Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

CS is very fast (light i 4-5 frames?) and the light version has a very large hit box in front and above him making it effective against jump ins too.

He can do OK as battery, but doesn’t really represent the role. Typically his combos make 0 - 0.5 meter after hyper and it’s good practice to always sit on 1 - 2 meter to cancel whiffed or punishable specials. He does not need to spam hypers. He does get decent meter gain by spamming SS and throwing out pressure strings though.

Can you get another vertical grapple with CS or is it only possible with SS.

Actually, I think Cap is underrated in anchor position. I mean, it’s his worst placement in terms of team order, but if the opponent snaps him out fearing the other anchor than him, he can definitely clutch out a victory. Since in XF3, hyper Ch.star does about 800-600k (guesstimating), his throws of all kind will basically = death. The only problem is instead of going all out random, you still kinda have to play footsies. Put fear into the opponent by staggering cr.L’s and doing cr.L into walk up throw that leads to 800k damage (guesstimating). & if it ends up in a 1v1 situation, Cap has one of the best midscreen control and damage without assists. But intentionally putting him on anchor, yeah that’s a dumb idea.

I’ve seen some crazy Cap anchors and while I don’t agree with it, people have pulled it off successfully. As long as you can keep a solid mid-range game with the shield slashes and use safe block strings (ending in S) and use the odd frame trap, then it is possible but you can’t play braindead derpy with the shield slashes.

The biggest question is why have him anchor intentionally? He’s a character that is greatly benefited by proper assists, as an assist is nothing to form a team around, and as an anchor is easily replaced by many other characters who can play mush safer and with better mix ups.

If not point he can have a home as 2nd in a few teams as SS and CS both have practical uses, as well his two hypers can be a nice punish DHC even though they’re unsafe if blocked. Cap also has bad match ups, so sometimes swapping 1st and 2nd isn’t a bad idea.

I have played around with Cap on anchor before and definitely if you touch your opponent with him they will die more than likely. Its just getting that touch can sometimes be hard with no assist to back him up. Last night, I ran a Cap, Nova, Sent team that was just godlike for no damn reason. I actually like Cap on poin best which apparently his best position

Hey people

Basically I’m trying to train to start competing regularly in the tournament scene around here again.

My team is currently Cap, Strange (Bolts of Balthalks? Sorry i usually call it Bolts of Ball$acks lol) and Magneto (Disruptor). However, the team has some weaknesses (Magneto as anchor, Dr Strange) that I feel I can only remedy through a change of team.

I have been looking at alternatives, and I’d prefer to have either Cap/Iron Man (Unibeam)/Hawkeye, or Cap/Doom (Plasma Beam)/Strider. I’d rather not use Doom because my locals use Xbox 360’s and I’m using a PS2 pad converter so my executions a 50/50 mix-up on it’s own lol, so unfortunately, I have to ask- is there anybody in this forum whose been able to use Cap/Iron Man pairing to a success, whether it be in tournaments or online? And how so?

I would ask how to use Iron Man, but I guess that’s for the Iron Man forum lol.

Cap/Ironman(beam) is really good. I was going to attempt that team but I’m bent on using doom(missile) with cap and I don’t like doom as anchor nor IM.

Things to note of Cap/IM. Dhc in corner is heavy damage, not sure it will link of midscreen hyper charging star (maybe if they’re popped up prior). The assist is amazing since you can freely spam charging stars, and if you do the charging star :m: you can combo since the beam is still hitting them. Works great on roll thrus.

What would hawkeyes rolls be? which assist? I think the up shot would be best to prevent people from running away since IM beam is much better than triple shot and cap really doesn’t have much use for the OTG (but can get more damag i suppose)

I use quick projectiles for cartwheel/projectile mix-ups and to for an automatic tech after an OTG SS for a reset opportunity, so I use disruptor and Hawkeye’s triple arrows. And I also prefer to use quick projectile assists to snuff out my opponents assist calls, and to cover the ground if the opponent tries to dash under an air Shield Slash.

But yeah, I would prefer to have an assist to cover the charging stars over a left-right mix-up (obviously we can with UNi/Plasma, but it’s easier to react against these). Unibeams better than Plasma Beam, but Doom’s a better character than Iron Man lol. I’m being stubborn at the moment, but I’d rather not use Doom as he’s not really my type of character. I just really wish Iron Man was better lol.

However, this said, I am currently training with Cap, Unibeam, and Strider. Unfortunately, as much as I would love an Avengers team my Hawkeye is poor. And Strider can help cover the air as you said, and my Strider’s better than my Hawkeye lol.

IM beam will cover the left right mix up perfectly fine, in fact it would be better than hawkeye since the delay gives you time to do a fake cross by covering with a blocked normal and canceling with a late roll when they respond to the assist starting up. The beam also has a much longer more active frames and better hit stun. In many cases, IM beam is considered the best beam in the game with Doom’s only perk being that he stands farther back.

