Longgggggg time since I’ve been in these parts,BUTTTTT…I’d like an av for SRK,tho usin the pic below…kthx!!?
Aww, here I thought you were fufilling requests.
KJ = <3
Kenshin = <3
Tomoe = X(
That guy looks totally stoned.
@MC-yeh I will be takin requests again someday soon.Tryin to get PS7 back from my bro…shouldn’t take me too long to get back into it…
Good god justin you are into some weird shit man.
EHHHH??!Whaddya mean?? :lol:
dry cough
tumbleweeds roll by
No one,eh? >.<
if u werent from canada eh i would prolly think about it eh cuz i like kenshin eh but nevermind now eh
lol im only kidding…but sorry i dont do requests
ill give it a try…if ya dont like it…dont wear it:p
Justin why aren’t you ever on AIM anymore?!
Because he’s a heartless bastard who would rather play gunbound.
Hey KJ, you wanna battle at TM?
Just like last time? GGXX fanart?
KJ and EEK?..ok lets do the time warp again
I don’t swing that way, baby.
for the right price, anyone will
Holy crap!! You’re still into that, SJ???
I hate you.
edit: I wanna try.
did you ever see your b-day thread, sucka?
@ Tetsu-I appreciate it,man…as long as it’s not the pic pasted on a SUNBURSTTTTTTTT background,then I’ll wear it…
@TG-BARSTARD!!!NEVER. Such WILD accusations…coughhe’srightabouttheGBpartbutIdon’tplayitasmuchanymorecough
@Soul-Yeap…I saw it on TM.Thanks,mang…didn’t think ppl even remembered me…XD…
@ EEK-I still get on,but just not as much now…I’ll try to frequent more though,since other ppl have said the same thing…
NEROOOO!!!I remember youse!!Heyyaaaaaaa… :o
whoops. changed my mind. I’m not trying any more.:lol:
yeah, SomersaultJustin is toooooo busy for us.
[/omg NASTALGIA SN!?!??!11?!]