So after lots of testing this week I’m also humoring the idea of dynamic team orders rather than make teams to front load Cap and hope they play as strong when thing’s fall apart. Cap has MU issues and covering them all is tough so I’m embracing a lot of counter pick teams and now teams with characters you can start on point for better match ups. So rather than forcing Cap to defeat all his match ups with assists, you use another team order to adapt to the situation better. Currently I’m trying this:
Vergil(rs)/Cap(ss)/Task(h arrow)
So here you have 3 valid teams based on if you hold :a1:/:a2:/nothing at start of round. It’s intended to run Cap point, but uses a team offset so that if you reorder Cap will never be placed on anchor: V/C/T - C/V/T - T/C/V. The team has fair amounts of synergy, but not as front loaded as some teams as we have 3 horizontal assists with some cross over, but still some unique use between one over the other. Over all the idea is to be adaptive, rather than weighted. You have 2 solid anchors and 2 solid points.
You’ll want Cap on point usually to take advantage of his ground rush down game and try to get vergil set up ASAP to hopefully take it all. If you have a better MU on point for Cap (zero, anyone with superior air options, full screen zoners that can keep him out), start with Task on point and then have Vergil as your strong anchor. You’ll probably not start Vergil on point, but if you are facing a front loaded team, it can be smart to start him off strong by blowing meter and xfactor early to establish dominance at the very start and hopefully unravel the team before it can start (EX: incoming/TOD point characters that use an assist based anchor like doom or sent over a solid anchor on point). After the threat is gone you can win with an honest game.
It might be a good idea to consider a dynamic order team for whoever you’re playing. Cap is very hard to accommodate for every MU, leaving you often with too much frontload at the expense of the team after or leaving cap vulnerable to bad MU’s and playing banking on the other 2 characters after the fact. And yes…it is legal in tournament to switch order EVEN IF YOU WON.
Also…found out Wesker’s Jaguar kick makes CS H safe and comboable. Not a huge find but that now makes 4 assists that make CS H safe on block.