I do what we Asians do. I’m going to take a design by a white person, make it more efficient, miniaturize it, produce it for less, put it in a box with colorful art, then sell it back to the white man.
The chinks, frogs, and nips get it the worse from me. But I do not discriminate, I hate everyone equally. I don’t care if you’re a Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Morman, Janist, Muslim, Sikh, Bahai, Oprah-ism, wop, boater, gook, guido, ABCD, wetback, beaner, bogan, brownie, kiwi, towel head, sand nig, prairie nig, house nig, whig, real nig, mic, spic, camel jockey, coon, coolie, cracker, cunt-eyed, dink, flip, kike, gerry, limey, paddy, Polack, pillow biter… If I left anyone out, I do sincerely apologize.
But we should not derail, for that would be in violation of our user agreement. Let us continue to make this thread about posing the serious questions.
Why do white people like cheese?