Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

I would avoid at all costs putting Cap anchor ever. In teams with lots of tagging it’s fine, but the second you can get him on point or second do so. I’m going to say I’m a very capable Cap player, but even I dread solo Cap despite having success when it’s unfortunately occurred. I wouldn’t worry too much though, that team has many safe ways to tag around and DHC. If cap goes to anchor on an offensive play, you have the momentum to correct it.

So I’ve optimized some of my Cap/Vergil/Strider assisted BnBs:

[*]midscreen - c.:l: s.:m::h::s:, sjc.:h: u+:h:,qcf+:l: (land), j.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), [s.:h::s: or dash (side switch), :s:], sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), :a2:, qcf+:l: (OTG), assist hits, dash, j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: > Vergil dpf+:atk::atk: (hold :m:), qcf+:l:, qcf+:l:, walk forward, RT (hold :l: after), c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, c.:h: f+:h: (sideswitch), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk: - requires less than 1 meter to start and does over 1.2mil. Sword loop variation wont work on all characters. tinies should just be dpf+:m: x2, and I don’t have a solution for fatties yet (help…i need to kill haggar!!!)

[*]corner - c.:l: s.:m::h::s:, neutral jump, sjc.u+:h:,qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), :s:, sjc.d+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), walk backwards, s.:h::s:, sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), :a2:, qcf+:l: (OTG), assist hits, dash, j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: > Vergil dpf+:atk::atk: (hold :m:), qcf+:l:, qcf+:l:, walk forward, RT (hold :l: after), c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, c.:h: f+:h: (sideswitch), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:, qcf+:atk::atk:

[*](hold :l:), s.:m: c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.:m::h:+:a2::s: (hold u)~RT, assist hits, c.:h:,qcf+:l:, sword loops…

[*](hold :l:), s.:m: c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.:m::h::s::h: (RT glitch)~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:+:a2::s: (hold u)~RT, assist hits, c.:h:,qcf+:l:, sword loops…

[*]j.d+:h: (land), :a1:, df+:h: (land), assist hits, either combo above…

[*](hold :l:), s.:h: f+:h: (switch hold to :h:), dpf+:l:~:h:, sjc.:m::h::s: (land), c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, c.:h:+:a2::s: (hold u)~RT, assist hits, c.:h:,qcf+:l:, sword loops…

Sorry I’m late to contribute. I use [Charging Star/Jam Session/Shopping Cart] as a B team.

I posted a few videos of Cap/Frank West level up to 4 and 5, plus a link to The Cape’s even better video, to the video thread a few months back (near the top of page 5).

The team unfortunately isn’t too effective in the wider scale of things. Though it has several mix-ups which can open characters up (and in some instances guarantee a level 4 Frank without using meter), it lacks options at range. Several of the high tier teams can exploit its weaknesses. You would struggle to make it work, though with enough ingenuity you could manage to have some successes with it. The teams success will depend on how well you can use Cap (and Dante) on their own.

As for Cartwheel assist, I think it’s probably the best assist Cap can have at close distance; Cartwheel+Shopping Cart. If you can be unpredictable with it, it can be really effective and lead into raw tag level ups for Frank. At mid-range, it can cover the space underneath an air Shield Slash.

But it doesn’t really help Charging Star at all.

If you do manage to level Frank up, I’d suggest switching him out to anchor as the teams ultimately dead without a Level 4/5 Frank.

If you wanted to pair Cap/Frank, Cap/Doom (Plasma Beam)/Frank West may be a better option. You’d get a good neutral assist, Charging Star cover, and an assist you could use at range. However, you would have two horizontal assists albeit for the range at which they are useful, and no aerial coverage. And you would also need 2 meters, as well as rawtags, to level Frank up (I also uploaded a video of this.

In the other hand, I don’t think any of Cap’s assists offer Frank West sufficient support, so I’d always advice have Cap on point with Frank backing him if you do use the pair.

