Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

Has anyone here tried Cap with Dante weasel shot?

Yeah, ifbpwnstar has some notations through the thread about the combination you could search for.

There are some better neutral assists that fulfil the purposess Cap has for it (mix-ups, charging star cover), unibeam and plasma beam. Jam Session is the better of Dante’s assists for Cap, but that’s without consideration of your third character.

Yes. I’ve stated for some time it’s one of his best assists. While other assists may be better (beams), Dante offers unique tech that I feel makes him better than IM or Doom. Cap/Dante (weasel) still needs to fully be fleshed out but I’ve been leaning toward dante > vergil due to more versatility in what it offers in neutral game.

Basic tech:

[*]qcb+:h:+:a1: is safe, however will not combo beyond hyper. lesser charging stars can be used and will combo when near corner. This creates a unique frame trap as the weasel shot technically whiffs at mid screen, but any motion on their part creates a perfect frame trap, which can include standing to walk backwards.

[*]Weasel shot is very safe with roll cross ups due to it’s long active frames, distance, and how far he jumps back to avoid happy birth days. It’s also very sneaky since it can be called as you kara roll and he remains off screen before he attacks.

[*]Projectile coverage with large active hit box. This lets cap create great set ups on people landing by calling dante and moving. Conversions can be tricky though, but you make jumping a risk if they can’t cover themselves. Abuse rolls and charging stars for repositioning.

[*]THC is awesome. Cap gets a full screen punish that is safe, combos on hit regardless if cap hits as well (dash, roll to cross up, j.shield…convert to a full combo), on block you are given mix up opportunities with insta-overheads j.d+:h:, j.:l:/c.:l: (50/50) or during dantes final shot.

[*]DHC is decent but wont connect off everything. Cancel hyper CS early while they’re high to connect if mid screen. Most importantly Dante has a safe DHC, letting you do blocked hyper CS > devil trigger, free block string into mix up (EX: stinger + cap SS assist, teleport, air dash cross up, etc…)

[*]Weasel shot gives Cap his standard CS extensions in combos and throw pick ups.

[*]Dante has TAC infinites (corner only i believe?). Which means Cap can potentially kill with proper sideswitch combos and assists to carry to corner then launch. Even throws should have this potential.

Cap/Dante/Strider is a very decent team. I’ve been debating dropping vergil for this. While vergil is a power house with Cap, it can be invalidated by characters than can zone you out with superior air mobility and projectiles. This requires an anti air answer which is usually strider, but then cap only has assists that are at risk of being punished since they’re non projectile. Even my favorite CS+:h:+rapid slash is at risk of block X-factor > happy b-day. Dante is not at risk. Dante also synergizes better with strider than vergil and acts as a battery.

Thanks for dropping the knowledge.

I have switched my team to Cap(ss)/Virgil(rs)/Shuma(m ray) a while back. After a adjustment period, I find it to work really well. The mystic ray assist helps both Cap and Virgil in the neutral game and both of them can use it as a combo extension as well.

I actually purchased Shuma to try and run Cap/Mag/Shuma (would have switched Mag/Cap if I didn’t change systems).

Though Mystic Ray is in my top 3 assists, my concern’s with the start-up time. It doesn’t come out fast enough. It’s too long for Cap to implement it like he can plasma beam or unibeam, and as such lacks the utility those two provide Cap, in terms of charging star cover. I think it also forces Cap to play a little more conservatively to protect it. Though having Rapid Slash provides you with something different that Mystic Ray, which adds slight versatility to your team.

That might be a good way to go. While I love Cap/Vergil, there is a glaring match up issue with run away that refuses to stay grounded to let you do your thing. Shuma might be the answer…as sadly vajra is not as consistent or safe as Cap needs.

I’m starting to back away from Cap/Vergil despite their raw synergy, and opt for other teams that have better matchups and team flexibility. Not sure where I’ll land with that, it’s hard giving up vergil 2nd with Cap…but right now I have run away magnetos that are impossible to catch or lock down. I’m not sure I want to commit to shuma…but I will test it.

OMG…I fucking love Cap(ss)/Vergil(rs)/Shuma(beam)

I just did a light session to test its use in neutral game and it’s really promising. While Shuma beam doesn’t do everything Cap needs like YawDan said, Vergil fully covers the other parts and together it feels stupidly solid. If you’re going for CS pressure, just use rapid slash, it’s easily his best assist in most cases for that. But shuma gives him desperately needed anti air and layers really well with Shield Slash pressure and cross ups.

