I need to find a second character. I have cap and sentinel but can’t find a second character. I tried doom but I wasn’t feeling it and thor which was fun but he is slow.
Go with mags, he loves Sentinal, and Cap can use the beam
im using Cap(charging star)/X-23(ankle slice)/Hawkeye(triple arrows) doing well with it but x-23 isnt really cutting it i was wondering what would be a good character that would go with cap and hawkeye mainly second?
I put Dante in quite similar team (Cap/Dante/Tasky) Spencer probably can roll it out pretty good too (as cap also don’t use any bounce in his combos)
Ok; so i am proud to say that I finally went to a local tourney and supported the commmunity so im no longer just a stream monster or online warrior. I was hella nervous but managed to make it past the first round and lost the other two sets in down to the wire sets. after experiencing these first time tourney jitters i know i could have done alot better if i had more match experience and wasnt so nervous that i dropped my bnb’s. so now i need to start researching matchup knowledge. Since i run a team of Captain America (charging Star), Chris Redfield (gunfire), and Taskmaster (H. Arrows) im asking for insight into the following matchup situations regarding Captain America in both situations of being alone and with any of the aforementioned assists:
- Wesker - teleporting while covered by beam assists. on incoming after a snap back or character death
- Spencer - zipline overhead setup covered with or without an assist. on incoming after a snap back or character death.
- Vergil - teleport or rapid slash mixups covered withor without an assist. on incoming after a snap back or character death.
- Zero - air dash, lightning loop, gawdlike hitbox (god i so hate this character). on incoming after a snap back or character death.
- Frank West - lvl 3 or higher frank west extended range hitbox and that swing around zombie throw move that he does that seems super duper safe. on incoming after a snap back or character death.
i’d ask about Doom but between him and Hulk i know to just fear/respect their foot dive and standing H so i think that will do for now til i get better with learning taskmaster. sorry if i am asking something that i should know already or not making what im asking clear enough as i realize this is a lengthy question that may end up with a lengthy answer. just tryign to get better at the game please and thanks ^_^.
Hmmm, I don’t believe that Cap got any magic tool for the above, so I will point more of a general approach.
Wesker got a fixed range teleport. Unless you are standing at his magic point (A will land behind you and C in front) you should be able to block just cause there ain’t mix up, you see him teleport, you automatically switch your guard (he can’t convert most of the time if he teleport back). Chicken block will probably do the trick too, care for jump throw.
I would care with push block if you know he’s gonna call assist, hell, if he goes for long block string you can pop XF and try to collect your birthday present.
If for some reason he does it full screen you can try call some cover assist and charge, just make sure the beam won’t cancel your assist.
from neutral jump L shield slash (throw?) can do the trick. -
If he ain’t got assist, and he is to close to the ground, just L L M > Shield Slash M > j.8H > j.Shield Slash L etc… he can’t block.
- He can throw you, so don’t try to chicken block or throw punish the zip.
Anyhow zipping without cover is scrubby, don’t be free.
If he got an assist there is a little you can do. call assist and Shield Charge, or try to double jump over him. Care as his C has retarded air range.
Actually you try the Charge empty as he will switch side and might not be able to punish you, and you can chip some damage from the assist. But maybe he can zip you back to him idk.
You can push block his strings, and if he ain’t got assist you can throw him out of Rapid Slash. In any other case react to it, there is no mixup there so get used to block it.
teleport with blockstring and assist can be a problem, don’t get there. I’m serious, don’t let your self block him, or land where he can setup something like Stinger + Hawkeye > teleport as I don’t believe you can react to it, just guess right.
Remember that if he blockstring into assist you can always try to pop XF and get the kill, just learn on which attacks you can get the best results, and if you are ready for him to burn his.
(As finger rule, if I’m leading on character I’m willing to burn XF to force him to use his as I prefer to handle it on my own terms oppose to interrupting my block stirngs or his hit confirms) -
Haven’t played a decent one yet no idea.
Push block, jump over, double jump over, care with Shield Slash. It’s Frank play it solid and he really can’t do much.
Doom - Shield Slash him to death.
You may notice I haven’t included anything on incoming character mix up. that just because most of the time, especially against those characters there is nothing much you can do. When you get in you can try double jump away, but it will lose to throw setups, you can try land and hyper, but you don’t have DHC cover so you might will have to burn XF, you can try chicken block, but a good player should have answer to it too.
To sum it up, coming in after character death, especially in the corner is quite bad. If his incoming setup is good, you will be in a world of pain, that Marvel.
Learn to block, learn the holes in each of their option and use it (Jump away or cr.L your way out, all depends on the situation).
You play Captain, normal guy in a world of super heroes and mutants, you can’t fly or air dash, nor zip to invisible walls (although you can jump on bare air), face the hazards with fate and courage, and you will make it through.
**America **
thanks for all the advice. as far as shield slashing doom i have found that my shield 1 point of durability is no match for finger lasers, doom beam and laser gun not to mention foot dive. currently as is i typically throw a jumping medium or jumping heavy shield slash and call assist on incoming characters then i either cartwheel to the opposite side and hope i catch them slipping or i go in for a low attack hoping i catch them off guard. anyone know of any better options? thanks for the double jump tip cause i need to utilize that in my gameplay more. can you/someone explain the mechanics behind chicken blocking and how its to be used?
