I’ve been promoting cap/arthur for awhile, go for it!
Guys how about this teams:
Cap/Nova/Hawkeye(I know someone already uses this team,I think?)
I am really,really feeling Cap with Rich and Clint.Just wanted to see what you people thought about this team.
I know for a fact that Nova’s assist helps cap and that triple arrow is one of the best assists for Nova.Also I have heard that Hawkeye has a good comeback factor at anchor but I do not know if that is true.
Vergil is sick as fuck and Dante is badass and they both remind me of one of my favorite comic characters Quicksilver(Magneto notes as such).The problem is that Dante is one of the hardest characters to play and I am not a very execution heavy player.The reason I would pick Jam over weasel shot is because it covers such huge horizontal space.Any tips and suggestions are welcome!
Yeah Ken123103 uses Cap/Nova/Hawkeye.
In Marvel, I feel that how good a team is really depends on the match up. Of the teams you mentioned, I feel Cap/Vergil/Hawkeye is the most balanced. You have a decent assist in Hawkeye, to call, and you’ve got Vergil on the team lol.
One of my current teams is Cap/Dante (Jam Sessions)/ Doom (Plasma Beam). I understand what you mean about Dante’s executional requirements. And it doesn’t help that he doesn’t have the best normals on the ground neither. However, I feel that Weasel shot may be the better assist for Cap (as was suggested by IFBpwnstar). Jam Session’s effectiveness as an anti-air is really situational; the opponent needs to be directly above you. It’s also near impossible to use for combo extensions with Cap, and it scales drastically as a hit confirm, and doesn’t really provide Cap with a good mix-up neither.
Still, what I would suggest is pick a team you like and see how it works out for you. My general thing is to see how a team performs against the toughest match-ups (Morrigan/Doctor Doom, Wolverine, Zero and Vergil), and make adjustments to my team if necessary to help fight these.
(It’s kind of ironic that you’re a Captain Marvel fan, but who is a dc comics lol)
Wasnt this site supossed to go out last night?
Well yeah Immabe using Cap/Nova/Hawkeye for the time being and see how it goes.Pocket twins here we go.
Trying this two teams
- Cap (Shield)/Zero (Shippuga)/FB (Missile straight) pure rushdown, Missile assist saves CS on block, assists are good for getting a mixup for an opening or for a reset mid-combo.
- Cap (Shield)/IM (Unibeam)/Hawkeye (Triple Arrow) Wanted an Avengers Team and I feel like this might be not that bad for keepaway / some rushdown potential as long as cap is alive
Any thoughts or improvement advices? (:
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“crow95”>Trying this two teams
- Cap (Shield)/Zero (Shippuga)/FB (Missile straight) pure rushdown, Missile assist saves CS on block, assists are good for getting a mixup for an opening or for a reset mid-combo.</blockquote>
Firebrand as an anchor is not popular and the character itself is under-explored bar his unblockables being noticed. I’d say the best thing about your team is the fact you have Zero on it lol. What I’d recommend is used this team against as many people as possible and see how it works out, and how effective your character order is in case Firebrand ends up as anchor etc. I have a feeling you may struggle against heavy zoning teams, but hopefully you won’t.
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“crow95”>2. Cap (Shield)/IM (Unibeam)/Hawkeye (Triple Arrow) Wanted an Avengers Team and I feel like this might be not that bad for keepaway / some rushdown potential as long as cap is alive
Any thoughts or improvement advices? (:</blockquote>
Would be my Avengers team too, though now I’d replace Iron Man for Thor (if only Thor’s beams hit Vergil when he crouches). I would recommend using Thor actually, as he can get a full combo of his crossover counter with Might Smash. So it would even be dangerous for your opponent to put you in blockstun.
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“SHAZAMforInjustice”>Wasnt this site supossed to go out last night?<br />
Well yeah Immabe using Cap/Nova/Hawkeye for the time being and see how it goes.Pocket twins here we go.</blockquote>
It went up on Monday for me, but I’m here in England lol. I guess when they did mean Monday, but for the whole world ¬_¬ .
