Thanks, that gives me a good starting point.
What are some good beginner characters? I really want to play this game and there’s a strong scene for it in London, but I need to have some stuff to learn in training mode, so what are some good characters to get a running start with?
Kyo, Andy, Claw Iori, Kula, Terry, and Shen Woo to name a few. They’re all relatively easy to pick up. At least in my opinion. Edit:I forgot to add Clark in that mix. Clark is a good character to start off with too.
Ex Kyo, Shen, Terry. imo.
That is a serious bummer. Amazing, its always the fun games that end up with lackluster online. So the patches have done nothing to fix it? So like how honestly bad is it versus other “bad” online games I have heard about like Mortal Kombat 9 or even UMvC3, as I own those two.
The patches fixed matchmaking issues that the game had so those with decent connections could fight other people with decent connections. The issues with the netcode itself are unchanged.
From an average perspective: better than MK, worst than UMVC3 imo, yes the netcode is not optimal although some people are exaggerating lol, anyways as you can see there is a lot of mixed results, the netcode is unchanged (although some people report best connections with their friends), this is more a matchmaking patch, if you want to know more reports about the online game go to the netcode report thread, in my personal opinion the game is someway playable with 4 bars anything else is horrible, play on Xbox live not on PSN, the game right now has an accesible price (you can find it for $30 at Amazon) is your choice if you want to try it for some casual fun and see how the game really is from a gameplay perspective to give you an idea about KOF, the online game is really unreliable.
Well if its better than MK then theoretically I should have little trouble. I just unlocked my main (Cyber Sub-Zero, and granted I royally stink atm) and my experience with its online has actually been pretty good. Still, I ordered KOF 13 a couple days ago, man if only the demo had still been up I could try the game without opening it.
Well, you are coming from a game like BB with a great netcode i understand the concern, try the game just to get an idea about KOF, post your gamertag /PSN on the “online players list” thread, maybe you will find someone near you or look on the “dreamcancel” forums if you want to find some players online.
Online Compendium:
Anyways keep in mind the advice about the online game here, is unreliable but i hope you get a good experience
*I think Mai is the only/best pure footsie character but a few other characters have good space control with normals and specials. Ralf, Billy Kane, Ryo, Benimaru and Daimon in particular preform very well at controlling the space in front of them. As a fellow 3s player and going off your sig I think Daimon in particular would mesh well with you. *
yo i will try em out thanks. Currently im doing well with k dash. And ive been using kim. For almost long as mai. But i have mixed feelings with him, still not comfortable with his normals, so i just try to do crazy rushdown with him.
Well, KOF 13 just LOOKS good, I have the game right now, I’ll cross my fingers for the online once I feel I am comfortable enough with my skills to attempt online. Now I do have a gameplay question: I want to play Athena on point, so will Kyo and Iori be good teammates for her? I was suggested Flame Iori before though, is he vastly different from regular Iori? I just don’t wanna buy him if he’s not needed is all.
Kim…what are some pretty safe pressure strings or normals
Kyo and Iori are fine.
The DLC characters are all worth your time if you want to spend the money them, but yes Flame Iori is quite a bit different.
Btw, could anyone provide strategies for dealing with Andy?
I’ll probably write my next article on fighting Andy. Hint: try doing a light DP against a blocked Zaneiken.
214+B is somewhat safe, though only good for occasionally ending a frametrap. Otherwise you use use a lot of normals; st.B pokes at a range, cr.B for your main low, st.D for going over opponent’s lows/anti-airing/moving forward and being plus or even on block, cr.D for occasional sweeps, chain into f.B for frametraps, go for a j.A crossup setup or hop forward with j.C/j.D or even neutral hop with either at max range, or be mad gimmicky and use ff.A or instant air hangetsuzan overheads HUAHUEHUAHUEHUAHUEHUAHUE.
In terms of being a completely airtight string, you’d have to do cr.B cr.B st.B, though stuff like cr.B > st.D, cr.B > cl.C/cl.D, cr.B > cr.B > f.B, and cr.B > cr.C all cause varying gaps for setting up for a counterhit.
Perhaps I could stream some Kim next time to show you what he can do, but he runs basic and quite effective offense that’s based on his normals, and any clean hit can be turned into a hard knockdown for a crossup/safejump setups.
could you post your stream link here if/ when you do? Also, thanks for the knowledge
Kim is so fucking stupid. He literally has nothing bad, except maybe a little bit shitty meterless damage, but otherwise he’s great. Ground Hangetzu being safe on block against anyone without a instant command grab if spaced right, which isn’t that difficult, is stupid because you can play a guessing game with it by either blocking after it, or doing Hienzan to bait a punish out of your opponent. His sweep is fast and it’s pretty much safe, OG Iori Rekkas can’t punish it and nobody’s ranbu can punish it from my tests. S.D gving frames on block and hit is stupid, you can build such an easy offense centered around that move if your opponent doesn’t have meter to blow on GC A+C or Roll and confirm into a combo if it hits, plus it avoids low moves. His BnB also gives a hard knockdown with enough time to setup an ambigious crossup with j.C, or a high low mixup with f+B_c.B. F+B is easily confirmed into HD mode and a combo. So dumb is Kim that after getting bodied constantly by a guy I play with, I switched to using him too.
His meterless damage is good lol. Just cr.Bx2 s.B ff.A qcb.B does about 200 damage every time, anything 200+ without meter is good. Kim also loses to really good zoners, it can be real hard for him to get in. Also, characters with very fast startup supers like Iori can punish Hangetzu.
Where can I find the frame data for this game?
Dreamcancel has some for a few characters. Look around this thread.