I would go Cap,Sent,Doom. Doom is an awesome anchor, Sent benefits greatly from Doom’s missles, and Sents drones work well with Cap and his cartwheel mixups. DHC synergy would work good as well. If not Sent then Iron Man with unibeam or any other character with a projectile assist(slow one perferably). Spencer’s grapple assist works good for extending Cap’s corner combos.
I feel like Cap / Spencer / Doom would be a good combo because Cap gets ridiculous damage off Doom missiles, as well as Spencer has stupid up grapple combo that does a crapton of damage. Anyone running this team? I refuse to use Doom so I will never test it myself, lol.
I use that team
I use Hawkeye with triple arrows. Great assists for getting in and mixups, plus Hawkeye really uses dooms missiles for zoning. Plus that sick Ronin costume
Hello there.
Well, I’m trying C. America (Shield Slash), Deadpool (Katana-rama!) and Arthur (Daggers).
Let’s see if this team is going to work.
I’m only thinking in changing arthur.
Someone can give me some hints?
I dont wanna play with Doom, so forget him.
If I have a projetile character is going to be better.
Hi all, I’m in need of help in finding a third character. I’m currently running Cap (Shield Slash)/Doom (Missiles)/ ???
I’ve been messing around with some different characters in this position.
I threw in Sentinel, and while the drones assist is AMAZING, I don’t really like him as an anchor, and I’m not sure about him being in that position. He’s kind of sitting in there until I make a different decision.
I’ve been tossing around the idea of switching Cap to the anchor spot, and throwing dormamu on point. Does Cap synergize at all with dorm? I can’t decide which assist I’d actually like to use with dorm on point either. Leaning towards SS.
What I’m looking for is a little more… tricky of a character to throw into this straightforward team. I don’t really want Doom on point and feel pretty comfortable with him where he’s at, though I guess I wouldn’t mind him anchoring. Are there any other tricksie type characters that synergize with cap?
I used to run something similar in vanilla. I ran w/ Sentinel anchor though. Cap doesn’t REALLY need a OTG assist anymore, so I’m not sure what you would do with Katana Rama assist. Drones give Cap some cartwheel shenanigans though. It worked pretty well with Cap / Pool / Sent
Has anyone tinkered with magnus as a partner? Can you get respectable damage from a cartwheel crossup disruptah?
For me anyway I think Cap is so much more deadlier with drones.I’ve tried the other combinations but I don’t think I can think of one assist that maxamizes Caps cartwheel mixups and pressure more than drones does(well maybe unibeam). You really have to protect sentinel when you call him, which with Cap is really easy to do with j.L SS. Its not really neccessary but I use Hawkeye with greyhound because I also like to have a fast projectile assist as well as having drones.mixes things up pretty nice, and Cap and Hawk are meant to be paired together IMO.
As far magneto’s disrupter assist, Cap really needs a projectile assist that stays on screen for a long enough time for his cartwheel mixup,IM’s unibeam is better than disrupter in that it comes out relatively quick yet at the same time the beam stays on screen for a long time (and it makes your opponent stick since it hits multiple times) which makes it very easy to combo off of after the cart wheel. Since disrupter hits only once,its not really good for Caps cartwheel because he needs time to complete the cartwheel and begin his combo.
So is it the general opinion that Doom missiles is better than Doom plasma beam assist for cap? I’ve always used beam assist and it’s helped with some match ups…but I suppose missiles would be great for damage and covering the vertical space.
I personally believe that’s true. Doom’s beam would be greater if it wasn’t for the knockdown it causes, which can be very tricky for Cap to follow up on. The missiles on the other hand can be used to make your combos more damaging is you want, or you could use it to try to keep those frequent flyer mile types on the ground where they belong.
If you have to have a beam and don’t mind putting in work then there is nothing better than IronMan’s unibeam assist…nothing
I think the fact that it keeps the tri-jumpers and flyers out the air make it worth it…Tested it out today and it really helped keeping magneto’s, storms, Morrigan (GRRRR at this character) etc. contained. The extra damage is very nice as well.
Iron man? I may have to give him a try. Currently looking for a third again… Cap/???/Doom so far. I’ve tried Spencer, and he works SOOOOO good with Cap (That upclaw grapple mix up is too dirty)…But I’m just not feeling playing Spencer. I really wish I felt different but…me and that character just don’t click.
