Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

Been messing around with Taskmaster/CaptainAmerica/Dr. Strange alot lately. Bolts is really good for Captain America as a combo extender. In the corner, with using L Shield Slash and bolts assist, you can get 3 charging stars in a row, racking up some nice damage. Combo will look something like this

cr. :l::m::h::s: sj.:h: xxx j.:l: Shield Slash, land, j. U+ :h::s:, land,:l: shield slash, dash,:s:, sj. :m::h: D+:h::s:, dash, call bolts, :l: shield slash, :l: charging star, :l: charging star, :h: charging star xxx Hyper Charging Star

Does 781k for damn near no effort.

You can also do some nice shit off an airgrab with bolts (partially stolen from Punish):

airgrab, call bolts, :l: Shield Slash, j. :m::h: xxx :l: Shield Slash, dash, :s:, j. :m::h: d+:h::s:… you know the rest.

And of course I took Punish’s combo because its just so cool :)… Yall should know it. If not:

cr. :l::m::h:+Bolts,:l: Charging Star, :l: Charging Star, j. :m::h: d+:h: xxx j. :m: Shield Slash, st. :m:, :s:, sj. :m::h: d+:h::s: blah blah blah.

Bolts is also a really good assist for incoming. You can throw shield, call bolts and go for a cartwheel or an airgrab. If they tech the airgrab, they land on bolts and will catch them mashing H.

Only problem with the assist is that characters can duck it, but Captain America can instant overhead with j. :l: on midsize and big characters. I haven’t found a way to convert off of midsize characters, but big characters get THE DICK when they get hit by it.

But yeah, not a bad assist for Cap.

I can play neutral with arrows and combo with bolts if ducking under bolts becomes a huge problem.

Do :m::h::u:+:h::s: on your last aerial rave. :u:+:h: does slightly more damage and is optimal for mid screen combo positioning. Do :d:+:h: when you do :m::m::h::d:+:h::s: since :u:+:h: tends to screw things up.

Can Cap do anything with Dormammu? Gonna try Cap on point withe Dorm/Doom shell behind him.

This was one of the first teammates I wanted to make work with Cap (I always thought dorm was badass) unfortunately assist-wise dorm won’t be helping cap much nor will cap being helping dorm much. Dark Hole is only good if you time it and get the opponent in blockstun then you can set up a cartwheel. Pillar is good for controlling some vertical space but won’t work when Cap is up against really solid zoning. The liberation or whatever the last one is where is just pops some dark stuff is really situation specific. On the plus side they do have some solid dhc synergy. As far as your team is concerned you can have cap be a solid battery gaining meter for Dorm to set up some amazing zoning once its him and doom left. Doom will be much more of a help to both of them rather than dorm and cap working together.

Like the other guy said, Dorm doesn’t help Cap too much. Assist Dark Hole only goes as far as the light version which doesn’t really help for Cap since missiles are too good to risk having out for that long. Cap could use S&S as a getoffme assist for Dorm, which can help him set up his zoning since it knocks them so high.

If you think you can switch styles mid-game, zone with Dorm then play the matchup after on the second character with Cap or Dorm?

Any ideas for Cap-CS/IM-beam/???

Picking a good anchor would be easy, but I’d prefer someone that could help out Cap or Stark as well.

Vergil :smiley:

We were having a discussion about this somewhere lol, I was going to start using that pair too. I would suggest Strider as they can both combo off Vajra. But I think Doom hidden missiles would be the best fit. It gives Cap a TOD, and it can also give Iron Man solid keepaway and zoning.

Phoenix, Doom missiles, Strider Viagra, Spencer Slanted grapple, Dante Jam session, Vergil Rapid slash, Haggar Lariat, Frank (either drinking assist or shopping cart as there is now that raw tag tech that got found out pretty recently), Rocket Raccoon Log trap (or any wall bounce assist for that matter), any high ground bounce assist (like Thor Mighty smash or Nova centurion rush).

Honestly with that shell, you could pretty much pick anyone that can do crazy things in X factor level 3… which would be most teleport characters.