I really liked doing standing :a2:, qcf+:m:, I felt like I could actually safely zone with cap and fully confirm or move forward for free. I also experimented with :a2:, dpf+:h: and I THINK shuma covers him for a frame trap when they go for punish and makes you safe if blocked. That’s VERY good if so.

I’m honestly gonna give this a shot as the vergil/shuma tech is already proven as well as Cap/Vergil. Post any confirms and set ups you find. Imma be in the lab when I can this week.

Until this hit, I had actually given up on Cap competitively as I could not solve his matchup issues with run away zoners and armor characters without leaving huge gaps in other areas. I played a money match where a mag/doom simply ran away with super jump fly while beaming me when ever safe then repeating the tactic. I could not catch him and his assist calls made it very hard to punish him as I was always pushed out of CS range. I was pretty much forced to double jump and VERY carefully chip with shields till I landed a hit…but it made it obv how fucked Cap is by runaway that can simply avoid being trapped on the ground. Strider is not as awesome with Cap as he his with other characters and dante is only useful at certain ranges…Shuma might be the answer.

double post O.o?

So after about 300 or so matches with close wins, close losses, and a death threat, I have tech to share I hope you guys find interesting. In terms of utility, Shuma allows Cap to get a full combo of a back air throw as such: back air throw, (land) :a2:, qcf+:l:, (jump forward) air :h: up+:h:, qcf+:l:, (land) st :h::s:, sjc air :m::m::h:, djf air :m: down+:h::s: (land) air qcf+:l: (land) qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:. On the last part if you think you are too far for the air SS to connect just dash forward then jump. That will put you at the right distance. The best part about this combo is that it builds exactly one bar. As such, since Vergil is next up, you can kill most characters right at the start if you get a back air throw. It’s no Hulk damage off a throw but it suffices.

Also anytime you get to the corner in combos, Cap can use Shuma’s mystic ray assist to extend it and add damage. In the corner, if you perform his double jump air combo (air :m::m::h:, djf air :m: down+:h::s:), just mash the :a2: button on the way down. You have enough time to call Shuma, have him hit the opponent back up, and let you continue the combo either by relaunching or ending it with a qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:. It doesn’t add a lot of HSD to the combo as far as I can tell. You can position yourself to get the double CS ender but I have had trouble doing it consistently. This works against everyone but be warn: against large and tall characters like Dorm, Sent, and Nemesis, this works as long as it is done after the first knockdown. After the second knockdown, Shuma’s assist won’t hit correctly due to HSD and they will pop out. It can be used as a reset though.

As for locking down the opponent, I find it to be useful at times. For example, if I have Cap and Shuma vs a lone Doom, I can lock him down by call Shuma and using any version of SS. The thing I like about Shuma is that he counters people who use characters that fly and stay in the air as their primary play style. For example, when I fight a Magneto, when he uses magnetic blast, I call Shuma and throw the shield. The shield will take out the blast and Shuma will usually hit Mag. This works really well against Mag/Doom players who run hidden missiles as Shuma can counter that assist. Also, anytime you end with the standard qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: ender, you can call Shuma before the first CS to add a little more damage and meter. As long as he is in the third spot, enough time will pass so you can DHC.

Alas, it’s not without weaknesses. While Shuma’s mystic ray assist beats Doom’s hidden missiles, it looses to his plasma beam assist. If fact, any fast beam assist like Mag’s EM disrupeter and IM’s unibeam can counter call Shuma. You guys are right about his start time. Cap can’t just rush in with this assist. However I think it suit my play style as it forces me to try to read the opponent and use Cap’s tool to counter. It can set up some frame traps as well. There have been times where I use Shuma’s assist instead of Vergil’s when using a CS as it can keep the opponent still just long enough for me to get a back ground throw into a combo.


