Before getting my stick, I used to play with the analog stick and had absolutely no problem with it, whereas the D-PAD seemed very weird with random unwanted jumps. However, I’m sure that it’s only a training issue, players can use both with efficency.
@spatz1 & IrrepressibleGuile : when I got my stick, I couldn’t do any move consistently, couldn’t play anymore and that was very frustrating, but I kept practicing in training mode and that’s way better now. Be patient, keep training and you’ll be rewarded
Ever since SF2 first hit the SNES I’ve been going back and forth between pad and stick. Stick at the arcade (obviously), pad at home. As a result, I’m pretty competent with both pad and stick, though for some reason, Alpha 2 and 3S feel more natural with a pad, while ST/HDR and SF4 feel more natural with a stick.
On the topic of 360 D-Pad vs. Analogue: I do not understand how people prefer the D-Pad. I mean, if you do, keep at it, do what works for you and don’t let me dissuade you, but that thing put me off terribly right at the start. The analogue isn’t ideal either–not enough dead zone, and a bit over-sensitive–but it is miles better than the D-Pad in my book. Oddly enough, I have the opposite experience with the PS3 pads. The analogue on those is set in the worst way, where it has all the sensitivity issues that the 360 stick has, plus it tilts too far to remain comfortable, while the D-Pad is not ideal, but still comfortable enough for me to play well on.
its only been a couple of days dude give it some time, thats was also my mindset in the first week of APRIL when i got my TE stick, i was gettin mad coz not pullin off move consitantly was killin me, also losing to people i knew i could easily beat with the pad. trust me the first two weeks was hell, i was back n forth with stick to pad and also from square to octo gate.
so wat i did was practice, practice, practice, practice, practice and not give in to the pad and just use the square gate that came standard with the TE stick. so as time went on i started getting real comfortable with the stick and i started to pull off move with significant consistancy…just last week i manage to finish all of c. vipers and gens trial…those two character i think requires the most precise execution in sf4.
so wat im sayin is, it takes time just like it did with the pad. now im comfortable with ryu n deejay on hdr and my c. viper on sf4 is not a free win anymore lol.
wow thanks Chromium&Irrepressibleguile !!Glad to hear i’m not the only one struggeling
I will keep trying to get used to the stick, because i heard of you people having the same trouble i have.
I play a lot with my brother (WolfmanX 25) and he told me i made some progress compared to last WE where i got my stick so i will take the challenge and give the stick some more time like a week od two, and then we’ll see
That’s amazing you can get so much mileage out of the XB360 controller. The last controller that I could even be close to being decent with was the Japanese Saturn controller.
It hurt my hands like hell the first month, but now they’re so used to it. Piano’ing on a controller is awkward at first, but its simple. I have the default set-up, so I slide my thumb across the two face buttons, then hit the shoulder button if need be.
I actually bought a Hori arcade stick for HDR.(I thought I never would) I’m always **terrible ** with arcade sticks, but I wanted to try it out. After some practice, I went back to the good’ol Dpad, as I been using for years. My arcade stick just sits there collecting dust. I’ll admit though, I didnt give it much time to get used to it, due to a lot of frustration using it. If I were to use the arcade stick consistently, I probably would be as good as I play on a Dpad. Maybe sometime I will, but I highly doubt it. Just feels comfortable (well, for me) to play on a Dpad.
And as for the XB360 Dpad, its the plastic that surrounds the pad that makes it tougher to use and move. I took a knife and cut off all the outer plastic surrounding the DPad. It gives a little more room for your Dpad to move around, without the plastic surrounding it. Therefore, gives a little bit more breathing room for your Dpad
The XB360 Dpad looks like this–>[( )] [ ] = upper plastic surrounding the Dpad ( ) = DPad.
I play with —> ( )
Well itfeels a little better on the stick now, after a WE with lots of games. Nevertheless i’m still under my performance on the D-Pad, but i think i’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel
Sorry Chromium for the fast leave, but i had to go, my girlfriend was calling me for dinner and i was late already. We’ll play another day
Your nowhere near being the smartest one to use it dude lol. I know so many people use it. Reason because, sticks break easily and the 360 is a tough controller:wgrin:
Diablien! Hey buddy! Your never on street fighter anymore! You gotta get on, your a good Cammy partner And If you don’t know who this is, it’s Oo KosoWaR oO . You know the one that’s a beast with Cammy
I had an EX2 for a while, but I didn’t feel like it was for me. It went through me to think of it like this, because I’d love to walk into an arcade and play the game how it was intended to be played.
