on mid-range zoning tactics using shield slash. If you can keep good pressure going here, it frequently provokes your opponent into trying a sloppy rush of some kind that leads to your high-damage combo. The more time I spent trying to “get in” with Cap, the more frequently I’d get taken down. For turtlers, I like to throw a few mid-air shield slashes, call an assist and go for a cartwheel cross-up once they’re lulled.

One other thing you might try is throwing Chris in first every now and then. While vajra certainly helps with keeping your high-flying opponents grounded and getting chipped by Chris, there’s also some good advantages to covering the horizontal with Cap’s shield slash while using J/sJ guns, especially against chars with a more ground-heavy game.

hmmm ill have to hit up the lab and try tht last bullet hitting theory. i normally zone with jump L shield slash but always rush in after for crouching L frametraps since few other L attack beat it out after blockstun as far as i know. sometimes i call chris so i can go for cartwheel mixups but i usually mash on assist buttons cause i have a hard time sometimes getting the timing to call the assist when i want them to come out. thanks for the advice

I believe if you call Vajra early and delay the L Shield Slash, you can get the relaunch in the corner, because the Vajra will cause a hard knockdown again when they’re in the air, and the shield will otg coming back. & try to not include j.L’s in your combos, since they don’t help your combo damage wise.

After L shield slash, does st.MM continue the combo? Or do they pop out due to HSD?

They always fall out if I try to MM prior to relaunch, although I guess I haven’t tried dropping other stuff earlier to compensate.

Caps normals seem to cause a larger amount of hitstun detrioration then the rest of the cast. That sort o fmakes sense considering he has by far some of the most damaging normals in the game, but yeah, it’s absolutely something you need to look out for.

ok so im trying what you said -

  • and seeing if i can call strider assist first to get the hard knock down relaunch and then call chris after another air combo to relaunch but he jumps out of the machinegun bullets b4 i can hit him with S. so now im wondering if i can somehow get an air throw off that to create a possible reset where i can air throw into L shield slash and then Hyper charging star.

Well if it is hard to get the Chris Assist relaunch combo consistently, just go for a solo one. Here is an example

But instead of doing a third launch (as HSD won’t allow an Air S to connect), just use your Vajra assist to finish the combo.

Hey, folks. I started using Cap recently and I was looking for some input. This is my 2nd team featuring Iron Fist on point, Cap as 2nd, and Hawkeye as anchor. I see alot of potential with this setup, but I want y’all opinions. Let me know what y’all think. Enjoy!


Good stuff, ZeoHawk. That was my first team when Ultimate came out. I wasn’t good enough at the game to use Ironfist correctly, but it got the job done. My Hawkeye was the weakest link, but it seems like you’ve got him down so it should be fine. Cap BnB + Ironfist DHC kills almost everyone. I was never able to get the assist call in the middle of the 2 charging stars at the end.

Maybe you’ll do better with this team. The only thing is, if they kill Hawkeye with a happy birthday and Cap dies, it’s pretty hard to get any work done w/ Ironfist especially against someone like Magneto or Taskmaster. Having only essentially 2 low attacks hurts a lot.

You can get some pretty dirty cartwheel mixups since dragon fang comes out extremely fast. Overall, I think the team is good, and I would like to see someone do well with this team :).

Shoutouts to color coordination, the most important part of team synergy. (And fuck Hawkeye for not having a blue pallet. WTF Capcom, way to pre-nerf a possible god-tier character . . .)

Gotta love how Hawkeye still gets less than 600K for a bar. Ugh.

What are some good resets with him? I’ve got Dante(Jam) and Tasky(Horizontal), so whatever assist needed, I’ve got it (beside some fancy Spencer’s stuff)

and about those j L shield slash into CS supers, any alternative for the corner? or there just go for the normal oth L SS into hyper?

Which character would go better with cap and spencer. Taskmaster or chris

I think most people would pick Task, but I can see Chris doing some interesting things. Cap plus task arrows is strong though.