I’m now using the (common) team of Cap, Spencer, and Doctor Doom (I was previously using Ghost Rider, Cap and Doom, got me to 5th lord, my highest rank ever lol). Spencer’s my weak link as I’ve just picked him up. But he does provide great resets for Cap, and his up grapple isn’t a bad assist neither lol. I am however contemplating whether to start Spencer on point or keep him second in my team, due to his reliance on assists to be effective. I’m also trying to decide which of the shield slash or charging star assists I should use, purely because of Spencer too.
My current Captain America team is as follows
[]Captain America, Shield Slash assist
[]Hulk, Gamma Wave assist
[]Spencer, Wire grapple (Slant shot) assist
This team packs a lot of damage, especially in the corner which is easily achieved with Caps following combo if mid-screen :
[]St. M, St. M, St. H, St. S, Air H, L Air Shield Slash, land, Air H, Air M Shield Slash, L Charging Star, H Charging Star, Hyper Charging Star
In the corner I also use the Hulk Assist to relaunch after first air knockdown. DHC is pretty nice too, I usually go for Hyper Charging Star (Corner) -> Hulk’s Gamma Quake (Gamma Crush doesn’t link) -> Spencer’s Bionic Lancer and if I have enough meter I can do another Bionic Lancer after Spencer’s Air H. Grappling. I previously used Ryu with Hadouken Assist instead of Spencer which I thought worked great as mix up following the Cartwheel. However, Spencer’s Slant Shot assist is a great anti-air and combo extender.
What do you guys think?
I personally use Shield slash because it pulls opponent out of corner (unsuspecting crossup potential), stays on the screen a long time and allows for easy confirm when using Spencer’s overhead (St.M St.H St.fH Assist St.M into whatever). Spencer has a nice learning curve in that you can still pack a punch with simple stuff but can do even more damage with the advanced stuff (especially since you are using Doom assist too).
Tbh, I don’t think the OTG assist really adds much to Cap’s combos as he already has an OTG attack however Gamma Wave does seem to fit better when used with American teleports (carwheels). If in corner, try ending combos with Cap’s Hyper Stars and Stripes and then DHC into Gamma crush and see if that does more damage than Charging star>quake. But yea, I can see it work pretty well as any OTG assist fits Spencer well (as well as Kuuronn/GX showing how to use Hulk/Spencer).
Thanks for the input. I did try both DHC possibilities and Charging Star>Quake is the most damaging option. XBL tag : Belvedere411 if anyone wants to play.
So I’ve been in a character crisis for the longest time. So I have a question for you people that use Avengers:
Cap / Hulk / Hawkeye or Ironman
Cap / Thor / Hawkeye or Ironman
You guys have any thoughts / experiences with this? I know they both do a crap ton of damage, but I feel Thor is more ass than Hulk, even though I REALLY like his mighty hurricane resets.
Actually, I should explain a bit more. MY Thor is pretty bad. I’m still not too sure on how to move around with him, but when I fight a character like Zero or Chris or even Spidey, I feel like I can’t do anything. They can just zone forever. I have put in some work since Vanilla, so I’m not completely new to him.
At least with Hulk it’s a bit more derp and I can do more damage with him.
I don’t run pure avengers, but I’ve played easily 1200-1500 matches in UMVC3 with Cap/Hulk together.
I run Cap (Shield Slash) / Hulk (AA Gamma Charge) / Taskmaster (H. Arrows), it’s my main team and I have earned my way to nearly 4th lord with it.
AA Gamma Charge is really good on Cap. It lets you frustrate people into making a lot of mistakes against jumping shield slash. It also gives you a good cross over counter to bring Hulk in.
Any good Cap combo into charging star -> gamma quake should kill most characters as well.
Taskmaster arrows are slow/delayed enough that you can call him then charging star or gamma charge and the arrows will make it safe. You can also relaunch with Hulk with carefully timed gamma wave lights to arrows assist in the corner.
And if the team order ever gets jumbled everyone stays covered. Shield slash is functional for Hulk, it also lets him combo off air combos. AA Charge is great for Taskmaster jump arrows.
Sounds good. I’ll have to give it a try. I’ve learned some simple Hulk combos and most of my Cap combos push the opponent to the corner anyway so I can do HCS -> Gamma Quake for easy 960ish damage.