How is using Shuma going? I didnt’ wanna talk about him specifically as this is the Cap thread, but yeah… The hardest thing about using mystic ray is using Shuma

Totally my thoughts. I’m like “yay this is working!”…then I’m like “dafuq I do now with Mr.Squiddles?” *spam jump, air dash, qcf+:atk:"

Without going too much into detail, playing Shuma can be a a test of patience. Sometimes the jump, air dash, qcf+:atk: is really the only options you got. I like to mix it up air :m:. It works similar to Cap’s air down+:h:. If you have X-factor left, Shuma becomes much easier to use ironically. His ground mystic smash becomes a sort of hitting teleport move and if you hit your opponent while they are in the corner in X-factor, you can do a mystic ray loop that can kill practically anyone. Angelic is still the best player to study for Shuma play. Also don’t forget, throws are powerful with Shuma. His normal throw take both health and meter from the opponent, he has a command grab, and he can get a combo off of either one.

I’m seldom ever on SRK but I figured I might as well share this since it looks like some of you guys are looking into the Cap / Shuma shell.

Edit: Put a youtube link instead.

Trying out Cap/Spencer (diagonal grapple)/Doom (Rocks). Looks like it’ll be fun.

I played a Cap/Spencer team in vanilla. They have one of the best incoming mix-ups IMO. When the opponent is coming in, call Spencer and do a backflip. When timed correctly, the opponent is forced to guess and block. If they attempt to air dash out, the grapple will connect giving you a free combo. Same if they try to press a button on incoming. It’s been awhile since I tested but I don’t think they changed the assists in the transition so it should still work fine.

Gonna kinda repost what I stated in the matchup thread, but I want to generate some thoughts on theory teams i haven’t tested.

Pretty much I state Cap’s unwinnable matches are: Mag, Storm, Dorm, Zero, Trish, Modok, Morrigan. The issue being that none of these characters ever have to engage Cap and can safely run and zone him without fear of charging star or shield slash since they can remain out of range and have tools to completely beat them out clean. They also possess the ability to convert off most of their pokes into combo while Cap is left at the mercy of what his assists allow him to convert as you likely won’t be in range of normals or a clean shield slash confirm. This alone has made me sadly drop Cap as a main, but I still really want to create a competitively viable Cap team that can at least have a chance without depending on the player making poor choice (like not laming me out to death and going forward).

Three things I feel Cap needs in every team: a way to trap runaway to be pressured, a projectile to follow in safely, and a safe DHC. Unfortunately this becomes hard to give Cap all he wants and I feel some of Cap’s best shells get sidelined because of how it would influence the position on the team. EX: We all think Cap/IM (beam) is great, but I won’t use this because you are left with no safe DHC if second (Cap is reactionary DHCs…being baited or whiffing is death) and IM is not a good anchor. I say the character guide I made on the Ultimate Cap thread is relevant for, but if I were to make the best theory teams I’d go with:

[]Cap/Doom (beam)/Strider
]Cap/Doom (missiles)/Mag (beam)
[]Cap/Dante (weasel)/Strider
]Cap/Dante (jam)/Mag (beam)
[*]Cap/RR (log)/Dante (weasel)

I give up some of my favorite confirms and shells as said (you’ll notice I have no vergil and a few other favorites), but I feel these teams are the most well rounded while providing Cap with the tools he needs. All of these teams have safe DHC, Dante/RR are amazing THC for Cap, variants of qcb+:atk: can be made safe, an anti air/run away, good shell if cap dies, all have good anchors.

Thoughts? Is there anyway you could see other teams being able to fight those “unwinnable” matchups I listed? I would love to return to Cap/Vergil, but my issues have been that Is that I have to 3rd character that can fulfill a projectile to lead in with and can trap run away. You would think Strider, but honestly it’s very hard to make him work if they only have to worry about him and a Cap who’s too far away to cover him (doom (beam) is an exception since he can be called after strider whiffs and they land to trap them). I hate Doom anchor as I feel he suffers the exact same bad matchups and even a few more (like strange) so he requires an assist as well on anchor.

The best Vergil team I can think of is Cap/Doom (beam)/Vergil…but I still see some exploitable gaps in that team since it can only control horizontal.

[Edit] Ran home and did some light testing and I’m really feeling Cap/Dante (jam) or Cap/xxx/Dante (jam) may be the best Cap shell (despite denying it in the past).

