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Pretty much every character does about 200 with their bnb, every good character at least, so I didn’t count that as much. And no, his Hangetzu can’t be punished by anything except 1 frame command grabs if it’s spaced right, it’s somehing like -1 or -2 that way. I’m talking only about the shin or toes of Kim’s leg hitting the opponent. Zoning against Kim works, but he has ways around it, and he’s very good at getting into the opponent and starting pressure. Top tier stupidy if you ask me.

Fired up the game for the first time, and I’m sold on it lol. Fast, energetic, quick, lotsa stuff to watch for, lotsa tools for each character, good variety in the cast.

I tried out Athena and just as I figured she’s a perfect fit for me. I also tried Kyo and he’s crazy cool and has a lot of good moves and reach as well. I need to download Flame Iori to see if he is good, but from what everyone has told me he sounds like a good third.

And then I had to try Yuri…I tell yah I like how she plays a LOT, nearly as cool as Athena. The fact she has a command grab as well as very interesting projectiles and good speed makes her seem amazing, but still, would she be better for this team or should I stll use F.Iori? Or maybe switch Kyo out for Yuri and put F.Iori second or last?

Essence it’ll be either: Athena/Kyo/F.Iori, Athena/Yuri/F.Iori, or Athena/F.Iori/Yuri

Edit: Just downloaded and tried F.Iori and he’s cool, kind of similar to Kyo but he still definantly plays different. So Athena and Kyo are for certain, but who would you guys suggest for my third character; F. Iori or would Yuri be a better third character?

Actually, I’m streaming at now. I’m trying to find the best way to post schedules for it, but both @Sparkster_KOF and @QuickMaxVIP. Can’t say for sure when the next stream session will be up, but I’m trying to do at least one more before MLG.

Hi, I’m having troubles with Vice after blocking attacks, I can’t find a good way to react to pressure. Fighting Kim Kaphwan is a good example, everytime my opponent does the **“Hangetsuzan” **move (qcb+K) I cant touch him after blocking; so he keeps the pressure (with the same, or a low HK or some other kicks) until my guard crushes. Besides normal moves, I tried weak mayhem (qcb+A) but it was useless. Maybe is my timing but I cant deal with the pressure of the hangetsuzan. Sometimes I feel she is lacking good normal moves, I mean her low attacks have poor range. I also tried to roll the hangetsuzan but it connects anyway. So I’m asking for these Vice tips :
-how to deal with Kim’s hangetsuzan.
-how to deal with pressure in general to avoid guard crushes.
-and what move (punch, kick, special move or whatever) can I use to hit (or to keep away) my opponent after blocking.

That’s all, my brother keeps bullying on me with the hangetsuzan and I took it as a challenge. Sometimes I have troubles fighting other characters but somehow I find the way to deal with them, it’s Kim that bring me too much troubles. So I hope you can share some tips and help me fight that son of a witch that is Kim.

Anyone have any tips on canceling Maxima’s qcb A or C into qcfx2 A or C?
Unless I’m just not doing it fast enough/it’s an execution error, are there any shortcuts for this?

i’m no good at kof but this game seems to hold inputs for a long time so i don’t think the speed of the motion is ever a problem. maxima keeps himself in that hitting stance for a while and makes the cancel window look longer than it really is. in my experience hitting A or C for the super is best done right as his hand hits them. dunno of any shortcuts since the super motions feel like they need to be pretty thorough compared to some other games. also this might seem obvious but don’t forget to look at the drive meter too. or maybe i’m the only one who forgets.

while i’m here, i don’t really understand tick throws at all in this game. it seems like i have to wait a full second before i can throw or command grab. the dummy is well into its neutral animation so blockstun isn’t a problem, but the grab still whiffs. is it normal to have to wait that long?

Thanks. I’ll note all this and practice it more later. I really appreciate the reply.

Characters have a few frames of throw invincibility after hit and blockstun, and on wakeup provided that they didn’t tech roll.

After getting hard knockdown, opponents have between 5-8 frames of throw invincibility IF they do not tech roll. If they tech their knockdown, they lose all of the throw invincibility advantage they have at the cost of getting up much faster.

Two quick Qs regarding movelists:
What use is EX Kyo’s RED kick? I know it HKDs and the ex version tracks, but I rarely see it used even in combos and IIRC it’s unsafe on block.

Also, EX Iori’s hcb+K run grab. Also don’t understand the purpose for this move. I know it HKD, but you can’t really confirm a combo into it.

EX HCB+K with iori can LP rekka, and if near corner, can followup with an OTG via ex hcb+k. He can also Shiki Yaotome(Maiden Masher) into it, but its not really advised since that can be used for something else or just to save the meter.

