Attention 360 pad users


Seriously though, why do you all moan and complain about how awful the controller is? I know its no SNES or Saturn pad, but at least give things a chance with the Analog. A week and you’ll be golden.

I just needed to get that off of my chest. I’m sick of being the only one smart enough to use the analog.

I use D-Pad and I do just fine (as you know), but, then again, I use charge characters almost exclusively; I couldn’t control the likes of the shotos to save my ass with the D-pad…

I’m just not used to the stick, I find its too sensitive for me. But I’ll practice just because you asked politely :smiley:

I hate the analog even more than the d-pad. But, it doesn’t matter; even though the D-Pad is absolutely fucked on 360, the fact that I’ve played SF2 on pad since I was six, coupled with the fact that ST is not technical enough to pose any serious problems means that playing on pad for me is really not that hard. :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly!! I have been using the Dpad playing SF for years, so I’m very used to it, I dont have a problem using the XB360 Dpad at all. And as for the analog stick, Im just as bad with it as using an arcade stick. I stick to my Dpad as I always have, and it never fails me, and that includes the XB360 Dpad. I have no complaints on the XB360 pad, although everybody else seems to (lol).

I use the analog stick and am able to execute advanced combos without problems. To me it seems like you could play competetively on a 360 analog stick if you had to.

Before my EX2 turned I always used the stick - never occurred to use the D-Pad.

It seems no one has problems with charge characters on the D-Pad.

Quarter circle motion characters on the other hand…

I used to use the Dpad rather than the analog stick, and I main Ryu. I never had too much trouble. Then i got the Hori EX2 stick a while back. Haven’t looked back really. I can play on the pad - Problem is that after an hour it feels like my fingers have arthritis. I don’t get that on the Arcade stick.

I bought a Tournament stick to use with SFIV and SFIIHDRemix and waited so dang long that I got used to the analog pad and am selling the Tournament stick.

You can just pull off some crazy moves so quickly with that 360 analog pad. Now if only there were 6 buttons on the top face of the controller <sigh>

Point proven.

Not really. Using charge characters sucks balls with a controller. Especially the “Hold back, forward-back-forward” supers launched from a crouch position. I used to be a controller stalwart but once you go stick, you never go back. Ever.

You sure about that? Because I have no issue doing those motions with Bison. Hell I even piano on my controller to help get those out.

ahaha yea I do piano reversals on my XB360 controller too, kinda funny. I guess if you keep playing on the controller, you get better with it and much more used to it.

Lol, I do 10x better with charge characters on 360 pad than I do with my fightpad I picked up last week.

Thing is beastly for command characters though

My only complaint about the Xbox 360 controller is not having all six buttons on the face. I mapped out strong and roundhouse to those shoulder buttons and some combos (Fei Long’s j.hp,,rekkas or fierce rekka, strong rekka, jab rekka, for example) feel unnatural. Otherwise, pad is gold no matter which character I’m playing.

Side note: Purely speaking from a pad/stick, the GameCube controller is easily my favorite pad/analog stick of all time. All I had to do was wiggle my thumb slightly for shoryukens, 720s, or whatever motion I wanted. There was no need for that C-stick EO bull-hockey.

I agree that the 360 pad sucks, but playing on a pad in general really does not suck, and it’s not nearly half as bad as people think it is. Here’s a hint: Change the default fucking button layout, because it’s terrible.

I used a pad for the longest time of my life and got a stick last week (SE). I have more trouble now than i ever had with the XBOX D-PAD. My Blanka weakend to a point it just makes me sick and angry to watch me play with him, so i picked up Ryu to learn the stick.
If it turns out i don’t improve on the stick i will come back to the good old D-Pad.

@Jiggly: I thought you got a stick too??Have you returned to use the XBOX-Controller?

im feelin the same way spatz, I’ve had my stick 3 or 4 days now and I just dont havethe feelin I’ll be as good with it as I am on a pad, but I’ll keep at it

This 100%.I play streeet fighter on both a stick and a pad, and i’m way better on a pad.I’ve been training my muscle memory for a pad since the good old days of World Warrior on the GDLK Snes controller (man, i would kill for one of those babies to work on the 360!!).Custom button layout is absolutely CRUCIAL and makes such a difference to my gameplay for pianoing, etc, but the only time i ever really curse my D-Pad over a stick is when i need to get pinpoint timing on a BFBF super reversal with bison, when not getting a reversal will mean i die from chip damage or something, and it doesn’t come out, and i get clobbered. Other than that i’m pad all the way.Some supers are just easier to do on a stick though…

The 360 pad is learnable IMO, just like any other pad is but it’s still piss poor for street fighter.I’ve re-trained my brain for what must be about 10-15 controllers over the years on various systems, and you can learn any pad, but the 360 is hands down the worst i’ve used.The main problem with it for me was not the buttons or the totally ambiguous directions on the d-pad, (jump instead of walk forward…WTF??) but the actual placement of the D-pad itself.It’s a secondary control point, designed for picking weapons in gears of war or halo or whatever and then going back to the analog stick for direction, and because of this it’s so far right on the controller that your thumb has to shift 30 to 40 degrees to use it.This is totally alien to every motion my thumb has learned for street fighter on any other pad, and just means going back to learning everything from scratch.:looney:

EDIT: I’ve been hammered by some seriously good players who were just using the analog stick, and i know it can be used really well, i just find it’s too different to what i’m used to on a dpad, too high and “floaty” to get used to, and without that “snap” response i rely on for quick movement.Each to his own i suppose…