Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

I’m pretty good with conserving meter. I typically have 2-3 when my anchor drops. It’s very rare i play the match on empty since im usually killing people with 1 meter combos after some chip pressure is applied to get in.

And strider and RR have the same health I think. I just feel Strider is a VERY strong anchor and he does a very good job keeping people grounded and both characters can OTG. My main concern is just losing safety follow ups on CS and not getting happy bday. I haven’t really found a good set up with using vajra offensively that i feel safe throwing out. I feel like i lose CS + assist pressure and assist + roll, but trade it for very strong anti air and full screen zoning to get in or harass. Any Cap/Strider players out their to reference on set ups?

EpicRamen uses Cap and Strider, and I started using it for a while. The best I could get was the hit confirms of the hard knockdown and conditioning my opponent to be afraid of going in the air reckeless. Add him to see how the pair can be put to use.

I’ve recently reconfigured my team (Cap, Mag, Doom), and I think the solution to your problem would be to use Strider anchor, but use Plasma Beam instead of hidden missiles. I’ve done so recently and it’s yielded almost immediate results. You may lose the touch of death but you compensate with regaining CS+assist, and the cartwheel mix-up. And Vajra can be used to deal with your problem characters tactics (Dorm and Trish).

I feel that Missiles and Drones aren’t good neutral assists, as they are beaten by faster projectiles (disruptor, arrows, even the beams). If you are to use one of them, I’d advice compensating by having either Unibeam or Plasma Beam as your other assist.

But this is my opinion. I had less than a handful of games against MyNameIsE and he uses Slant Grapple and Hidden Missiles (sorry to put your team out there like that lol) and he’s exceptional. So if you are to use hidden missiles do as he’s suggested. And if Strider doesn’t work out for you Spencer would be an alternative too lol

hey guys i am runing captain American (Charging star), Doom ( mills), and hawkeye ( greyhound). doom is one of thoes character that i can not get the hang of, i tried sentinel not a big fan of him

need help

I was the same too in regards to Doom. I picked him up in Vanilla, but I dropped him in Ultimate as I don’t like to use characters who are seen as top tiers. But I picked him up again, then dropped him as I couldn’t use him online lol.

But truth be told, if you’re going to use a character you’re just going to have to put in work and learn them. Is there anything in particular you’re struggling with Doom?

There isn’t really an assist that can replace Hidden Missiles. But if you’re looking to replace Doom, I’d suggest replacing him with Strider. Strider’s easier to use, plus he’s more effective as an anchor with Level 3 X-Factor and ouroborus. Plus you can swap your team order around, have Strider on point and have teleport mix-ups with Hawkeye’s arrows. Strider also helps Cap keep air-inclined opponents grounded :slight_smile:

Doom is one of thoes character that i can not get the hang on because of his weird body weight, or know how to attack right even if you do not know the character very well

Just an excuse, learning character is not rocket science. You may not like playing that character, but learning how to play it effectively is really not such a big deal. (especially Doom lol)

This is more for the Doom forums but oh well.
I used to be a foot dive scrub that pretty much just super jumped and foot dived hoping that it would hit… even from the other side of the screen. Now I’ve changed the way I play Doom to be very heavy on the movement so I’m always in their face and can convert off almost any hit.

If you want to stick with Doom, try playing him on point during casuals and get used to his movement as that is one of the hardest things to get used to especially when your other characters have normal wave dashes with no air dashes. Doom’s movement if used right can pretty much make your opponent crap themselves as you can cross them up really quickly and easily simply by tri dashing. It doesn’t matter if you lose the match as a result of using Doom on point but it will force you to get used to how he plays. If you win matches with Doom, you have that 3 seconds while it says “You Win!” to move around/taunt/whatever so use that to practice your movement. MOVEMENT IS KEY WITH DOOM! Then you should learn a mid screen BNB which you can do consistently (which hopefully pushes to corner but don’t worry too much about that) and try not to use foot dive at every chance you have. Smart players will get around that and punish so stick to the ground if you can.