Thanks for the replies. I just messed around with Doom-missiles.

bnb launch, aircombo, otg (IM beam) relaunch, air combo, otg ( missiles) super, missiles hit, second Star does about 1 million

Can do Protond after the secon Star too. Or IM L3 if you really wanted to.

Maybe I could raw tag after the first Star when missiles hit.

I don’t think I’m gonna find anything better than missiles, but suggestions are still welcome, gonna try Haggar later.

I play Cap/IM/Doom and you really need a solid Tony to do well with that team. He pretty much is the heart of it. You also gotta be versatile in your play style.

Soft rushing with Cap and hard zoning with IM. Drones is the only true assist that can let IM rush down legitimately.

Little tip, if you get a cr.H xx H SS with Cap, you can hard tag to Doom and combo.

Charging Star also can let IM get a few more Repulsor Blasts in his combos.

The best benefit is the instant THC punish. Hyper CS or S&S will halt the game and Proton Cannon will stuff anything in range during the freeze. If you run Cap with S&S assist, there’s a way to combo off the THC.

Wouldn’t it be better to use CS assist to help IM get in? I’m using Cap on point so I don’t plan to use IM often. Like you said, I’d sooner tag in Doom, and IM only sporadicaaly during aerial with Cap.

Cap’s assist is pretty much situational on matchup. If you feel IM is gonna have to push when he’s in, CS is most likely what you’ll run. S&S if you feel IM isn’t gonna be the aggressor for when he’s in.

If you play it right, IM and Doom should rarely be in.

Also, up your TAC game. You got the 2 best characters to TAC into behind Cap. :smiley:

I’ve been musing over my anchor again. I’m running Cap(CS)/Doom(missile)/Task(H). I feel that task assist just isn’t doing a whole lot. I feel my team is completely countered by characters with super jump run away/keep away tactics like Trish and Dormammu who can punish and maneuver around doom assist. I feel people just jump back and get out of most set ups. So any ideas? I’ve had lots of good characters I’d like but the big issue is I really don’t want to run doom anchor and Im having problems finding a good anchor with a useful assist for both characters. So far my top picks are Strider, RR, Dante (weasel). Any insight here?

Which assist for RR? Log or Spitfire?

Log. It’s really good with Cap. My main concern is how good it is with Doom. It seems very awkward to confirm and convert off a pendulum due to dooms awkward movement. I need to experiment more, but I feel doom works better with a pinning assist and beyond just being annoying, pendulum doesn’t serve a great purpose to doom.

If you can dash in range for Doom’s M airdash M footdive confirm, it could work.

Yeah still I dunno what ideas are people running for anchor with cap teams? This issue has been bothering me for awhile since I’m pretty committed to doom. Just every good assist for the two seems to be a bad anchor choice. My ultimate goal is just to help fix the match up with run away jump zoners. I feel Cap and Doom just get shut down by characters like Morrigan, Dorm, and Trish. Spamming cap SS feels risky and they can pretty much keep out of CS height and still be effective. Doom has bad matchs ups here since he can’t catch them and basically gets shut out into a losing projectile match

Ideally I think Strider is the best choice, though I’m having some concerns with using vajra in rush down tactics since the hit stun seems too short to cover unsafe moves like CS and I run risk of happy bday scenarios. The anti air property is obv amazing though. He does however have DHC issues with Doom if i need to finish a person off.

Strider really is the best out of those. But Cap and Doom CAN hog meter at times leaving him no Ouroborous.

Still, at least he doesn’t have baby health like RR.

Here is a list I made on the last page for good anchor assists.

I still pretty much stand by what I said before. I personally use Doom anchor but I’ve been running this team since week 2.

Honestly, if you want to fix a keepaway matchup with an assist then RR may be your best bet. Considering that neither Cap or Doom uses wallbounce it is a pretty good choice for combo extensions as well otherwise work on movement to always be in range for SS or CS. Another option may be to try a character like Ammy or someone who has a hyper that literally fills the screen so you can Team hyper but obvious downfall is that you have to have meter in order to do THC (especially if you are putting Ammy anchor). But the best way to deal with it is pretty much brush up on the movement so practice plink/wave dashing as it really helps getting in or you can take a bit of a risk using the backflip to close the gap since it has invincibility.

Once you’re in, go nuts or Charging star.