Immabe using Cap/Nova/Vergil.I’m having a blast with this team.
So Bum was answering questions in Yipes stream and I just casually asked him a good team for Cap and he said Nemesis/Cap/Arthurr.He then used that team for the remaining duration of tthe stream and had some really good showings.
What are you guys opinion on such a team?
I’m really big on Cap being point unless you slot him 2nd for bad match ups. He is a character with gaps in his gameplay that require assists. Also I’m not seeing the Nemesis/Cap synergy. There are FAR better pairings for each character. Arthur works for both. In ideal settings Nem and Cap are typically point characters and Arthur consensus has been more toward making him second instead of anchor.
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“SHAZAMforInjustice”>Immabe using Cap/Nova/Vergil.I’m having a blast with this team.
So Bum was answering questions in Yipes stream and I just casually asked him a good team for Cap and he said Nemesis/Cap/Arthurr.He then used that team for the remaining duration of tthe stream and had some really good showings.
What are you guys opinion on such a team?</blockquote>
Out of curiosity which assists are you using? How is (whatever vergil assist you are using) as an assist for Nova?, I was under the impression he benefitted the most from a beam assist.
Cap SS,Nova centurion rush,Vergil Y.
I suck with beam characters
I’ve been trying to figure out a team for a long time now, I’ve only just started playing the game seriously though and I’m really struggling to get my head around team synergy, I never really played MvC2 either and when I did I only spammed with Doom and used Cable/Juggernaut assist for keepaway then tried my luck with AHVB if Doom died.
I’m slowly starting to accept you can’t just pick whatever character you want and get away with it in this game, so I’ve been trying to make Cap/Morri/Doom work, using it as a replacement for Morri/Felicia/Doom that I used to play, I just couldn’t find a way to make Felicia work without resorting to playing characters I didn’t like.
I’ve been considering swapping out either Morrigan or Doom though for somebody to help provide better pressure and mixups such as Cap/Doom/Akuma or Cap/Doom/Frank west, as much as I love Morrigan I don’t want to be learning 2 characters with fly mode combos and other complicated stuff, it hurts my brain too much all these combos (I’m a third strike player at heart, and a Hugo one at that so me and combos don’t mix).
Is there any advice on teams that would be effective at a very noob-friendly level with Cap? I’ve had a read through the thread and several ones keep popping up like Doom, Akuma, Spencer, Wesker, Nova, Virgil and Sentinel. I’m happy to play either Morrigan, Sentinel, Doom, Nova or Dr Strange etc but I would like to boot one of the flyers from my team so I only have to learn one at least for now.
I’m strongly considering Cap/Doom/Akuma or Morrigan/Cap/Akuma but Cap/???/Sentinel is just as appealing to me. Unless there’s a way that Cap/Felicia/??? is viable but I don’t know if they can be.
Sorry for the noob essay
My belief is all characters in this game are viable in competitive play, however there are rules to how they can be used in a team. You can pick any character you want, just not any 3. Cap belongs to the characters that do certain things stupidly well but has holes in his game and that’s where he becomes forced into choosin certain partners rather than tacking him on as a generic point character. Typically you want Cap always point, although his assist are decent (CS and SS), Cap rarely has enough tech being 2nd to justify his inclusion in a team for that slot…however altering team order to avoid a bad point match up is a good idea. That said…
Cap needs 2 things out of assists and then he has a few perks to shop in assists. He MUST have a cross up set up and he must have an answer for air run/keep away. After that the major things you want from assist are throw pick up, safe DHC, charging star coverage. Most extensions will be pretty much the same with any character (:qcf:+:l:+:a1:, :qcb:+:l:, etc…) with the exception of Dr. Doom (missile) who gives him a significant extension and reset.
