Avengers... Assemble! Assist/Team thread!

I need some help here guys, I need some advice on who else can benefit from my cap/doom team…so far I’ve been running Vergil on anchor but I’ve lost my touch with Vergil and I’m not even motivated on using him anymore. So I need ideas on who I can put with Cap/Doom with reasons why/how they can work together, I’m like in desperation mode here:-(


Doom (missiles) - Strider, Arthur, Sentinel, Task(h), Dante(weasel) (horizontal assist to get in, cover CS, lockdown for doom mix ups, viable anchors)
Doom (beam) - Strider, Dante (jam), Sentinel (AA to keep opponents grounded, pinning assists to help doom mix up, viable anchors)

These are your probably best bets as you need a viable anchor and full screen assist (missiles are good but more space control than anything). But after running the same team as you, it’s a really solid team. Vergil is one of the best anchors and the tag out options with the team lead to some very dynamic gameplay if something isn’t working out in the match up.

Been running a Capt (Shield Slash), Akuma (Tatsu) and Sentinel (Drones) team as my main team,Tatsu to extend his corner combos, as well as to get any aggressive characters off of his back, while Drones is there to help him to get in and lock the opponent down.

Also ran into my first Morridoom team the other day. NOT FUN

Yeah cap needs answers for morridoom. He’s got the sniping CS’s, but you take a big risk if you get baited and you have no safe DHC.

Cap/Spencer/Doom. Good comboing DHC options allowing TOD on every character starting 1 bar, allows for good resets if below 1 bar or even TAC combos/infinites (for both Spencer and Dr Doom). Spencer/Doom also works well by themselves as you can hit a million using 1 bar. Only problem is that the slant shot assist is really only good for combos and resets and is very situational in the neutral game but then you have missiles which is a pain in the ass. Can’t abuse Charging Star either.

Just had an idea which is basically to be within range to Charging star the Doom assist and as crazy as this may sound but mess up their fireball inputs if they are in the air as Charging Star would pass under Morrigan. While throwing Fireballs on the ground however, I think sniping is the only way to go (unless you go even more gimmicky options like backflips).

I have been looking for ways of comboing after H Charging Star using X Factor but you literally have to be point blank in order to combo after it which defeats the point. But still, I need to play more Morridoom players.

Midscreen: :qcb:+:h:, Hyper CS, XFC, dash, :qcf:+:l:, dash x2, s.:h::s:, etc…
Corner: :qcb:+:h:, Hyper CS, XFC, c.:l::m::h::s:, etc…

Yea I know about Hyper Charging star but in the case you have no bar so you option select H Charging star into X Factor…

hmmm…that will need to be researched, cuz having no meter against her is not uncommon sadly (fuckin meter drain fireballs). Can you early cancel into another :qcb:+:h: while they’re higher up? That might give opportunity to call an assist as you do it and maybe combo after the CS or make a case for a better shot of getting enough meter to CS.

I just use charging star and plasma beam against MorriDoom. The only time I get ‘worried’ is when she enters astral vision because I’ll get caught from behind (pain up the a$$, pun intended). But no really, if I can establish enough space to charging star I’m hitting her Doom’s hidden missile call with plasma beam, and that’s at the very least. I let her know that calling hidden missiles isn’t free against me. Unless she’s in astral vision, in which case she can do what the f*ck she wants. I mean, we can just block… right?

no…blocking morridoom is bad…gotta f that bitch up before she gets all that meter back.

Lol I was being sarcastic… it’s funny how blocking is like, the worse thing you can do in the game.

I couldn’t tell…she just makes me sad…

Right now Zero, Morrigan, Dorm are my biggest problems. Dorm i can fight ok when cap hits, but it’s so easy to get sniped still and then im left with doom next…and ugh that match up.

I don’t think the morridoom matchup is that bad for cap. You do have to wait it out (if you get a hit take it) but realistically, super jump, then double jump and block a couple fireballs on the way down. Repeat until she’s out of meter and watch them try to play mor, doom, or god forbid Vergil without meter. I rather like the team compared to most teleport/mash “a” teams.

Also, morrigans dp super is a projectile and cannot punish HCS. If she tries you both whiff and you can punish. Lols ensue.

The only problem I have with cap facing morridoom is when you run into one that has a competent rushdown game. Her normals seem to beat out most of cap’s toolset and eating non-tac infinites is always hard to stomach. Its probably a good thing for cap that most morridoom players just rely on astral+missiles.

I’m thinking about using a Captain America team but I don’t know where I want to put my other two characters.

My original team was going to be Captain America (CS)/Doctor Doom (Missile)/Taskmaster (H. Arrow) but as I’ve read through this discussion I noticed a lot of you mentioned that Cap needs a good DHC to make his combos incredibly punishing. Doom has NOT been very good as a second to Cap as his Sphere Flame typically misses and Photon Array does nothing as DHC. I did however try out Taskmaster and his DHC Legion Arrow was able to put out tons of damage.

However, my friends are telling me that Taskmaster is an infinitely superior anchor compared to Doctor Doom and that I should switch the two. I don’t know what to do guys. Assist me?

I’d stick with cap/task/doom. While doom isn’t the best anchor around; he is far from the worst and the difference between task and doom is negligible. Footdive always has to be respected and I’d put doom’s keepaway game slightly above task. I would suggest playing with that order awhile til you can locate where the team’s deficiencies are, then readjust your team accordingly.

With how the games developing, you could have Doom second, purely because of infinites or the other previous TAC combos. As an anchor, I think Doom’s only issues are his bad match-ups (subjective of course, but I personally consider Deadpool, Hawkeye and editted: Amaterasu- he’s absolutely free to her, to be among his worse). He can be an anchor, but you have to be really smart with him.

As far as your issue with dhc-ing to him, you should really be looking to TOD with Cap and the charging star -> hidden missiles->charging star, rather than looking for DHC when the situation permits.

But to be honest, my real answer for you would be to change missiles for plasma beam. But if you go through the threads here you’d see that I’ve been telling everyone that lol.

Still, with your team I think Doom as anchor would probably be your best structure as his assist can help both Cap and Task, whereas having Task last wouldn’t provide Doom of any true assistance.

You can still do TAC combos with him last. Here is an example I did ages ago where with him as anchor I can still do TAC combos by using the second assist to skip Spencer when doing TAC:


Playing Cap/Haggar/Arthur or some combination of the three. Arthur assist really helps with zoning and best of all makes charging star safe, and in some situations can convert off of it. Also a great assist for cross ups, and I can easily call the assist and then wavedash along with it, similar to Guile throwing a sonic boom and dashing in with it. Haggar is a great get off me assist and I can easily convert off of it as well. His assist is also great for extensions off of throws and regular BnBs since it does soft knockdown. On incoming a really easy cheesy setup is to call the assist and then cartwheel for a crossup or fake crossup. I’m still new to playing Cap though so any tips would be appreciated, especially if anyone knows good ways to utilize Arthur’s daggers in combos.