Dude, I was not making any suppositions towards the affiliations of the perps. I was asking if the media had done their usual kneejerk bullshit of blaming the political enemies of their masters instead of more likely suspects. Chill with the friendly fire.
The SPLC is a politically-motivated group. It’s like the Heritage Foundation. (Although SPLC is left-leaning instead of right-wing.) You can’t believe any information these groups release. It’s political, not factual. Just look at this: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2015/year-hate-and-extremism-0 Clearly, they consider most/all conservatives to be part of a giant hate-group.
2.) “There were 784 active hate groups in the United States in 2014, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
LOL! No… just… no. If you actually look at the individual groups, some of them aren’t hate groups at all. Their view of what constitutes a hate group is rather broad. For instance, if a group was against gay-marriage, they might be labeled an anti-LGBT, hate-group.
3.) Hate Crime Data
It says right there in the article you linked. Around 4,000 people report a racially-motivated hate crime every year in the entire U.S. That means around 0.001% of people in the U.S. will experience a hate-crime so severe that they report it to the police. According to the CDC, (http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/leadingcauses.html) Around 40,000 people per year commit suicide. Around 20,000 are murdered. Hate crime is not the source of shootings by any means, and there are far greater problems.
4.) Patriot Groups
The SPLC actually considers being a nationalist or loving your country as equivalent to hating minorities. They lump all these people together. Seriously.
5.) Sovereign Citizen Movement
It’s basically 300,000 people that are trying to get out of paying their taxes. They are labeled as a hate-group, and terrorists. Ridiculous.
6.) Anti-Authoritarian Groups
I had an idea while reading this: What if, in order to own a gun, you had do complete a program emphasizing nonviolent conflict resolution and anger management? Sort of like a “defensive driving” for guns, it would try to show people that, while you have the right to bear arms, it is not necessarily the right idea to use them. Shit, this is something POLICE need, going by the news.
As for illegal firearm trade, that is something that should be worked on in tandem to this. We need to switch focus off of the BS “war on drugs” that accomplishes nothing and turn on this.
I’m starting to be unsure of what’s more fucked with what I’ve been hearing lately. That if this was a white Christian, it’d have to be on the level of the Oklahoma City Bombings to be considered a potential “domestic terrorist attack” and that the instant people wondered if it was a terrorist attack, you just KNEW they were middle eastern because “yay racial stereotyping”. Or, that a bunch of people are saying that this is proof that MORE people need to be armed in the streets to “fight back against this”. I’m like what the fuck. How many fucking innocent people are going to die in these damn shootouts before these damn people fucking learn? How many lives have to end before they realize having a gun to feel like their dick’s bigger isn’t worth it?
Hell, the UK had a school shooting happen and their response was to just flat out make it so that certain kinds of firearms (like pistols) were straight up illegal for private ownership unless you were in law enforcement or the military.
You didn’t need to post that gif, because even if you did read you have the reading comprehension of a 5th grader. I know i’m not the only one telling you over and over again that your responses have little relevance to what you are trying to argue about. You also post links that fully contradict you, but since you are stupid you can’t really understand them.
There’s been more shootings in the year 2015 than there have been DAYS in the year so far, and there’s been over 1000 shootings in the past 2.5-3 years. If that’s “irrelevant” or “insignificant” to you and not something to make you consider that maybe, JUST MAYBE there need to be stricter gun control laws in place so crazy people can’t get fire arms just so you can wave your pistols around going “yeah, 'Murica!!” then sorry to break it to you, but you and the "constitutional philosophy"s point of views are fucked up. And that’s without even getting into priorities.
It’s now completely obvious you’ve never ever read a book or value the principles in which a free society is built uopn. I already addressed what the left can do to solicit support to pass the legislation they want. But they refuse to do that, because their goal is the abolishment of firearms, the type that only account for less than 1 percent of firearm deaths in the United States.
people like this think we live in a fucking vacuum and only care about mass shootings becuase they’ve been told to care by stupid left wing media. The same media that paints people who believe they should be allowed to have the choice to protect themselves as irrational schizophrenic people. Yet refuse to acknowledge or even talk about how handguns are the virtural cause of all deaths in the United States, and even in mass shootings, the primary mode of death isn’t from military style firearms, but handguns.
But it’s not like I can expect any rational thought from these people. all they do is talk about gun control, but never ofer solutions or implementations of said solutions. Why should anybody pass laws based on emotion rather than logic.
If you’re a violent sociopath or a crazy person, you sure as hell shouldn’t be able to own a gun. I have no idea how that bit of basic common sense is lost on you. Hell, it’s not like I’m telling people who hunt for food saying “nah, you can’t have a hunting rifle to help you feed your family” or anything like that because that would be silly, and isn’t what I’m saying at all.