I know a lot of people don’t use trickshot assist with hawkeye but I love it, because with it and doom’s missiles I’m able to get Cap about 930,000 with only one hyper C.star.
anyone have any experience teaming cap with vergil? i’ve never used vergil in my life, but interested in pickign him up to show that he’s top tier. i’m assuming i can do hcs dhc into vergil spinning knife thing and continue combo. possible?
ive been using cap(ss)/spencer(slant grap)/strange(bolts)
actually pretty fun to play. new to cap and strange, but getting there.
Considering that Cap doesn’t use either ground bounce or wallbounce, it should work pretty well in theory as Vergil’s super long combos aren’t affected by hitstun decay towards the end. As long as you cancel before the last hit of HCS, you should be able to connect spiral swords everytime. Oh and Shield Slash shenanigans all day with Vergil teleports too.
Hey guys, just a quick question:
Does cap build meter well ? And would he work on a Phoenix team perhaps ? Thanks !
He is okay-ish at building meter. My BNB builds 1.5 meters but does use hidden missiles to help extend it (as well as use 2 hypers). Tbh, Cap’s damaging combos are fueled by meter anyway so I personally wouldn’t recommend it, especially since he doesn’t build meter brilliantly but Cap/Spencer does have some very dirty and resets which you can utilise since I guess you don’t want to use much meter.
Most of Cap’s damage comes from HCS. I don’t think it’s a good idea if you want to build meter for Phoenix to use Cap. He’s got too many holes in his neutral game to not use meter / good assists. Or I’m just really bad with Cap. lol.
I tried out Cap (Any assist but leaning towards Shield)/Nova (HRP)/Dorm (Dark Hole)
The wall bounce on HRP is so inconsistent I’m thinking of switching into Centurion Rush but I can’t seem to work it in good. Also, what does Cap board think of Dormammu?
He’s my anchor, but I typicly leave my last character out of “synergy” so there’s no chance of losing him to a happy birthday. I just want my anchor to be someone I believe I can beat a whole team with and Dorm fits the bill.
How do you guys feel about Cap with Dante? I haven’t tried it out enough yet, but it seems like Weasel Shot was made for Cap. I’m just trying to find a solid 3rd character for that team… Also not sure what assist to use; frankly they all seem like butt.
I saw a guy running Cap/Vergil/Dormammu on the Season’s Beatings stream, and he had some interesting technology. You can do Hyper Charging Star into Summoned Swords normally, but one of the coolest things I saw the guy do was, Hyper Stars and Stripes (as an invincible reversal), then DHC’d into Vergil’s Devil Trigger and continued the combo by super jumping and doing Air S. I don’t think this works nearly as well as Viper’s Emergency Combination -> Devil Trigger (either brother), but it’s still pretty cool.
With the proper spacing, Dark Hole allows Cap to pick up someone in the corner after a OTG Shield Slash. So, there’s some synergy there but… yeah, not a lot.
If you watch Ken’s combo videos, he shows off that Centurion rush is a good assist with Cap for some interesting resets and combo extensions.
Dormammu isn’t a character I’m too familiar with but Dark Hole assist, I am theorising that you can do the Cartwheel+assist mixup and you can probably do OTG L shield slash+assist, Charging star, Hyper Charging star for some extra damage. Btw, try out doing Hyper stars and stripes DHC into Stalking flare and see if it combos so you can get the power of the creator/destructor power ups for some mean setups (similar to if you were to watch Zak Bennett’s setup with Firebrand DHC into Stalking flare).
Since Cap doesn’t use either wallbounce or ground bounce, it can work pretty well with the Devil trigger DHC from Hyper Charging star since the end of his combo isn’t affected by HSD very much (Devil trigger, Volcano>Beehive, S>gunshots>Stinger, BC j.S/hammer, Volcano>Beehive Million dollars). Is weasel shot long enough for making Charging star M/H safe?
I might make a tutorial in the weeks to come on team building with Cap to get the general basics on what assists and teams are good with him.
Does HCS cause a hard knockdown? I think the enemy would recover too quickly to do something like that, but maybe I’m wrong, I’ll try it out when I get home. Not sure about the range on Weasel Shot with Charging Star, but it seems perfect for Backflip mixups since it lasts a decently long time.
And I would read the heck out of that tutorial.