Av request,eh?


If anything,I’m tryin to get into MORE stuff…tryin to get this job right now,and I’m about to go to these graduation parties in a bit here…but I DUN WANNNNNNNAAAAAAA!!:frowning:

@ MC-Oops…didn’t notice ur msg b4…When I start to shake off my RUSTINESS,I’ll battle ya again…:slight_smile:

OMGHI2U! [/overlyused] :smiley:

YOU’RE never on AIM either.

AIM is over-rated.


I don’t think it’s that, I think Justin just hates me. :frowning:

DON’T GO THEREEEEE!!You know I dun hate ye! I got your msg yesterday,but you were away when I got back…I just signed off afterwards…SPLAH!! :o :slight_smile:


:lol: :lol: :lol: !

EEK go away when HG sign on.

ZIM go away too. Nickelodeon boo!


Justtttttttt postin’ to make sure ya didn’t forget me,Tetsu. Sure ya didn’t…just makin sure… :o