Asuka Video Archive

Fair enough :smiley:

Time to breath some life into the forums :stuck_out_tongue:

A set I had with another Irish person, I understand the quality is a bit bad but it was all I could do :stuck_out_tongue:

Criticism etc. would be nice, I dropped quite a few combos and got free jumpins whereas I shouldn’t have.


I have 2 matches at the 31:00 mark.

A previous match of mine against an Asuka/Cammy team.


Posted this in the Juri forums, but I figured I’d cross the line into the Asuka thread (see what I did thar?)


One of the few decent ranked matches I’ve had lately T.T


more Asuka!


Never enough Asuka.

MOAR Asuka :open_mouth: …actually it’s like 70% Juri this time, but she’s still in there!

I havent played this game since May but seeing how Asuka has developed since makes me excited to get back into it. Nice.

Thanks man! :slight_smile:

More videos! 15 minute set from the Karastorm lobby

So you’re the guy i played the other day lol. Your team is good. I still haven’t found my team yet.


A painful encounter with Asuka. Ouch!


And another one featuring Alisa as a tag partner.


Point Asuka, Combofiend

Good set, but combofiend really overuses the hell out of heron dance. It’s safe but she has other options to mix it up with…

Video time!

Matches of my chun/asuka online. Getting stronger…

<font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”>Pasting this here because it deserves a home other than the front page. Good video for people looking to pick her up… not so great for current asuka players looking for optimization.</span></font><div style=“font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal;”><br></div><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”></span></font><br></div>