I don’t find much use in Cap’s Shield Slash from the ground. And don’t try to fight Doom’s zoning, it’s kinda sucks anyway, if he beam, treat like any beam and jump toward him. Block the fingers and return with another shields slash, or even better call for covering assist and Charge Star you way in.
Shield slash (L) is used when doom like to semi rush you with his Tri jump/gun and threatening with his foot dive. Doom is quite big and not that fast, easy target for the Shield Slash, keep your distance when he tries to approach from air and sniper him with your shield.
Doom matchup is pretty much all about not getting hit by stupid things (jump to grab while he Foot Dive, or worth, Foot Dive from full screen). If he got in with some lockdown assist, just remember he can’t dash down and get an overhead so the mixpup is slightly easier.
The are or Chicken block is complicate and confusing, it may take you some time to learn it, and even more to implement it in your game.
To do the infamous “Chicken Block” you hold up back. You see, in the air you can get mixuped, you are pretty much invincible. Be ready to tech jump throw (if you got dive just use it when they jump, score hit 9/10), and punish any cheeky who tries to get in on you. Effectively killing their entire game plan.
An more advance technique is doing so (holding b in the air) while jumping forward and calling an assist. Your foolish opponents will try to seize the opportunity and push a button, just to get hit by your loyal friend. An imbalance tech indeed.
Jokes aside, this is pretty much Justin main strategy, which take him pretty far over the tournaments. Any good offence should be developed considering how to blow up chicken block, as at the mid level (or high level against mid level) players do it all the time as other just don’t know how to blow it up. If one doesn’t know how to attack this guard will probably protect your from any random shit he might try to throw.
I’m pretty new to this, but one team I like in particular is Cap (Shield Clash) Super Skrull (Stone Smite) and Nemesis (Launcher Slam)
I don’t know much and I can only do basic stuff so… yeah.
My team currently is Doom(missile)/cap(charge)/task(h arrow) …intentionally ordered for counter picking my point character without putting cap as anchor if i want to start Task. Normally Cap is point (cap/doom/task).
I’m looking into replacing Task for a better assist but I’ve been having issues with my candidates. What I want is something that can cover Cap charging star, not become a happy bday reliability on cartwheel (akuma tatsu…follows cap too closely), pin long enough for a doom mix up, and of course be a good anchor. So my candidates:
[]Iron Man - beam is amazing, but I’m not sure how he fairs as anchor.
[]Sentinel - I hear sentinel and Cap are good, but I can’t seem to find any set ups to make effective use of the drones without getting sentinel punished or whiffing the drones by being too far away. Can anyone offer me video to study since I know this is a popular pick with both chars?
[*]Ammy - Ammy and doom are great but the awkward angle of coldstar has been weird for cap. Any vids to reference for set up ideas?
I’m not married to these 3, but any other great ideas for Cap(charge)/Doom(missile)/???
If you run Iron Man, put him second. He’s not too great as an anchor most of the time, but can zone greatly especially with missiles. DHCs from HCS to Proton Cannon are high damage. And any THC with Hyper Stars & Stripes is an INSTANT punish. Proton Cannon is like a mini DP with the first physical hit of the cannon coming out. You get the speed and invincibility of HS&S then can stuff most things with Proton Cannon.
Cap + missiles & drones = happiest Cap there can be. America going all out with the budget to get perfect defense system. Both assists get you in pretty well, HCS to Plasma Storm is good, and Missiles lets you extend as usual.
I tried hunting gown cap/sent plays on youtube but couldn’t find any to reference. I know the pair works but when I try I can’t seem to find the timing to call sent or the spacing.
I don’t see much point using both Missiles and Drones. IM is cool but require you to play IM so…
Just note that probably one of Japan’s best running Cap/IM, and he does well with him, just need to work harder to get results.
I guess IM is okay when you can handle his weird movements.
Plus you got team knights that way so…
Cap needs horizontal support so he can abuse cartwheels and charges. Issue with sentinel drones is CS pushes them too far. Iron man beam is amazing with it…just the whole IM anchor thing i dont like.
Try Strange? Or even Dante,
Doom can probably convert Jam Session with footdive, and Cap’s can do very well with Dante quick forward assist.
Dante will be used for mixups upfront and Doom for approach.
Could try Log Trap as Rocket Raccoon stays far away and is small. Since neither Cap or Doom uses wall bounce so it is an ideal option for your Cap needs (not so much Doom). I think you may have to use M charging star with the assist to make it safe rather than H but I can’t test it atm cause I’ve lent my game out.
Otherwise there is always Golden Hsien Ko
Gave Cap/Doom/Sent a try…it’s kinda derpy and fantastic. Not a big fan of using Sentinel on point, but he’s a proven assist.
I tried RR once and log trap works, my issue is team order. I don’t like RR as anchor, i feel he needs a horizontal assist or a different type of pin assist to to be effective. Cap/RR/Sent isn’t a bad idea.
Is Cap anchor any good?
No. While cap can kill you very very easily in x-factor lvl 3 he really has no way to break an opponent open beyond harassing them with shields and hoping to punish with charging stars. He is also really unsafe with his specials so without someone to cover him he takes a huge risk.
Typically you want Cap on point as he is a great character with the right assists and can TOD with 2 meter in a lot of cases. As an assist SS is ok for some lockdown/cross up shenanigans but there are better. CS is highly under rated though and is very effective as a GTFO (even better than akuma tatsu due to the huge hit box).
Does charging star assist have some start up? Also is Cap an ok battery?