So here’s a quick reference of top assists for certain perks:
Cross up: Akuma (tatsu), Frank, Arthur, Task (H arrow), Dr. Strange, Doom (beam or rocks), Sentinel, Dante (weasel shot or jam), RR (spitfire or log), Hawkeye (quick shot or poison arrow), IM (beam or repulsor), Chris, Haggar, Nova (over head)
Anti Air Run Away: RR (log), Doom (missile), Strider, Task (V arrow), Shuma (beam) (sadly this is a very limited selection and often missing from most teams, but I believe it drastically improves match ups) **If you don’t use an assist for this, make sure you have a secondary character you can tag in to make up for this match up issue or a THC gimick.
:h: Charging Star Coverage: Dante (weasel shot), Task (H Arrow), Vergil (rapid) **from here a lot of assists will keep charging star safe.
Cap doesn’t have much use for relauch, pin, low, and GTFO assists. He also is limited on how he can cover an assist and use it effectively to open someone up.
I don’t feel Cap really is Ideal for Morridoom. It’s not so much as it doesn’t work, as there are just better options. He doesn’t make great use of stored up meter beyond safe DHCs and Morrigan isn’t that great of an assist for him. Cap really needs all the assist power he can get so I feel your better off with a character that has a stronger neutral game with missiles like Task, Nova, Spencer, Magneto, Dorm, Vergil, etc…
Agreed with the post as a whole, but I would advocate the inclusion of Magneto and his Disruptor assist in this (though Hypergrav also has its uses too). Disruptor’s speed mean’s it’s ideal for cross ups and is also great for sniping assist calls on reaction. It can also be used for resets, and it can be used to capitalize off throws, with it’s low hits meaning it causes minimal hitstun and damage scaling.
As the DHC from Cap into Magneto is really bad, E (MyNameIsE) suggested using a THC instead (preceeded by a cartwheel if the opponent is in the corner to maximise the damage) . This was really effective, and Magneto having simpler infinites now means going for a TAC is more viable lol.
As a comment on Cap’s team placement- I would normally advice putting Cap on point, but sometimes it may be a good idea to place characters in positions other than the norm depending on character choice.
My first tournament team was Magneto (Disruptor)/ Cap (Charging Star)/ Doom (Hidden Missiles) (used to be my main team after I decided to drop Ghost Rider, that team being GR/Cap/Missiles). I had Cap second on those two teams as that was my optimal team order, and Cap had to be on my team lol.
I later switched to Cap/Disruptor/Plasma Beam as plasma beam suited my play and was a good assist for Magneto as well.
Though I’d never say Cap be an anchor.
Thanks for all the advice guys, it’s given me a lot to think about. When I get back from work I think I’m gonna have a long training mode sesh and try to make a shortlist, but it’s looking like I might go Cap/Magneto/(Akuma, Hawkeye or Doom), after looking at some of those Mag TAC infinites they actually look doable.
Magneto is not a very good option actually. Bad DHC and each assist has issues. Disruptor is really out classed by other assists due to the fact it’s too fast and has too little block stun. Captain has a VERY narrow window to time a kart wheel and convert, as well he have so little block stun you are likely going to try to follow up with disadvantage and get counter hit yourself. It is also not ideal for extensions. Grab is too slow and too little range for that speed. Cap has issues staying in and maintaining pressure without assists, so that assist will likely not fill the holes very well to really get anything tricky going since you’ll be advanced guarded all day. <br><br>As for Magneto, he’s going to find better partners than Cap too. You’re much better off with a full screen and a pinning assist than Cap, even though SS has great set ups for L/R tri/square dash. I just don’t feel these two are optimal for each other. Also the TAC is really not needed with cap since Cap deals 750-800k unassisted per combo. Factor in extensions and 1 DHC you are likely going to kill someone anyway without risking a broken TAC. If I HAD to use them both my team would be Cap/xxx/Mag (disruptuh!) simply because I feel the DHC is too weak and Magneto is an awesome anchor…but that’s debateable. <br><br>I personally hate doom anchor due to bad match ups when he doesn’t have an assist. Doom (missiles) gives Cap TOD’s if he has a meter as well as an extremely dirty corner reset. Doom beam is probably one of the best cross ups for Cap besides IM, simply because of the easy to confirm nature and how far back doom stands to avoid being punished or happy B-Day’d. You also have a very good safe DHC and since cap ends combos in corner, the DHC work if needed (and finger lasers in corner hurts a LOT deep into combos)<br><br><br>