[]qcb+:l:/:m: safe and qcb+:atk: hit confirmable (which means it is on par with IM(beam)…IM beam does not make qcb+:h: safe like people think >_<)
]picks up on all throws (including ground forward)
[]Can extend combos (however I haven’t found one that can extend the end and still allow DHC if he is second…but I have ideas)
]Corner TAC
[]Devil Trigger extensions
]All 3 hypers provide DHC utility (guns: punish/confirm, DT: safe/free pressure off blocks, lvl3: invincible punish)
[]Amazing THC that can be fully comboed by Cap at all distances
]Helps trap opponents to push into corner and provide mixups and pressure
[]Covers gap between shield slash
]Ambiguous incoming
[*]Jam sessions is broke as fuck in general…

Really after that your missing full screen control and the question is who is the best 3rd. I think dante is best 2nd on this team but the only viable anchors I would want with this team are: Hawkeye, Mag, Strider. I’m pretty bad with dante, so someone with better experience have some insight?

For Cap, it seems you have to either give him assists to cover his bad match-ups, or use a character that deals with his bad match-ups. Whereas jam session is a great anti-air, Hawkeye, for example, could be used to counter-pick the likes of Doctor Doom, Trish etc.

With Cap and Dante (jam session), my picks would either be

Captain America (shield slash)/Doctor Doom (plasma beam) or Iron Man (unibeam)/Jam session.

Dante is a better anchor than both of them. Unibeam would fit Cap better, if it wasn’t for Iron Man being poor when compared to Doctor Doom. However, there seems to be an overall lack of synergy with this team, particularly from DHCs away from the corner as was mentioned. Although I prefer Hawkeye, Mag (whom I personally use) and Strider over Im and Doom, the former characters don’t offer Cap the same neutral support the latter two do.

However, it should be pointed out that you should try to avoid situations where you need to spend meter, especially 2 bars for a DHC, just to make yourself safe. That seems more a fault of the player rather than Cap or the team.

Also should note that jam session is brilliant for the vertical space but not the horizontal. It loses to high durability beams outside of its range, most of which are commonly used (plasma beam, unibeam, bolts etc).

My current Cap team is Cap (shield slash)/Doctor Strange (bolts of balthalks)/Magneto (Disruptor). Bolts is a good counter call against assists and I’ve been perfecting shield slash - raw tag - flames of the faltine loops, which I can now set up anywhere on screen and need to record clips of. Have to play more patiently with bolts though, whereas you could cover ground with charging star plus (uni- or plasma) beam.

Disruptor is good for cartwheel mix ups and Dr. Strange’s teleport mix ups.

I also like Shuma with Cap with the 1 mil damage for a bar from a shield slash (Strange nets just over 800k).

My personal optimal Cap Team would be from the following

[]Captain America (shield slash)/Doctor Doom (plasma beam)/Dante (jam session)
]Captain America (shield slash)/Doctor Doom (hidden Missiles)/Akuma (tatsu)
[]Captain America(shield slash)/Doctor Doom (plasma beam)/Doctor Strange (bolts of balthalks)
]Magneto (Disruptor)/Captain America (Shield Slash)/Doctor Doom (Plasma Beam) *
[]Captain America (shield slash)/Iron Man (unibeam)/Dante (jam session)
]Captain America (shield slash)/Iron Man (unibeam)/Vergil (rapid slash)
[*]Captain America (shield slash)/Vergil (rapid slash)/Shuma Gorath (mystic ray)

i= I’ve been working on Cap/Mag synergy for a while and need to update the previous clips of DHC synergy I put out. I prefer Mag/Cap (shield Slash) now, although I have raw tag combos from shield slash and the previous hyper stars and stripes -> magnetic shockwave DHC tech still.

Yeah those teams are all good, but everyone has a sacrifice to their benefits, either a weak anchor, a neutral gap in certain matchups, or confirm limitations…such is the curse of Cap :confused: I really wish I liked Doom and Shuma as anchors.

I still argue the need for safe DHC, it’s very easy for the opponent to bait you out. Cap has no safe moves after his normals and you become VERY dependent on assists, making them a liability as well (certain hypers and the XFC can make this really risky). Having something like qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: > Devil Trigger, free pressure can easily make it worth blowing the 2 meter.

I’m putting faith in Cap/Dante because I think it opens up the most potential for full coverage for Cap with a workable backend. Jam session is really useful and the benefits of DT and million dollars really plays to Cap’s needs. A THC can really be a powerful tool as well since it gives Cap the ability to confirm into a combo full screen with minimal risk and free pressure on block. Your question after that is simply who is your horizontal?