I think He might be able to OTG relaunch lvl 1 with, SS assist and camera

Hey thanks a lot for the input man, I really appreciate it. I’ll probably end up following suit and using it as a B team just to mess around, but I was really thinking about favoring Shield Slash over Charging Star, just because it’s maybe a little more versatile for combos with respect to screen positions and it also allows some pretty nice frame traps. I was in the lab just now and threw this pretty shoddy video together, but there are definitely some ideas that might be useful in the right situations. Keep in mind it’s just some preliminary stuff, and I doubt much of it is specific to Frank. If anyone’s interested:

I see what you’re saying about tagging Frank back, but really I’d probably level him and tag Cap back in if I were going to keep Frank off point. I personally like anchor Dante pretty well, and Frank doesn’t need much besides Jam Session behind him. I guess your reasoning is that Cart pairs better with Cap than SS/CS pair with Frank? That’s definitely a fair point, and a lot depends on how much mileage I can get out of Cap + Jam Session if Frank dies. I’d have to play with that to see how frustrating it was, but I’ll definitely take your word on the benefits of keeping Cap + Cart.

Frank can always OTG and save his ground bounce with j.Tools H + SS. One really good thing about SS (for Frank) is that it lets you pick up off moves like Knee Drop where you usually have to waste a ground bounce. Outside the corner (and even very close to the corner) you can do a Knee Drop to straight standing Tools H + Cap and start the combo with little enough HSD to get 2 air series (using Jam Session) without even having used your ground bounce. In the corner you have to Knee Drop and call Cap, then do j.Tools H, which is definitely harder, but it’s not thattt bad. With Jam Session to extend I got about 840k meterless (level 5) too :stuck_out_tongue: SS is also great for regular starters since you can get 3 superjump series (with Jam Session again) for about 820k meterless off a cr.H. I also got juuust under 900k off an air throw (after one bar though this time) with it.

Anyway I think there’s some potential, but maybe it’s too difficult to leave Cap in second.

EDIT: @ifbpwnstar Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any of Dante’s move that would link after the hard tag from Cap btw. His incoming hitbox doesn’t seem to be quite as generous as, say, Franks, and I think his fastest normal is 8 Frames…it’s not a fantastic situation there :stuck_out_tongue: Any thoughts on that?

Been messing with a couple characters and think I’ve found a solid team. Any thoughts to Cap/Storm/Task?

Which Task assist? Vertical isn’t bad with cap and gives him air coverage, but horizontal is an amazing assist for CS and running in. The only issue is Storm is likely whirlwind and Task would pretty much eclipse her use as an assist outside of comb extensions when Task is already used.

Storm however is an AMAZING DHC for Cap. Usually I don’t put Storm in the limelight as a BFF for Cap since her assist is mediocre for him at best, but her DHC is one of the best. Full screen punish with THC/DHC, combos every thing, + frame on block, etc… She also does well as a tag out for Cap in Bad MUs.

Overall, it’s not bad.

Yeah probably the horizontal arrows and whirlwind for assists. I haven’t done any playing with the other arrows and I doubt I’d use them for anything other than air support.

Oh yeah, that Hailstorm THC is too much fun.

You might want to experiment with storms assists (I’m assuming whirlwind was the go to because it’s not bad with Cap). Whirlwind is OK but with Task doing everything it does and better for what Cap needs, unless she’s a back up to things gone wrong, you might seek interesting confirms and screen coverage. I know typically they aren’t great but things to look for:

[]What can pillar make safe for Cap?
]Can pillar be covered and let Cap run in for free on block?
[]Are there reset opportunities?
]Are there strong incomings?
[]Can you convert and cover hit/blocked Stars and Stripes? (seriously this is a good one to have)
]Does lightning charge have good priority as an AA?
[*]Does lightning charge work as a good alpha counter?

I keep seeing anchor Caps on random online lobby’s. I’m just never going to understand what the logic of this is.

My buddy just picked up Marvel, and I encouraged him to pick up characters he likes, so he put together a team of Cap America/Magneto/Hawkeye. The team seems decent enough, but I’m wondering the best assist formation. I don’t necessarily like a team with 2 beam assists, but since Disruptor and Triple Arrow are so good, should he just use them both? Or would something like Hypergrav/Triple Arrow, or Disruptor/Scatter Shot be worth looking into?

Also, what’s the best basic DHC, Hyper Charging Star > Tempest?

