Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

working on a Cap/Spencer team. i want to avoid doom or sent…task/ammy/hawk are decent options i was just wondering what people think about cap with arthur? he’s kind of like s mini sentinel.

Arthur assist is legit with cap. Any horizontal assist with decent start up and enough stun is great for him. you can abuse CS M all day with that assist.

Played quite a few sets last night and had the most success with Cap/Spenc/Hawk. Arthur in the back might be too much of a gimmick once i stop relying on slant shot on incoming mix ups i might graduate to a more difficult team of Cap/Zero/Strider or doom when i need a beam. Does anyone play cap/dorm? wondering would the usual suspects work for a third? does Black hole proved enough cover for cartwheel stuff? i know it doesn’t keep CS safe.

I haven’t had any success with dorm assists for cap. His “power of” assist might yield some gimicky stuff but dark hole isn’t very good for cap at all. Really beyond DHCs, there’s not really any synergy between them. You’d need an assist character to support Cap still and if it helped Dorm I guess.

I’m feeling myself start to stagnate in Marvel and I think I might cave and pick Vergil. Since Rapid Slash covers H CS, what would be the ideal 2nd assist for this team? I was planning on running Nova (Centurion Rush) as the other character just because I’m currently playing him, but I wasn’t sure if that was optimal. I was thinking that the 2nd assist would need to be some other projectile to help with zoning/approaching, or possibly some kind of lockdown assist for cartwheel mixups. I also don’t know much about playing as Vergil–should I be picking the second assist based on what helps him the most instead?

I recently tried vergil and cap and they are amazing. Vergil covering CS H leads to incredibly pressure and carry, as well once you have advantage vergil can set up some brutally ambiguous cross ups. You still need an assist for neutral game when you’re not getting a clear shot at CS. Any full or mid range horizontal assist will do provided it has decent start up and the character isn’t too exposed. I’m running Cap/Vergil/RR(log) and the log is covering a lot of basis to get my pressure started, then once i get into block strings vergil either keeps them in it or set ups cross ups in corner or if they jump (they land on the projectiles and you can dash around safely)

I wish i coulda done RR second, but sadly Vergil assist doesnt help RR much and RR log helps vergil and XFC gives RR a chance to kill without an assist.

I’m pretty new to cap, never done more than a basic mid-screen relaunch.

I was thinking of running cap(ss)/iron man(rb)/storm(ww) but I’m not sure if that’s a bad setup for them.

I’m open to ideas but I really hate doom.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3

There are a lot of low cards in that deck, I’d probably ditch either storm or IM for a stronger anchor. IM provides stronger overall support for cap, but dhc/thc synergy would be better with storm. Personally I would try out cap/IM/strider, cap/storm/dorm or cap/IM or storm/vagil. Any of those teams have the potential to be decent.

(I was going to post some general points in this thread but I will include them in this response. Though they may not necessarily be direct responses to your post, they will relate. Sorry if this seems long, I will put a [1] next to the general notes I will post.)

I was in your position before. I’ve been using Cap from mid-vanilla and he’s been my main since but I was having issues with building a team for him, but now I’ve just figured I’d build a team with him in. If you absolutely want to use Cap, Iron Man and Storm, I’d recommend switching your order to Cap, Storm, Iron Man, a two point and one assist team, with Unibeam as your assist.

However, if you’re open to another character, I’d recommend dropping Storm for one of Strider, Vergil, or Super Skrull. Strider mainly because he has good synergy with Cap and Iron Man, Vergil because Rapid Slash can cover the hard Charging Star which is rare for an assist to do in the game. And Super Skrull mainly because you could just preserve X factor for him and go crazy with him as your anchor. I’d recommend his assist that causes a wall bounce (stone smite I think).

[1] had my issues with Doom too, whom I was also using in Vanilla. I feel like Ammy’s the best assist for him, but she does nothing for Cap. And Doom isn’t great as an anchor so you’d need a really exceptional Doom, or team, to use him as such. Though I must admit that I think Plasma Beam is the best assist for Cap in the game. And Doom is a better character than Iron Man.

Unibeam starts up later than Plasma Beam, causes less damage scaling and also keeps the opponent on the ground if it hits them there. However, Plasma Beam is more durable than Unibeam, which is especially critical when facing heavy zoning teams i.e. Drones and Missiles. Unibeam only took out 2 drones when I was using it him!