<P>I’ll be honest.I cannot decide on an anchor for my Cap/Nova team.I feel limited by Vergil and Doom irritates my balls off.And no I’m not palying Arthur.</P>
<P>Cant seem to edit my post and I left something out:</P>
<P>Cap/Wolverine/Nova:Yay or Nay?</P>
<P>Fuck it I’m sticking with Cap/Nova/Doom.I was finally able to do Doom’s BnB midscreen!</P>
<P>Now my team is set for life!!!</P>
Unibeam can keep Charging Star safe and also opens up frame traps when you vary the strength of CS that you use paired with when you have Unibeam called. Sometimes this can even open up Cartwheel mixups if they choose to not press anything in knowledge of the Unibeam.<br><br>Been playing a new team setup lately that is ridiculous in certain matches. Normally I run Cap/Iron Man (Unibeam)/Doom (Missiles), but I felt like trying Repulsor Blast and Molecular Shield. Doom can be called a lot more freely since he covers himself with the rocks rotation. Get a few dashes in and throw a H Shield Slash to cover the air if you feel like it’s necessary for your approach. If you got the balls, do a Charging Star and let the rocks come in well after to see if they push something to punish the CS. Repulsor is like setting down a temporary mine that gives a free combo. In the corner it pretty much allows another mixup since pressing a button will get eaten up by the stretching beams. Cartwheel to the other side can get them sucked in for a free combo. Midscreen, it acts as AA that leads into a full combo for Cap since he can do raw launch and ABC123. <br><br>The team does lose the raw damage from HCS >> Missiles >> HCS, but the DHC chain of HCS > Proton Cannon (> Sphere Flame in the corner) still hurts nearly just as much. <br>
<span style=“line-height: normal; font-style: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”><blockquote class=“Quote” style=“font-family: Arial, Verdana;”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><span style=“font-family: ‘lucida grande’, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, tahoma, sans-serif;”><font face=“Arial”>I’ve made a few points in response to regarding Cap/Magneto. </font></span><font face=“Arial” style=“line-height: 1.7em;”><font style=“line-height: 1.7em;”>I am a really strong advocator of the duo as I’ve used them first hand in matches online, offline, as well as in tournaments.</font></font><br></div><div class=“QuoteAuthor”><font face=“Arial” style=“line-height: 1.7em;”><font style=“line-height: 1.7em;”><br></font></font></div></blockquote></span><font face=“Arial”><span style=“line-height: normal; font-style: normal;”><span style=“background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”>-I wouldn’t s</span>ay Magneto and Cap are necessarily ‘bad options’ for each other. They were a ‘2 point, 1 assist’ team for me such as Fanatiq’s MMS whereas Sentinel is the assist for Magneto and Storm (</span><span style=“line-height: normal;”>However, I mentioned</span><font style=“line-height: normal;”> Hidden Missiles, and more recently, Plasma Beam, as the main neutral for my Cap/Magneto teamings. I’ve also used Cap/Dr Strange (Bolts of Balthalks)/Magneto (Disruptor) after being inspired by </font><i style=“line-height: normal; font-style: normal;”>Punish Ignorance</i><font style=“line-height: normal;”>'s CEO footage, with Bolts being the </font><span style=“line-height: normal;”>main assist Cap, with Magneto anchor. You could use any third character and order with the duo such as Captain America/Magneto/Sentinel Drones or Cap/Mag/Akuma (Tatsu).