After a little testing I’m between:

[]Mag - EM is amazing counter call and Mag is a very legit anchor…my issue is purely on the fact that the confirms are pretty weak as Cap’s recovery often screws him over.
]Hawkeye - More of the same as Mag, but I worry about characters that can crouch the arrows.
[]Task - Amazing assist for Cap…but kind of a lackluster Anchor although still viable. Task/Jam is awesome if you reorder them later in the fight.
]Strange - Crouchable beam and his YOLO anchor strategy makes me fear consistency. He’s so awesome as a support, but I’m just not confidant Cap can always make something of his assist.
[*]Vergil - You are still left with no projectile to move forward on opponents that can punish this combo…but I’m thinkin the million dollar THC with Cap may fill that void, and make 2 meter Cap capable of always able to get in to make this a sure thing.

I just don’t like Doom, IM, RR, or Shuma anchors, I really wish I did, but I don’t see them beating 3 characters and not having serious matchup issues solo. Deep down I cry that Stom (whirlwind) does not help Cap much, her second would be the greatest if only the beam helped charging star be safe and reached a little farther. Cap/Storm/dante (jam) would just be too good…sigh (i can dream)

Well, I am thinking about putting these characters in my Cap teams. I haven’t been playing that much. So these are my idea I thought of before I get to experiment, or practice in the Training room during my free time. I don’t want to bother wasting a lot of my time by learning some of these characters without knowing or learning from other players(the ones who main Cap) experiences if these characters are worth being put in the Cap team, or if my ideas won’t work out as I’ve planned.

1.) Dormammu = His stalking flare is safe on block because it is +18 on block, so it can be use as a safe DHC. I got this info from the UMVC3 BradyGame Guides. I know that using Liberation with spells can be impractical during a match but I think the Liberation can be useful assist for Cap for many reasons.

Meteor Shower and Large version of Meteor Shower might catch opponent while they are in the super jump height.

With Inferno, Cap can cross-up when the lava erupts from the ground, if its blocked, then you can do another carthwheel when the hot rocks rains down, and it beats Vergil’s helm breaker when you block while grounded.

The best part about the Liberation assist is that the meteor shower assists doesn’t go away if Dormammu takes the hit.

After making an opponent block a stalking flare from full screen away, you should charge two spells for Meteor Shower, and cancel into stalking flare. While opponent blocks the stalking flare, you get an opportunity to safely bring Cap in so that he can use Dorm’s assist with 3 or 2 spells.

I’m not really sure if Dormammu can safely tag out while charging 2 spells after the opponent dies from Hyper Charging Star with a DHC(Chaotic Flame)

2.) Sentinel = I actually thought about it, but I’ve never done this during a match. So using that Advancing Guard Shield Slash pressure, I call Drones assist while opponent blocks shield slash. While I recover from Shield Slash, I get one opportunity to wave dash or plink dash in and make the opponent guess which to block. My only concern is that what would happen if the opponent doesn’t pushblock?

3.) Jill: = I think her alpha counter can be useful to help Cap deal with a rushdown character such as Wolverine. If you happen to block a Hidden Missiles, or Tatsu, and if Magneto tries to do a triangle jump L, you can use the alpha counter to hit Magneto while he is triangle jumping.

She can build back a meter that was spent. Even if he blocks, I think Jill gets put at a perfect position for mix-ups with shield slash assists.

I understand that most of her super don’t do that much damage for a DHC after Hyper Charging Star, but I can make up for that by choosing an assist that gives Cap or Jill an opportunity to do a reset.

4.) Morrigan: = I wanted a assist that allows me to build meter with minimal effort so I can use Ammy’s THC where I can punish their assist calls, or catch Doctor Doom airdashing while he is in the super jump height, or if he throws out a plasma beam.

I feel that the only way for Cap to build a huge amount meter without taking the damage from the opponent is if Cap does a combo when he lands a hit against a moving opponent.

In the UMVC3 Bradygame Guides, the battle plan states that any attempts to punish Cap’s assists can be countered by Hyper Charging Star. The only problem I see with Hyper Charging Star is that he has to spend a meter. I think Cap will sometimes end up in a situation where he no meter, and his opponent has 2 meter with an X-Factor, where it is not a good idea to call assist at that moment.