ATL North XBL/PSN ids | Whats a good day for everyone?

SSF4 - Gen
Usually on at least an hour everynight. Unless my girl says no.

PSN: capnjoe
XBL: The Joekr
SSF4 most every night

XBL: Frodus Maximus

Play SSFIV and MK9. Will play BBCS and MVC3 if people want, though my copy of MVC3 is dead.

PSN: m1x4h
MvC2, HDR, AE.

XBL: Stodgy Bastige
Games: SSF4AE
Location: NYC

XBL: ThaBlackF1ash

I play AE. That is all. lol. Dictator and I’m learning Yang. I mess around with Makoto and Chun from time to time.

Hey, I added you. Lets play soon. Could always use some Ibuki practice.

PSN: Mattizm

Boonton, NJ

Mostly play MvC3 which I am average at best, but love to play
Going to jump back into SSFIV AE soon as well, we have it at work, don’t have it at home yet
I play MvC2 once in a great while when I want to relive my youth lol

Location: Central Jersey

PSN: Von_Ruethles
XBL: Von Ruethless

I play SSFIV, MK9, MvC3 and Tekken 6 on my PS3

SC4 on my 360 as well as a few others.

Looking to get better and play people better than me, learn new stuff, things like that.

I’m going to add you two to my PSN friends list, looking to play some MvC3 and SSFIV this week.


PSN: mayormcjustin

Im mostly on MK9 for 360 and i play ST on supercade and GGPO. But Im on supercade more

Windsor CT

XBL: ChefNeedles. Pretty much only on SSF4, will be getting Third Strike Online, and SkullGirls when they’re out.

add me for HDR…i dabble in that

North Dartmouth, Massachusetts
I only play SSF4AE and MK9
Hit me up my PSN: DJP0LO92

Yeah I will do that hit my gamertag up and we will get in some games.

PSN: Sasarix

I mostly play MvC 3 but I also play SF and MK 9

PSN: Nysidious
I play street fighter almost all the time and looking to play some players with a decent connection. Lag is ruining the game for me as it is for other players so just send me a friend request saying your from SRK and ill be glad to add you.

PSN is HavocHedgehog

I play MvC3… I have SSFIV but I don’t play it too much anymore[S], I mostly just look at Juri’s butt in the menu[/S].

Loc :Brooklyn, New York
PSN : Grand-ichi7
I play SSF4 AE…no marvel

Local: Pikesville, MD
PSN: Combo_Knight

If, I’m not trolling on SSF4, MvC3/2, HDR or MK9, you can also catch me trolling on CoD MGS4 or something of that nature, I intend on getting AE asap.

Locale: NYC Brooklyn
Gamertag: Akae47

I play all fighters except marvel 3