Those assists are kind of limited for Cap in comparison to other horizontal assists but not bad. I personally feel 1 is totally fine, but you might want to put thought into variety of your other assist to cover those limitations. The limitations I’m referring to is the speed and hitstun on those attacks. Cap doesn’t have much room to work with in terms of conversions since the assists are too quick to create a frame trap scenario and his roll is too slow on recovery to leave much room to convert or make the cross up more ambiguous. They’re good for a standard roll+assist and for neutral game space control. They also provide very good counter pick and anchor roles.

Things you’re missing to build toward:
[]No CS coverage…you typically want to be able to make CS M safe on block
]No answers to air outside DHC (which is not a bad option by any means)
[*]Limited patterns and timing for roll and frame traps

If I were to do orders:

Cap/Mag/xx or Cap/xx/Hawkeye

Mag is a valid 2nd. You have TAC, great utility DHC/THC, safe DHC, his tridash works will with cap SS assist, He’s a great MU smoother for Cap’s bad ones, etc… You could also play him anchor obv, but Cap is rather pick about his 2nd and Mag does a decent job. I would avoid Hawkeye 2nd since they have bad DHC synergy which is important to have covered. Also Cap doesn’t help him too much as an assist (I would do CS or S&S if I did though).

IF you wanted to stay that team I would offer this option:
Cap(SS)/Mag(beam)/Hawk(violet fizz)

You don’t have any real need for 2 beams, unless you want hawkeye to back mag on point (valid argument), but fizz gives cap more midscreen roll set ups and frame trap options due to the delay and spacing. As well It becomes very good for combo extensions with not only damage but possible redirects for magneto! I’m unsure of how well Mag DHC’s with Cap, likely they fall out of hyper CS before tempest can hit if you dont waste it early and shockwave hates corner (where cap should always be finishing). With Hawkeye you can use his OTG while you roll to the other side (now facing out of corner) and change the direction of your hyper to sync with Magneto shockwave better.

Hyper grav is interesting…but it’s hard to work with for cap in my experience.

Thanks for the info @ifbpwnstar. My friend likes Magneto, but I’m gonna try to convince him to pick up Nova instead. Magneto is crazy hard to learn if you’re just picking up this game, plus Nova should offer better DHC synergy, can use Hawkeye arrows better, and his overhead assist could definitely be useful for Cap.

If you do Cap, I highly suggest checking out the Ultimate Cap thread in Cap’s forums. It has an incredibly detailed guide to everything about him and how to build a team around his strengths. Nova is not bad with Cap, but I would offer Task over Hawkeye in that team, H arrows benefit Cap WAY more due to hit/block stun and the delayed speed. Cap/Nova/Task is a functional team, especially for a beginner. The other trade off is Task is better rounded over Hawkeye, but Hawkeye is much scarier with XF3.

Mag is easy to use for a beginner if you do ABC combos, but the damage is so bad it’s hard to be effective. However as an assist, DHC, and neutral game he’s really simple. I just avoided mention because his BnBs are very hard for new players and unfortunately are needed to get respectable damage.

Hmm…thoughts on Cap/Ammy/Shuma or Cap/Dormammu/Shuma?

They’re not terrible ideas, but it needs labbing to explore. So report back when you can!

Ammy could give cap a really good roll cross up since there’s a break in cold star, provided shuma’s assist can give you a clear path in to set it up. Ammy does provide a great DHC option on block and hit and DHc/THC utility for punishes. It really comes down to is shuma a good enough neutral game assist to give you the openings for ammy to be useful for cap.

Dorm is the same but the trade off is the no gap in the assist for roll…but you get incoming height and it’s easier to use in neutral game space control.

[Side note] Has anyone cracked a Cap/RR/x team yet? I’m really awaiting the shell. I feel it is so strong but I have no love for RR on point.

After messing around for a bit with Cap/Ammy/Shuma and Cap/Dormammu/Shuma I’ve found a few things.

Both teams are more or less very hard counters to many zoning teams who try to cover themselves wiuth projectiles whilst also being fairly capable of fighting at mid range and space control themselves.

With Ammy cold star mixups and lock down is very very useful for when the opponent is too close for Shuma mystic ray to be a threat. Ammy herself does fairly well against a lot of zoners for her very very short height going under a lot of BS like Hawkeye covering most of the screen. Morridoom is still an absolute pain though even for her unfortunately but I certainly do like this teamup.

