Asuka Video Archive

when i got home i had caught the second match and they were giving him so much praise but i really didn’t understand why
but that first set he played so well especially when raven didn’t tag in lol
his aa game was on point, his tag in combos were kind of lacking, but yeah he was always in which is good hope he sticks with her :slight_smile:

I think I need to start making the habit of starting my combo strings with LP and then go into the MP>LP. I just go into the MP>LP and get beat out of it a lot because I like avoiding that extra bit of damage scaling.


Link did some really nice combos here with Asuka. He picks her at around 3:40ish

I definitely would be hating that Raven for tagging himself in after jump roundhouse and then dropping the combo, when the raven juggle doesn’t even do more damage than what Asuka does after that point in the combo. Probably actually lost them some rounds that way.

Note on the runnin’ sets video, if I remember correctly, onikubigari -> normally doesn’t connect even at point blank, but it does connect from hyakujitsuko xx onikubigari. Not a bad setup against some characters, as standing short has pretty good priority even though you start out negative, plus you can charge the onikubigari to fish for counterhits, which would make it a better trap.


Some day 1 footage, I had some execution errors and wasn’t performing the optimal combos.The other person was new to FGs so it doesn’t really show much but it’s something.

(I didn’t sign up under kawaiifergychan btw o_O)


Some Asuka clips

umm could you time stamp so we don’t have to search through matches that don’t involve asuka next time?

14:20 is when shes on
i actually use bob with her but i use asuka first, so it was interesting to see someone else play them, although they played both very different from the way i play them

Well after about a week of not playing SFxT because of the horrid online, I got bored and decided to hop back on xD. Went on PJStream and had some fun. In one match I had though, I like the way I ended it. Charged Counter Crumble Combo Victory~ @4:31 xD Also the last 5 vids in my SFxT playlist has some more Asuka action.



Interesting stuff, will end my chains into her light attacks to launch now

Funny thing is since its so specific, this is clearly not a bug but what Capcom wanted. I wonder what is the reason. My best guess is that they wanted at least a minimum of players to use manual launchers in competitive plays.

Played a little on peaceful jay’s stream
I’m on starting at 21:16:0, Also I think some fo these games show how asukas f+mp is very important to her mix-up game after knock down.
I’ll probably rip the video and re-upload my matches on my youtube channel later.


Amazing Asuka play here (23:38)


Decent enough play (00:00 and 19:45)


[media=youtube]NsbDGHvpikg[/media] I didn’t have anything better to do. So here’s a video for the dead forum c:

Well here’s the new team I’m trying out:


Love it. :slight_smile:

Juri is much stronger on her own but when Asuka gets in she hits like a truck. So Yoshi’s main goal is to get Asuka in the opponent’s face and once she’s there I either go for a reset, a full combo or a Launcher to keep Yoshi in depending on my needs. The tricky part is managing meter so that I always have a way to get Asuka out and Yoshi back in because Asuka’s neutral game is a disaster lol. I mean she can kinda make footsie characters respect her counter and force them to rely more on throwing and jumping and she can get around fireballs with and EX Exorcisor, but it’s still a nightmare to get in without relying on jump too much and I don’t like her reversal options. Thank god she has a decent backdash.

The one thing I can say is, I think you overused the counter a bit too much :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no reason to use her counter on their wakeup when you can mixup with f+mp/hk or chain hitconfirm, the risk/reward of using the counter is way too skewed. If you did it because you were confident they were gonna press buttons, might as well ex dp into 396 damage.

But I liked the tag cancel off falling rain and the ideas you have with this team!

^ Well I had the life lead. Asuka’s counter conditions the opponent to abuse throw and jumping which is exactly what I wanted him to do. Except he didn’t jump but if he eventually did jump I would’ve closed the match with an AA anyway.

I love abusing Asuka’s counter lol. I know it’s unsafe but I still make them respect it to a point where they don’t want to press buttons anymore and they start playing real dumb. That’s when I can CADC, use her overhead and AA for free.

Aye but on wakeup, a meaty would stop both of those options safely.

Except a doesn’t condition the opponent… It either hits, gets blocked or gets blown up. It’s not a matter of stopping x options. It’s a matter of manipulating my opponent into adopting certain habits I’m looking to counter.

See, I didn’t care if I got hit at that point because I had life lead + meter to get Yoshi in anyway. So what I was trying to do is tell my opponent that he can’t just press buttons whenever he wants and he can’t come back from behind with just throws (considering the time left on the clock) so at that point he either needed to delay his attacks or he needed to jump. I condition him to anticipate Asuka’s counter so I can blow him up more easily later on. If he starts delaying his pokes, that’s a free way in for pressure/mixup/throw and if he neutral jumps, that’s a free anti-air. A doesn’t mess with your opponent’s head and it doesn’t force him to change his offensive approach. That’s why I spam counter. :slight_smile:

That was the long explanation. Short version: I felt like trolling. :smiley: