Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

Don’t use drones + cartwheel it’s played out and just makes you look like you can’t hit your opponent without shenanigans. Plus anchor Sent is bad. I guess you’d want a horizontal oriented assist to balance out missles. Task h arrow is great, I suspect it’s Task being an average anchor weighs into your decision too.

How about Arthur? Spear assist can make charging star safe, and he’s a great anchor.

you mean daggers while yes it’s good it is on the slow side…also arthur while yes he is a chip monster in xfactor outside of that he is not really that good

Slow is actually better. What you want is to call assist, then CS, and then the assist covers them if blocked.

Actually thinkin Dante(weasel shot might not be bad)

that maybe but I’m talking about arthur as a char and not the assist like I said arthur while good in xfactor is a bit lacking outside

Yeah. This decision is killing me. I know condor missile uses Cap/sent/IM so I’m hopin there’s something to IM anchor, because ideally that assists is perfect, but I’m not sure if his whoel gameplan is to simply win with cap/IM using really top tier assist and not have to worry about IM anchor.

I’d suggest kinda adopting a different approach and maybe use Strider as the your assist. The CS pressure probably goes out the window lol, but seriously since training with Cap/Iron Man I realized CS+Unibeam isn’t as straight forward against fast characters or teleporters. They can either beat your start up and get behind you, so you have to establish a space before you use it or make good reads when you go to use it. Even so it isn’t necessarily foolproof gimmick.

I say Strider as there’s great synergy between Cap/Strider and Doom/Strider, and throughout the team as a whole. Vajra gives Cap greater air control, and while it gives a very minimalized version of the missiles/cartwheel mix-up, you can capitalize of the hard knockdown. And you can use Vajra for combo extension too. Plus there’s XF3 orbs.

If anything I’d suggest having a more than one team at your disposal. Switch between Task, and probably Iron Man and Strider depending on the match-up.

This makes alot of sense and is primarily why i used to run strider on anchor with my captain but then theres that life. one wrong move if strider gets clipped as assist or any at all is usually a dead strider. thats the main reason i ended up dropping him as anchor in favor of taskmaster since he has more HP and i use up arrows to cover the air control portion of my team since chris covers the horizontal game for captain.

Yeah im a little weary with assists like strider. I know both doom and Cap can make one successful hit turn into a TOD, but i feel cap instigates too many happy bday moments in his set ups with vajra, where as doom can stay in the air a little better and defend him.

I think Dante Weasel Shot may work out here. He jumps back so it’s very safe on roll thru, holds for a long time allowing me to get in and doom to do 50/50s, and the range is slightly farther than blocked CS heavy (giving me frames to keep attacking or tick throw) and in corner can allow cap to combo off CS medium.

Found a new interesting tech for you guys. Captain America can actually set up safe hard tags and even hard tag combos off of shield slash. Either using a TK’d SS L or by comboing into a shield slash on the ground it can allow Cap follow ups or safe tags for his teammates. I have so far managed to combo with Spencer, Viper, Vergil, and most importantly (I think) Frank West off the hard tag. From a simple jumping attack I managed to get Frank to level 3 without using any meter. If anyone is interested in seeing this I will be glad to make a video.

by all means, please do

Useful stuff here:


I might be picking up Frank West lol. That was awesome. Great innovation :slight_smile:

It works for a wide variety of other characters as well. I just work on the Frank West level up techniques thread and I figured I would kill two birds with one stone.

Thanks for posting it up TheCape. Hopefully I can figure out ways to modify the combos so it’ll work better with my team.

Rasises Eyebrows
A cap block string can be made safe with S?

Known about the hard tag thing for a while. Great tool when you need to get Cap out safely without meter.

Most characters with big hard tag hitboxes can combo afterward.

cr.LMH xx H SS, Hard Tag.

Doom and Nemesis can do full combos afterward. There’s a few more I don’t remember. Doom can actually get 2 midscreen loops following up the tag. Once he tags in he can do…

st.L, st.S to loop
st.L, st.M, st.S to loop
cr.L, cr.M, st.S to loop

When you OTG pickup, you gotta do st.M (1 hit), Hard Kick. Or I’m just doing it too slowly. Not sure if you can end with Sphere Flame. I just do Air Plasma Beam & Photon Array.

There’s probably a way to do one of those hard tag infinites with Joe/Ammy if they can hit as well.

Yes. St.S is only -4 on block and pushes opponent back quite a bit so only against a couple of moves it is unsafe against (Ami st.L if in corner and Doom lvl3).

There are actually a ton of 4 frame moves that it’s not safe against in certain situations. Usually the pushback is enough though.

I try not to end a block string with S in the corner.

End with s.:h::s:, that’ll help increase the range