</span><br></font><div style=“line-height: normal;”><span style=“font-family: Arial;”><br></span></div><div style=“line-height: normal;”><span style=“font-family: Arial;”>- As I said before, the DHC is bad between Cap and Magneto, however you could use the THC/Crossover combination (pressing both assist buttons at the same time), which deals a considerably higher amount of damage.</span><br></div><div><font face=“Arial”><br></font></div><div><font face=“Arial”>- </font><span style=“font-family: Arial;”>And Disruptor isn’t out classed by other assists by any means. It is the fastest starting beam and it also covers the whole screen faster then most, if not all other projectiles other than Wesker’s gun, and possibly Hawkeye’s standing H.</span><font style=“font-family: Arial;”> it </font></div><div><font style=“font-family: Arial;”>can beat out other assist calls on reaction if timed right (barring those unaffected by it while active i.e. Akuma’s Tatsu).</font></div><div><font face=“Arial”><font style=“line-height: normal; font-style: normal;”><br></font></font></div><div><font face=“Arial”><font style=“line-height: normal; font-style: normal;”>- </font><span style=“line-height: 1.7em;”>I disagree with it not being good for the cartwheel mix-up or converting off throws. The timings a little stricter than most other assists, but the reward is you getting less hitstun and damage scaling from it. For some it will just be a matter of going training to get used to using it. </span><span style=“line-height: normal;”>And Doom and Iron Man aren’t any less likely to get happy birthday than Magneto.</span></font></div><div><span style=“font-family: Arial;”><br></span></div><div><span style=“font-family: Arial;”>-The safest way to use the cartwheel/assist mix-up would be time your assist call to leave as little amount of time between the cartwheel’s recovery and the assist being active. </span><span style=“font-family: Arial; line-height: 1.7em;”> Also it may be better to conserve your meter from a throw confirm due to the scaling,</span><font style=“font-family: Arial;”> whereas if a TAC attempt is broken you’re only reverting back to the neutral at worse. However, if the TAC is successful, infinites could build meter and kill your opponent without using any, like how PR Rog would attempt TAC’s to stock meter for XF3 Vergil.</font></div><div><div><font style=“line-height: 1.7em;” face=“Arial”><br></font></div><div><font style=“line-height: 1.7em;” face=“Arial”>- </font><font style=“font-family: Arial; line-height: 1.7em;”>Missiles gives Cap a TOD on a lot, but </font><i style=“font-family: Arial; line-height: 1.7em; font-style: normal;”>not all</i><font style=“font-family: Arial; line-height: 1.7em;”> of the cast. It can be worth attempting a TAC as Thor won’t be killed by the hidden missile relaunch. Taskmaster, and the likes have enough health to just about be on magic pixels if you’re unlucky, and you would need a fully optimized combo to certainly kill off characters with 1 million health like Wesker. </font><i style=“font-family: Arial; line-height: 1.7em;”>Or you could just DHC into spiral swords instead</i><span style=“font-family: Arial; line-height: 1.7em;”> (Vergil ¬_¬).</span></div><div><span style=“line-height: 1.7em;”><font face=“Arial”><br></font></span></div><div><span style=“line-height: 1.7em;”><font face=“Arial”>- </font></span><span style=“font-family: Arial;”>Disruptor may</span><span style=“font-family: Arial; line-height: 1.7em;”> not be ideal, or even practical at all for combo extension. However, with high enough hitstun it will force an air tech which you can use to reset your opponent.</span></div><div><span style=“font-family: Arial;”> </span></div><div><div style=“line-height: normal;”><font face=“Arial”><i>And you could always just use hypergrav</i><font><i> assist instead of Disruptor, which is easier to convert off and access different mix-ups</i>. I believe SmokeMaxx runs Cap/Hypergrav/Drones</font><br><br></font><span style=“font-family: Arial;”>I haven’t experiment with molecular shield at all But I’ve decided that the only way I can use Doom as an anchor is to kill off his bad match-ups early in the match. <br></span><font face=“Arial”><br>(I had to re-edit this and change it quite drastically as I can’t get the hang of this new design. So if anything was repeated, or the points I used were placed in a completely different way before I had to change this around.)</font></div></div></div>