I’m a adopting a new theory on Cap team builds. As of lately I’ve been obsessively trying to find the right assists to cover caps bad match ups and the result is i get something really cool, but I’ll lose something such as the next two characters dont mesh well or I dont get a safe dhc if hyper CS is blocked. So my new idea is to have 1 shell with cap and my 2nd character is one that can handle his bad MUs and has a safe way to tag in:


Cap(ss)/Vergil(rapid)/x is amazing. Vergil’s assist makes numerous things safe on block allowing you to push them to corner and it creates incredibly dirty cross ups if your opponent jumps and you call vergil and either roll or CS to the other side. As a DHC Vergil isn’t terribly useful outside of corner, but you’ll likely be there after any combo and cap BnB into swords is 1mil + for 2 meter. DHCing into sword or devil trigger can be made safe when cap hypers get blocked, giving you advantage and an immediate sword throw, then cap SS, then whatever multi mix up. Basically the best thing here is Vergil handles cap’s biggest issues: air keep away/out. Cap can’t get at characters like dorm, trish, fire brand, spider man, phoenix, morrigan unless he has the right assists and even then, not always that great. DHCing to vergil swords completely counters those tactics. Also Cap’s assists is actually useful for vergil in mix ups and can allow a full combo with OTG high rise midscreen.

There may be other characters that might do a similar thing, but right now Vergil is looking like one of caps strongest shells. But for now my main focus is on finding an awesome anchor that serves as a shell for vergil and I’m testing Cap(ss)/vergil(rapid)/Nova(overhead). Nova gives vergil unblockables with sword throw, :a2:, c.:h:, you can create hi/low + left/right mix ups with cap and vergil roll/teleport, nova can combo OTG high rise, nova extends cap combos well too.

I had to give up on RR, as stupidly good as log is with cap, it still didnt solve full screen keep away and RR is terrible on point without a proper assist and vergils rapid slash does nothing for RR.

I recommend using Doom, and having Cap/Doom (plasma beam)/Vergil, like PR Rog’s Wolvie/Doom/Vergil. The characters are different types so the team would have versatility, and you could set up incoming mix-ups for Doom using Rapid Slash assist. Also, Vergil’s great as an anchor, he’s virtually untouchable with meter due to spiral swords. Plasma beam is also durable so it will snipe out projectiles and assists too :slight_smile:

you still have match up issues though. Cap has a really hard time with people staying at the top right of the screen. I find missiles with cap to be decent for this as you can cs away from doom and usually spare him getting punished. Doom is not bad though since he DHCs in corner very well with finger lasers and up shot, also it’s safe DHC. I just found in my experience though, missiles felt more like a defensive assist by getting me out of combos and making movement harder, but i never really could open people up with missiles as much as i wanted to. Though the combo extensions and resets are amazing.

Vergil is an amazing anchor, but i also feel with meter he does just fine without need of x-factor and given the advantages of DHC from cap he is a really potent 2nd character. You can also do block hyper CS > swords or devil trigger, call nova, dash back in if pushed and throw c.:h: for a really dirty unblockable.

Thanks I’ll hit the lab and see what feels good

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3

Just tested my new team…omfg. The synergy is insane. Think I found my team to ride to EVO with. TODs, free mix left/right & high/low mix ups everywhere, DHC shenanigans, etc…

Cap(ss)/vergil(rapid)/nova(overhead). Cap/vergil is becoming a proven shell.

That’s cool, hope it works out well for you :smiley:

I’ve switched to Dante/Cap/Magneto now, I figured I might as well make a team out of characters I liked and that would be the best order. Unfortunately there aren’t that many tournie’s in the UK other than the WSO weekly. And I haven’t had much time to play as of late due at the Christmas period at work. As such my Dante is really bad lol, but hopefully I’ll improve with time.

In the end I’ll use any team as long as I can challenge Morridoom/Zero/Vergil lol.

I been playing that shell since day one, and still the only one I’ve seen. check out my top 16 videos from Powerup and Season’s Beatings, or this for a more recent look:


Good fights, looked like a lot of bad matchups for cap at the end there. Gotta love those air to ground conversions though, they always hurt your opponent’s morale. How come you don’t use d.H more in the air? I’ve always found it works way more than S.

Good question. I use j.S when I think the opponent is out of range of anti ground kick and I want to just land safely rather than combo. I did use S way too much in that video though.

Likin you Dorm, but I got a few criticisms with your cap. It’s really vital cap builds at least 1 bar of meter in a combo if you have vergil, every cap BnB into swords should be TOD for more of the cast and a lot of your combos were sub optimal and leaving cap short on meter to DHC for the kill. If it was about landin the combos good stuff as you didn’t drop much, but aim for 750k + combos that build min 1 meter. With cap/vergil, there’s a LOOOOT of dirty shit to abuse, you got the vergil/cap stuff down though. Abuse :qcb:+:h:+:a1: all day. it’s such a dirty pressure string and gets your opponent jumping to avoid it where you can call vergil, air slash, then CS or roll or anything for a mix up. When I’m spamming vergil as either a jump punish mix up or a free pressure string pushing at the corner. I’ll get footage hopefully next local tourny.

Good stuff though, grats on 2nd.

hey i decided to pick up cap just because playing cap felt so fun and i was wondering what are the best assists for cap or who are his “bffs”