[*]Dorm has a few perks. Assist wise I feel he is lacking for Cap and you run into all the issues I express not being satisfied…however Dorm’s hypers give him utility that I feel can help. If they start running away you simply get a stalking flare out their and get Cap back out. His beam also gives you punish tools at full screen. Another perk is simply that all of Cap’s bad match ups lose to Dorm. He’s not a perfect character for Cap, but I can see potential…it’s another case of can your 3rd pull the team together?
[*]Sent is good with Cap. Drones, safe DHC, TAC, etc… my concern is him just getting counter called from the air and Cap not really having an answer to save his ass. Sent himself is also not a great character, so I feel he is only warranted in shells like Mag/Sent because of how strong the pair are. Not a bad idea, but my personal preference labels him a giant target for getting sniped as I commit to my unsafe moves hoping the drones remain on screen.
[*]If you want to abuse alpha counter, there are much better options than Jill. Zero and Morrigan both have invincible alpha counters that lead into combos and are much better characters. My only reason for not using them is that Cap is not that great for them and I’d rather use someone like Dante or Doom with them. Vergil and Strider however can be good. Vergil’s rapidslash alpha counter self combos off a s.:l: for a surprise cross up and Strider can full screen punish and combo with his. Jill just doesn’t do anything for Cap.
[*]Cap needs meter, but he only needs to sit on one or two. His combos are meter positive if you are optimal (I average 0.4+ meter for 750-800k+ damage with my solo BnBs) and you’ll spend a lot of the match chipping away with pokes and shield slash, so you’re often not blowing meter for the hell of it. He doesn’t really have a way to abuse excess meter however, so Morrigan meter gain is kind of an unneeded perk. You are better off picking a beam or fast projectile and obtaining meter through pressure patterns and helping Caps neutral game issues. She can give him a safe DHC and some neat stuff…but sacrificing a good assist slot and the fact Cap doesn’t do much for Morrigan makes her a lackluster candidate. As said before I’d rather just do a Morrigan/dante or something and omit Cap.
While I like the Brady Games guide, some of the write up is dated so take it with a grain of salt. Hyper Charging Star is awesome, but it’s not invincible, it’s VERY unsafe, and some characters can straight up hit you out of it with longer range pokes (wolverine!).
While I’m still struggling to find the perfect competitive Cap team, check out the team write up on the ultimate Cap thread, it’ll help you get some theory and my picks for good shells.