Av request,eh?

Longgggggg time since I’ve been in these parts,BUTTTTT…I’d like an av for SRK,tho usin the pic below…kthx!!?

Aww, here I thought you were fufilling requests.

KJ = <3

Kenshin = <3

Tomoe = X(

That guy looks totally stoned.


@MC-yeh I will be takin requests again someday soon.Tryin to get PS7 back from my bro…shouldn’t take me too long to get back into it… :wink:

Good god justin you are into some weird shit man.

EHHHH??!Whaddya mean?? :confused: :lol:

dry cough

tumbleweeds roll by

No one,eh? >.<

if u werent from canada eh i would prolly think about it eh cuz i like kenshin eh but nevermind now eh

lol im only kidding…but sorry i dont do requests

ill give it a try…if ya dont like it…dont wear it:p

Justin why aren’t you ever on AIM anymore?! :frowning:

Because he’s a heartless bastard who would rather play gunbound.

Hey KJ, you wanna battle at TM?

Just like last time? GGXX fanart?



KJ and EEK?..ok lets do the time warp again

I don’t swing that way, baby.

for the right price, anyone will

Holy crap!! You’re still into that, SJ??? :confused:

I hate you.:frowning:

edit: I wanna try. :confused:

did you ever see your b-day thread, sucka?


@ Tetsu-I appreciate it,man…as long as it’s not the pic pasted on a SUNBURSTTTTTTTT background,then I’ll wear it…:slight_smile:

@TG-BARSTARD!!!NEVER. Such WILD accusations…coughhe’srightabouttheGBpartbutIdon’tplayitasmuchanymorecough:stuck_out_tongue:

@Soul-Yeap…I saw it on TM.Thanks,mang…didn’t think ppl even remembered me…XD…

@ EEK-I still get on,but just not as much now…I’ll try to frequent more though,since other ppl have said the same thing…:stuck_out_tongue:

NEROOOO!!!I remember youse!!Heyyaaaaaaa… :o

whoops. changed my mind. I’m not trying any more.:lol:

yeah, SomersaultJustin is toooooo busy for us. :frowning:

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