I would be careful with the Issue of IM and Cap both have very unsafe hypers and you can’t DHC on blocked to save the other.

Strider and cap aren’t bad tho.

Strider can help IM too as he can (probably) convert hard kd to a full combo (same for captain).

Cheers guys.

Yeah I don’t usually CS->Hyper, and I don’t normally attack with normals unless I have an assist at the ready as anything other than Cap’s Ls are unsafe. I’m familiar with Strider as I used to use him on point (Chou inspired me haha), and I’ve had a couple of sets with EpicRamen so I can jack his Cap/Strider play lol.
I’m going to have to put in work with Iron Man though! Worse comes to worse I’ll just replace him with Doom, I love the Doom/Strider pairing, but I’d still be running Plasma Beam with Vajra.

Unfortunately I only have one other friend who plays UMVC3 at home, so I’ll have to rely on online (the horror!) for ‘practice’. Other than that I’ll be going to the local raw lol.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Wait what’s wrong with Caps normals? Cap has some pretty decent normals. Safe :s: (push back makes it safe), c.:l: is fine, j.:d:+:h: is amazing air to ground, s.:h: has nice range and block stun (ideal for canceling into assist + roll), c.:m: is very decent for many purposes as it has a good hitbox and lowers his hurtbox. Safety isn’t much issue since :s: is always safe and if they advance guard you’re good anyway. Plus cap can cancel into invincible moves.

When I first learn cap I didn’t put a lot of faith into CS but it’s a REALLY important move. Not just for punishing projectiles, but getting in. Having any assist that lets you abuse CS safely is amazing because the CS will protect both characters from most things and if it connects, hyper star is a lot of damage. If it’s blocked and you have frame advantage from the assist you can just keep pressuring and building your meter back. CS is amazing with the right assist. The way I play Cap is all pressure by abusing CS and and SS to lock you down while my assists fill the gaps. Once I’m in then I try for the left/right.

I overly abuse his air



lol. I’ve just been punished so much after block strings, and people mashing when i go for cartwheel mix-ups, that I’d just rather not commit fully to anything past his cr. L (4 frame start up) unless I am completely confident that it will work.

Especially here in the UK(? I guess I should just say London as it’s where the WSO is held), other then a select few people generally play zoning based teams. And Cap’s really popular here! S much so that when i competed a couple of months back everyone was familiar with the match-up against him. Which is why I’m trying to utilize assists and other characters to break his predictabiliy. Or at the very least stop him from getting punished while I try to get in. I generally treat every opponent with respect, in that I try to remain as safe as possible. I guess there’s some people you can be reckless against, but I tend to make things a habit and the last thing I want to do is charging star->hyper against a competent opponent lol

I appreciate the discussion by the way :slight_smile: I plan on competing this or next week granted work/money/laziness don’t stop me from doing so lol. Iron Man’s my main concern ath the moment, but anyway I’ll hopefully record and upload videos.

Thanks :slight_smile: and I’d appreciate further input either way ^^

Play with his normals more. You should be pretty free to laydown basic block strings safely. I do them all the time and just wait for the advanced guard and have CS ready if they do anything stupid for a follow up (this is where having a safe cover assist also becomes amazing since you can just throw out the counter hit CS attempt freely without getting a proper read). The typical cross up set up I use is s.:h:+:a1:, :atk:+:s:, depending on your assist that typically will keep cap safe since the block stun on s.:h: is very nice when canceled into and immediate roll. Use c.:m: for a quick blocked normal, then follow up with the s.:h:. If they don’t advance guard in time you roll thru, and if they do you can just run back in after the assist and repeat.

Practice normal +assist into cartwheel set ups. Depending on the character you have to find the sweet spot you can keep Cap safe. Caps only real safety concerns should be with blocked/whiffed CS/SS.

I’ll see if i can hunt down play footage of me and cap (and parden my fraud doom)

If they are too hot on the push block you can always cancel it even earlier if your assist is quick or far enough.

I’ve been playing with my cap team lately and I’m looking to really find a new anchor. I’m married to Cap/Doom(missile) and wanted to get some ideas on who to play anchor to put it together. My issues is that I feel Cap/Doom need a solid assist and when i find one i like, i don’t like them as anchor.

I’ve been looking at Sentinel and Iron Man but im not fully sold. Feels like doom/sent assist overlap use for cap and what i need is something to let me abuse CS more and cover j.SS. Iron man has the absolute perfect assist…but I have deep concerns as to him as an anchor.

Any help on this? I was using Task (h arrow) prev, but I felt I needed a stronger assist.

Most top level Capn Americas i see use Sentinel drones for perfect cover and cartwheel shenanigans. if ur choice lie between task sentinel and ironmman i wud say go with sentinel and then task if not working and finally ironman. I run capn/chris/ironman. task isnt the greatest anchor but he can make use of that xfactor not to mention the chip on legion arrows is insane with or without xfactor.

Who would go well with cap/deadpool as a anchor?