Has Dr. Strange Bolts of baltzhak assist been explored with Cap? May be too slow…
Thanks for the answer by the way. =)
If you use Magneto (I do), use Hyper Grav. Allows combo extensions in the corner, good mixups on incomings, really annoying, and stays on the screen long enough to matter. Also gives Magnetic Tempest for Team Hypers (more damage). I’d recommend putting Magneto anchor as well since Captain America doesn’t DHC well into Magneto. I run Captain/Sent/Magneto. I think the team is pretty solid.
I’m running Cap (s.slash)/Doom (Missles)/ Mags(DISRUPTAH)
I go bnb->Hyper charging star-> missles -> hyper charging star. It’s ADDICTING, but I want an assist to help with mixup, so I was thinking disruptah for cartwheel.
I will tinker with hyper grav. What combos are you using to THC?
I don’t really do THC very much, BUT if you need to kill a character, his regular B&B into OTG shield slash xfc lvl 1 THC does like 1.1 mil damage with HCS, sent drones, and magnetic tempest. That’s almost a guaranteed kill if you get them to their last character.
I don’t like Disrupter for mixups because it’s too fast and it’s hard to combo off of. You have to time things perfectly to get a combo off of it (if you even can). I think the beam is faster than the cartwheel? You can do easy mixups on incoming with hyper grav (call it right before they come in and dash forward or cartwheel through them). Based on timing and other factors it may or may not cross up and it may do it late or not do it late. Also even if it doesn’t cross up, Captain America might still side switch.
You can also add it to block strings but be careful of the opponent pressing buttons. I think something like L + Assist, M, H xx Cartwheel will do a left/right. You have to protect it pretty well though because it’s slow and Magneto dies easily. It’s a very underrated assist though.
Oh and last thing about the assist: Unlike when Magneto’s on point, his assist actually tracks behind him. Very annoying to deal with if he’s protected well.
well it looks like its the end of the line for my team(Captain,Sentinel,Hawkeye), its a very good team for beginners like me but now that Im raising the ranks I can see its weaknesses. I love Cap and Hawk, they are probably the only reason I still play this game as Im starting to HATE some of the other characters in this game(especially the top tier characters that everyone plays out to death like Wesker,Zero,Spencer,Doom,Dorm,Dante,etc). I’ve been on a search for a suitable replacement for Sentinel as he is my weakest character and Im SICK of his bad match-ups so I’ve been trying out Trish with low voltage and I think I might have found that missing piece. She DHCs well with Cap, can extend his corner combos, and Low Voltage is a decent replacement for drones. Anyone else have any experience with this pairing? Any insight on this would be great.
You already have Hawkeye, you don’t really need low voltage imo.
As for Sentinel- I play him and it’s frustrating sometimes because he’s big and fairly linear. However, I think that’s what separates the good from the great. The top players don’t complain that he can’t do damage against good opponents. They put in the work with him and make him usable. That’s what I’m trying to do with him. My sentinel is by far the weakest on my team as well, but he’s getting there and he helps out the rest of my team (Cap/Mags) a lot.
His assist is amazing, but I just don’t like his play style at all. I’ve been using trish and so far so good. I know that I don’t really need her low voltage assist since I have hawkeye, but its pretty nice to use two projectile assists. Low voltage is slow, takes up a lot of space an can be used to extend caps corner combos unlike greyhound.I can also use greyhound to help out trish and do a pretty nice keepaway game. Its pretty redundant I know,but at least my oponent cannot target my one assist bcuase I still have another projectile assist as a backup.still experimenting tho, I could also go with hopscotch for some incoming character mixups.
Well my Current team is Chris(guns)/C.America(Shield Slash)/Shuma(Mystic Ray) and they seems to work pretty well. The main focus is rush down with cover pressure from the assist, The main character in this team is Shuma. . I’m new to UMVC3 so all this assist stuff don’t make too much
Mmm, lots of Sentinel pairings. I do agree with it though, drones+shield can be a bitch to deal with.
I generally go with Cap/Tasky/Strider whenever I pick Cap. Tasky’s job is to keep people from dashing under the shield toss, and his arrows are great help in filling that void. Vajra keeps flyers from laming out on top of the screen (Trish/Morrigan/etc.), plus extra dmg off the ground bounce.
I guess another good squad would be Cap/Tasky/Sent. As mentioned, drones is a big help for Cap’s game–but he needs help keeping hitboxes over his head. Tasky vertical arrows can help provide this need, so you focus on keeping your opponent right in shield toss hell.