EX RED Kick, it should only be used if desperate, because you have to somewhat react to a fireball. Also, if you are playing ex kyo properly, shouldn’t have to use it since he is almost 100% rushdown.

I use the OTG ex hcb+K to kill sometimes, the normal version doesn’t seem that useful though. Same with normal RED kick

Well some people who can’t do EX Iori’s main HD cancels (Rekka, DP, Rekka, DP. Or Rekka, DP, Command Grab, C, Rekka, DP, etc.) uses the weaksauce HD cancel of Rekka, DP, HCB+K, which does less damage.

Normal red kick with EX Kyo has some purposes, some players who tend to not do well under pressure start to jump. RED kick beats most normal jumps and can trade with blowbacks, but you get the advantage since RED does hard knockdown. Other than that I wouldn’t use it unless you want to catch opponent off guard. It can also work to bait out command grabs when you jump in. Ex. You get Kyo’s BnB on a clark player and do a normal jump in, they try to LK Super Argentina Backbreaker, you can RED kick to evade the throw without the cost of risking your offensive pressure. However, the most logical punish in that situation would be to vertical shorthop C, s.C, Fwrd.B, HCB+K or an HD combo if you have meter. It depends on preference and how you attack every sitaution, but normal RED kick has its uses.

Very easy. Just do qcb A for the special, then another qcb A (and hold!) for the super cancel.
So just: qcb A, qcb A

That is all there is to it. Works with any other moves too. for example.

cr.b , cr.b xx hcf b that is sometimes hard to do, cause you have to do it very fast, you can input it like:

cr.b , left, leftdown, down b, rightdown, right b .

same principle, works with anything. KOF13 isnt that strict on the inputs as everybody wants us to believe :wink: .
It’s very important to hold ! the buttons for a cancel. while holding it, the commant input will be repeated for a view frames, so you dont have to hit a strict timing window, works best with special moves (compared to just normals, there is a bigger buffer).
So whenever you are drive canceling or super canceling or just canceling a normal into a special, you can hold the button.

edit: gnargh. Just read you meant qcb canceled into 2x qcf, ok thats another story. Guess you have to be fast.

So I’m learning Elizabeth and I’m learning how strict it is to be able to drive cancel from her dp into her qcf, because if you are lazy like I am you do your DPs by pressing forward then by doing a qcf motion. a big part of this is because I play on pad…

I understand that if I do the inputs correctly it will work, but I’m hoping that maybe there is a shortcut to this technique that wouldn’t make playing on pad that much more of a liability.

The input isn’t repeated at all for normals, a 1 frame links is always a 1 frame link. But yes, for specials/supers, hold the button.

Use DP+P~F+P, to drive cancel that.

So my game has definitely been improving since the last time I stopped in and posted up a couple videos. No doubt a chunk of the credit goes to this thread. Right now I wanted to bring up a new topic that i know a lot of people are probably asking about too.

What in the hell do I do about Yuri? Specifically anchor Yuri that typically comes in pretty stocked with drive and meter.

To be more specific, I’m usually going up against Yuri with either my 2nd: Saiki or my anchor Shen, the Shen/Yuri matchup in particular just feels really dumb in how it works. If I have meter and a life lead I can sit back and just wait for her to make a move and EX super her on reacion, all those sorts of fun things, but if Yuri ever gets on top of me I just don’t know what the hell to do.

Occasionally I’ll get lucky with Shen and catch a gap in the strings with a Crouch.C into Forward B, xx HD xx Death, but unless something like that happens once that little twat is on top of me I just feel helpless. I’ve tried burning meter on CD counters and GC rolls, I’ve tried to find the spots where you can jab her out of demon flips. I’m really hoping I’m just missing something because right now I am free to this situation and it really sucks to go through.

Dive kick in general is just the most ridiculous thing i’ve seen. I can deal with the massive hit stun and all that nonsense, but that moves crossup and forced backturn ability (even on fucking block) just blow my goddamn mind. What’s even worse is if I do manage to get away, if she has a life lead I don’t know how the hell I can get back in. Stand B is flat out retarded anti-air. It stuffs every single one of Shen’s jump ins free, and then she gets a free demon flip into air throw to put me back in the horrible guessing game. Then if you knock her down, you have the wonderful guessing game of working around a 1 frame grab, a very safe reversal command grab (at least that i can punish with ex super when I bait it), and her other nonsense.

So I’ll take anything anyone has on how to deal with that giant head bitch. I am seriously mindfucked by this character right now, and figuring out what to do about her is what I really want to work on right now.