Well, it’s just my solitary perspective, but I play everyone in ST better with a stick, though the difference is more pronounced with charge characters.
Mikeidge loves short hurricane kick into throw.I lose waaaay too much health to that when i play him…:bgrin:
Did you ever think you get negged because you make posts like this? The rep system isnt bullshit, its an easy way to spot people who make asses of themselves and it lets others know just to skip over their posts
it would seem to me that it makes clowns like yourself who pay for “private forum, premium member banner, galaga shields, posting attachments, being able to give reputation, no ads, etc.” feel better about your money spent. neg rep me all you want if it makes you feel elite to be a “premium” member. enjoy your galaga shields and oh so shnazy banners!
I’ve gotten tons of negative rep too…and for nothing. Put it this way: anyone who’s willing to take the time to rep you probably has nothing better to do. Honestly, who cares.
(If someone gives me negative rep for this post: wipe me down)
For the buttheads that negative repped me, you can bite my ass and keep negging, little bitches! HA HA HA! Come on!
Proves my point exactly. Rep system is BS if it is not equal for non-paying and paying members. It also makes the repper anonymous. I think SRK needs to make their names known so they can get flamed back. They will think twice about negging. For a forum that has a heads-on fighting game like Street Fighter where you know the name of your opponents, I’m surprised that they don’t make the rep system public and equal for all. In the end, neggers can bite me.
I paid for Prem cause I only got one more month before I leave and I think with all the help Ive gotten from the site that I should give a little back. Unlike you idiots who take all the info, contribute nothing and on top of it insult the senior members
Thats why we sign our Neg buddy. And giving and taking Rep isnt for everyone, because if everyone could do it you’d have every butthurt 12 year old like you negging everyone that didnt agree with him
Contribution can take the form of learning and advising others in the forum, not just paying money like SRK is some kind of escort. Knowledge beats your tiny contribution hands down, little man. Seniority doesn’t give respect. Respecting others gets you respect, not just being some old man.
You are one of the few little “Neggers” that actually does the sig buddy. Doesn’t matter. You negged me just for not agreeing with something… guess you’re a butt hurt 12 year old, huh? And since I can’t flame back, it makes it fair, right, you loser? Bring the flame, buddy! :wgrin:
if im not mistaken, there are advertisements on the site. and it says you signed up feb 09 CLxJames…id hardly call that a “senior member”. if the site asked for donations, i would definitly give a little. although im sure they are making money on the stick sacks, hoodies, etc.
I didnt say I was a Senior Member, I was talking about how you guys talked to others
look…i dont want to derail this post anymore. i got a negative rep cause of a comment i made here and i dont agree with it one bit. back to the pad vs stick discussion please.