Just some little things:

  • If you really struggle getting in, something I abuse a bit is super jump qcb.L addf so the finger lasers cover me when getting in.
  • Best confirms with Doom is Cr.L Cr.H S
  • Doom has 1.1million health so he can take a bit of a beating (that’s more health than Cap just about).
  • If you do a foot dive, make sure you haven’t dashed otherwise it is extremely unsafe
  • His level 3 covers quite a bit of ground and on frame 0 after super flash so is a really good punisher (as they can’t DP out of it)

Otherwise drop Doom as all he would be good for is the assist and boosting your X-Factor level.

thank you so much for the help. what is the right way to use doom missile as an assists because when ever i call him he is always get hit

Since we’re on the topic on Doom, what assist with Cap do you use if you plan to support him?

My Doom tends to get snapped in frequently or ends up having to come in to cover a bleeding Cap. I have Charging Star usually for Iron Man’s combos, but converting off them isn’t too easy. Mostly happens off a cross up and I can jump up to stop them from falling away with a j.M and Foot Dive.

Anything I can learn about with Shield Slash assist?

Pretty much call assist only if you can cover Doom or if he won’t get hit (which is a lot harder to do than said which I know) otherwise try only calling him during combos. I don’t think he is that great for neutral game but can get you out of combos (which I wouldn’t really rely on too much).

I use the shield slash assist. For combos with Doom, it honestly doesn’t benefit much but SS has a nice property which pulls the opponent towards you on the second hit. This is pretty useful if you have trapped them in the corner so it actually pulls them out and you can cross them up by timing a tridash (however note that this can be avoided by push blocking it). Also because the two hits are pretty distant dependent for it to combo, most of the time it won’t actually connect the two so with that in mind, you can do a block string with Doom, call Cap assist, SS first hit gets blocked, tridash, throw as they expect the second hit.

Really as you can probably tell, I only use it for gimmicks and some shenanigans so not really entirely useful other than that. I wouldn’t be throwing it out too often as Cap is exposed the whole time and if he gets hit, then the shield goes away. I do have combos with Spencer that make use of the assist but not really for Doom (I have tried but I was always better off without it). I have never used Charging Star assist or the Stars and Stripes so I can’t really help with those.

Been leaning Cap/RR/Doom. I figured Doom anchor was better than RR but im pretty sold on RR (pendulum). That assist is stupid good with cap roll and CS. Hoping doom missiles are good with RR.

I went to the UK bi-weekly [1] UMVC3 tourny WSO (the Armshouse stream) today and went out in pools lol. Double elimination, I lost to Don D and SmexyMills (just name dropping to spread the name of UK players, oh and E as well haha). I essentially lost to Dante. I’m gonna be shelling out even more money in a couple of weekends for SvB, which is the UK’s biggest FG tourny, which also has Fifa 13 this year. They have the same concepts of fighting games that Honzo GOnzo had in his cross assault audition.

Anyway, considering how bad I performed (anything but winning’s sh!t, forgive my language), I need to improve. My current team is Cap, Doom (plasma) and Magneto (estaka). I guess I relied to heavily on CS/Plasma., which is ineffective against airborne opponents. Now my choices are to switch to Missiles, drop Magneto for Strider or another suitable anti-air assist, or pick up Sentinel and replace either Magneto or Doom.

It’s funny, I actually wanted to make a team with Dante and Cap (with Magneto). I thought that it wouldn’t work, but Plasma Beam+Charging Star didn’t work neither. So I figure, I’m gonna lose, it might as well be with characters I like rather than using someone (in this case Doom) whom I didn’t particularly want to use any how.

Any got tournament experience with a Cap and Dante combination?

I have tournament experience with Cap, but not dante. However I have tested their synergy and weasel shot is a good assist for Cap. the jump back makes rolling cross ups safer from happy bdays, it reaches far enough to make heavy CS safe with +frames, safe DHC, can punishfull screen with THC then run up and combo while dante is still firing.