Dormammu on the flip side does a lot better vs Morridoom compared to Ammy. If both teams use Cap with charging star assist well timed charging star can destroy both the fireball behind AND infront of Ammy or Dormammu which can give a good opportunity to get in or use full screen hypers to kill badly timed Doom assist call ins.

I personally like Ammy a lot more though have been having more success with Dormammu in actual matches. Will need to work a lot on it though so if anyone on PS3 wants to spar (I am terrible mind) please do.

I have been working on a side team with Cap (Condor Missile team) and I was wondering whats the best Cap assist for the team.

I think it’s a matter of personal preference on that one. SS gives IM interesting mix ups if you can make a set up for it. CS is good GTFO and combo extension/confirm. S&S becomes viable because neither of the others are too amazing for IM (but in fairness I’m working off theory, not lab results) and if you want access to THC star & stripes and an invincible alpha counter it’s there. It might have some interesting combo potential with repulsor blast too.

I recently have been playing around the board trying new characters and revisiting old ideas, I landed on Cap(ss)/vergil/RR(log) I attempted once before I really understood vergil. Initially I have been hesitant about RR because even though I knew he was amazing with Cap I was unsure of log with vergil and RR as anchor. What I’m finding is this team is incredible. The amount of tech and confirms is phenomenal. Basic listing of amazing synergy:

[]Cap - :a2:, dpf+:atk: - combos and can be made safe, has potential to cross up but tight.
]Cap - :a2:, high confirm raw or normals into qcb+:atk: - combos. qcb+:m: is safe on block.
[]Cap - THC w/ RR - leads to full combo on hit (w or w/o cap connecting), On block gives cap a free mix up full screen.
]Cap - :a2: + roll/dash - ambiguous incoming.
[]Cap - :a2:, qcf+:l: (OTG), dash as needed, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: - standard combo extension.
]Cap - :a2:, qcf+:l: (OTG), dash as needed, :s:, etc… - early relaunch for happy bdays and corner.
[]Cap w/ RR next - blocked qcb+:atk::atk:, RR qcb+:atk::atk:, f+:h:+ :a1:, qcb+:l:, dash, c.:m:, etc… - unblockable set up.
]Cap w/ RR next - Can almost always connect a DHC. Midscreen qcb+:atk::atk:, qcf+:atk::atk: must be canceled early while opponent with opponent still high.

[]Vergil - j.d+:h:, :a2:, df+:h: (OTG)~:h:, etc… - connects for full combo.
]Vergil - Can always connect a DHC
[]Vergil - Flush w/ opponent, c.:h:+:a2:, f+:h:, qcb+:m:, qcb+:m:, j.throw/s.:h:/dash s.:h: - Reset gimick. The teleport causes log to hit right after the wall bounce by moving the wall slightly. When you teleport again it forces them to air tech rather than ground tech in corner, giving you a free mix up to reset them. Also it looks really stylish and very hard to react to if you’ve never seen the set up before.
]Vergil w/ RR next - corner, blocked qcf+:atk::atk:, RR qcb+:atk::atk:, c.:h: + :a1:, f+:h:, qcb+:l:, dash, c.:m:, etc… - unblockable set up.

[]RR - any projectile combination + vergil assist - solid zoning push back and can allow for teleport set ups.
]RR - Can always connect a DHC
[]RR - BnB starter, :s:, sjc.:m::s: (land), :atk:+:s:, dpf+:m:, dpf+:l:, c.:m: s.:h:, hard tag Cap, s.:h:+ RR :a1:/:a2:, qcb+:h:, ** log hits**, dash a needed, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: - hard tag combo with Cap
]RR - BnB starter, :s:, sjc.:m::s: (land), :atk:+:s:, dpf+:m:, dpf+:l:, c.:m: s.:h:, hard tag Vergil, c.:h:, f+:h:, qcb+:m:, c.:h:, dpf+:atk::atk: - hard tag combo with Vergil

There’s more but this is a pretty good list of tech that RR provides. The use of hard tags for RR is especially nice for people who like to snap him in and hope to mess with the stronger synergy.