So I’m back on my third 360 pad (RB has a habit of going spongy/unresponsive). For Gief and Hawk I use the analog (and it’s not too bad), but with all other characters I use the D-pad. For me, the amount of travel your thumb goes through to execute a move on analog feels like it’s more than with a D-pad, so at least in my mind, I feel as though I am slower on analog and less likely to get moves out when I need them. I think that was my problem with the arcade stick too, the amount of movement needed to go from left to right was quite a bit and it resulted in me not being as quick as I was on D-pad.
you might wanna give the hori ex controller a try, the d-pad is excellent and its shaped like a regular 360 pad, the only bad thing is that its painful to use after a while. The d-pad is cross shaped like the snes controller
Ive been trying to use a stick for the past 2 months and I am just not as good on it. But I feel like it’s cause the stick is to slow to respond. For instance, anyone that’s played me knows I love to do short hk’s into throw…when I go to throw and want the direction to go opposite from where the hk motion end, I will get a standing fierce or strong instead of the throw. I’ve practiced this in training numerous times and no matter what I do I have to give it a split second to ensure I get the throw…during a match that split second costs me and i am easily reversed…as soon as I pick the pad up, this is no longer an issue.
I also find I can change my mind quicker and I just think faster with pad. I’m hoping this will eventually subside and I will be just as responsive on the stick…but it’s been 2 months and I still feel sluggish. My throw issue stems from the control registering the neutral position rather than the direction I am going for, but no matter how fast I go, I will get the standing attack more often than not.
can someone explain to me what i am doing wrong here? why did my previous post get me a negative rep comment?! i dont understand how this whole rep thing is supposed to work…who exactly is so special that they can publically and anonymously pass judgement just if they dont agree with what i am saying?!! i can understand if i was trolling…but just cause my view on stick vs pad isnt agreed with??? fuck you whoever you are!!!
Honestly, I wouldn’t put so much stock in rep. Yeah, people can basically just neg rep you for not agreeing with them, and there isn’t much of anything you can do about it. Best to just let it roll off your back. If you’re a quality poster, that quality will shine through in ways that a little bar under your avatar won’t really compete with, so don’t let it get to you.
As for your observations about the stick, I think it’s a bit of a tradeoff. In general, since there’s less physical distance you have to move, you will always feel like a pad is, at the very least, less work to get your results. Speed will come with practice and muscle memory, and will become less of a concern with time, and it will then just be an issue of comparative effort. The flip side is, with that wider range of motion, you’re also able to be more precise in your motions with practice.
Eventually, if you stick with it, you’ll reach a point where you can do what you’re doing effortlessly and precisely regardless of whether you’re using a pad or a stick, and then it’s purely a matter of preference.
Don’t sweat it mike.There’s nothing you can do about it. Basically premium members have got the right to neg you if they want, for any reason.For example, my last post on this thread got a neg rep from an anonymous member with no comment or identification other than “abcdefg” just cos i expressed a preference for pad over stick.Meh! Most people on SRK are cool, but there are some assholes who happen to have a premuim membership who will flame you just cos they’re assholes and have some beef with you.
As has been said, let the quality of your posts speak for themselves, and help people with good advice and tips when you can, and i think most people will get the right idea about you.
I use mainly charge characters because I have issues performing motions for shotos on X-Box analog controller.
I always thought that a tournament stick would only help the shotos and other command movements. I can see the logic there especially T-Hawk and Zangief, its golden.
Can any tournament stick users vouch for improved play with charge players? I figure it makes no difference, but would rather hear from users.
I hear ya mike! LOL There are buttheads out there that will negative rep you just for disagreeing with them. Nothing else. Not for flames or anything. I think the rep system is stupid because you have to pay for the privilege to use the system, and I think that is the issue… since they are paying for it, these reppers will use any excuse to use it, and know that if you are a non-paying member, you can’t flame them back. Sucks, huh?