Thanks, I didn’t even know that posted lol. Yeah I’m experimenting and trying to think about what went wrong for me… Jam session makes the light CS safe, but I don’t think Magneto provides Dante much besides a teleport mix-up. I’m currently testing out Cap, Magneto and Sentinel. Now a little times gone past, I don’t think changing characters is my answer, but I’m trying to see what would be my best options out of choosing characters I’d like and what would be a good team combination.

I might rock with Doom, but Sentinel could also be a good option. Hopefully I can recreate some of that Fanatiq/RayRay/Joker magic lol.

Cap has no need for jam session. Use weasel shot. It reaches the tip of a blocked heavy CS and holds them for a moment.

Me I’m still shopping for my cap team, i’ve changed it so many times. I feel like he needs 3 things: way to get in, way to make CS safe, anti air strategy. Very hard forming a good team around that as you tend to get a bunch of great answers that all do best as second and not great anchors for your mix.

I was thinking of jam session as an anti-air, for Cap, but I also figured Jam session would be the better assist for Magneto as well just in case.

As far as an optimal team for Cap goes, I agree with you. I feel that you can only cover a few of his needs, and you just have to be able to deal with the rest by yourself.

Shouldn’t we just say **** it and pick Vergil?

Lo… hmmm…

I looked at vergil and I just can’t work him in. I’m not sure how well i can trust that assist.

For anti air, cap needs mid-far anti-air solutions, his issue is catching characters like dormammu and trish that can run away and bait bad air SS. Dante is really just not needed for jam session, Weasel shot does so much more for cap. Cap doesn’t absolutely need anti-air, he just needs a way to lock them down and keep the in CS pressure and SS harassment strings.

So yeah tried vergil (rapidslash)…O_O. Surprisingly effective assist with cap. You can pretty much abuse CS whenever you want and just keep pushing them into the corner. A lot of synergy if you can protect vergil’s start up. It’s one of very few assists that safely covers Heavy CS without leaving a throw gap (Task (H arrows), Vergil(rapid), dante(weasel)…yup that’s it, everything else can be punished with throw or you can only use Medium/Light CS). You can also combo after the hit.

I think I’m kinda obligated to try Cap/RR(pen)/Vergil(Rapid). After testing it’s very very solid when cap’s on point, I’m just not sure RR can really take advantage of the assist like cap can, but I think it will be a good GTFO pressure string ender to cover with spitfire’s and doing rawtag combos to vergil sword loops may be a great way to make RR a more lethal character. Any input on RR/Vergil? I’m so sold on these two with Cap I’m really hoping those two play well enough together to justify the team.

2bh I just see Vergil as a really effective (stand alone) character with any synergy he provides an added benefit to his brokenness lol. Would be interesting to see what you could come up with using them. Perhaps there are some people using RR and the twin in the other character threads.

Well Cap has very few assist partners that can allow him to abuse CS freely. CS is not only amazing as a constant anti-zoning threat, if you can keep it safe, you can keep getting in for free off any block allowing you to constantly keep pressure from 3/4 screen. This means you can lock down keep away anytime they touch down and you have a brief moment to :a2:, :qcb:+:h:, then apply pressure or combo. They’re stuck in stun for a very long time from a very fast attack that’s hard to beat out. This strategy can be spammed and is working out great for me. Add in RR pendulum in the zoning mix and it’s a super frustrating match.

Far as RR/vergil. If they’re in corner Vergil is basically a pinning assist if you can cover his entry and allow you to set up RR’s nasty 50/50s.Hard tag on any hit to sword loops and it’s a pretty potent mix. I haven’t mastered covering vergil and capitalizing yet though.

One strategy I want to invest in is getting vergil into devil trigger and getting RR back on point so I can cover normal jump with vergil assists and play a dirty keep out game that forces the opponent to super jump in with mines about. Right now Im still stuck on protecting vergil with RR and just using vergil