I know this is a really basic problem, but I’m having some trouble linking Kula’s air C into ground C, and linking air attacks to ground attacks in general. I don’t know if it’s because I’m not doing the air move low enough, or because I’m getting the timing of the followup ground attack wrong. Any help? I’m trying to do this from a hop, not a full jump BTW
Hwa and Saiki are the strongest. Robert is pretty good too.
This is what you get for playing street fighter 4! Haha.
Hitting jump-ins isn’t easy in KOF13, it’s only slightly easier than it used to be, buch much tighter than it was in arcade.
Something you need to know:
Hitstun is much lower than blockstun on heavies 12 frames on hit, 15 frames on block (lights are 12/12)
KOF’s normals have 4 frames input delay, so if you time the button press visually by when you land, you’re probably pressing it a bit too late.
In SF4 you can buffer a normal during your landing recovery, making links from jump-ins a bit easier.
You failing the link is probably a combination of not hitting the jump-in deep enough, and timing the follo-up slightly late.
Kula can be tricky. Her close C is a bit slow, and her jump C has an unusual amount of startup that can throw your timing off.
Other than that, you can try hitting the combo on a crouching opponent first, after all, that will be the default stance they will be in if they get hit by a jump-in. But it’s good practice to eventually also be able to hit it on a standing opponent.
started grinding some online a bit after i wanted to shake some dust off from grinding SFxT. was getting BODIED by this guy playing psycho soldiers. athena wasn’t really a issue but kensou and chin was running a train on me. i have no idea what i do vs kensou’s frametraps/corner pressure, and i just don’t know anything about chin in general except he has a overhead, but then it looked like he was whiffing/faking it and catching me offguard there. definitely gotta make some time to keep on practicing this game.
also what are your guy’s yuri midscreen HD combos?
I have been dabling with ryo, and his genral playstyle really irks me. primarily thanks to his lack of hitconfirms for his combos, but what really got me was his fireball. I was under the impression that it was a very strong preassure tool, until I encountered some very odd instances were the hitbox failed me. for example, when facing my friend’s king, I shot a C fieball, he did EX trapshot, and I got sucked in, from near max range, thanks to the fireball making contact.
so I was wondering if if I could get a quick summary on Ryo’s play style maybe? what makes him strong, how do you pressure without the use of a safe forward moving special, maybe some hit confirms I’m missing? I want to like this character, there just isn’t much info on him besides the wiki page, since he’s not often played in tourneys from what I see. footage of a good Ryo is welcomed too.
Ryo has his standard hitconfirms from the older KOF games, meaning he keeps it basic with cr.B st.A xx hcb+K or by canceling his cl.C or st.D directly into specials. His heavy normals chain and combo into f.A, but unless you have HD or power stocks, you can’t cancel the chop into specials. It’s a dynamic that Ryo’s always had, it’s just that unlike other characters he didn’t get extended hitconfirms though his are certainly managable and more rewarding than Saiki, as a reference. Because you can’t hitconfirm from a single cr.C or st.D, playing Ryo is all about frametraps, most of which can combo on hit and be safe on block. His main tool for frametraps and mostly safe pressure is his Kouken (qcf+P) since it can only be punished by correctly committing to a guard roll, though Ryo’s fully capable of baiting guard rolls by canceling attacks into his df.B downward parry or simply by mixing up blockstrings and leaving some attacks uncanceled, making blockstring patterns more unpredictable.
If you play around with Ryo’s normals, you’ll notice most of them have big hitboxes and most cancel into specials, even his far C. If you’re familiar with setting up counterhit cr.HP uppwercuts with Ryu in Street Fighter, you should feel very pleased with Ryo’s cr.C which also links off of cr.C. Plenty of heavy hitstun, buff range, cancelability, just not as many instances for him to chain attacks for hitconfirms, though like I said with HD you can go into f.A and do a 1 meter corner carry that does 70% into a hard knockdown or whatever, so he’s definately got the damage. If you know what you can punish, then you just have to adjust to doing things like st.D > hcb+BD > dp+C > hcb+D > dp+C, aka being able to commit to guaranteed punishes and the like without falling back on a hitconfirm just in case the timing gets botched.
As for his Kouken, it’s a decent grounded poke though as you noticed he can be hit out of the startup while it appears the projectile is active, though it’s actually not. This is similar to some SF2 instances where you can get hit while it looks like your projectile’s out, but it’s not yet active and then it disappears. Your best bet is to carefully space the attack since Ryo really extends his arm out during the startup, especially on the C version since he moves forward and suffers more startup. You can play a zoning game with his Kouken though you better be ready to become unreadable, ready to switch between anti-airing with his DP or grounded normals, air-to-airing, spacing with Kouken, and going on the offensive into his idea footsie/frametrap range. Kouken’s nice, though it isn’t too abusable.
You don’t mention his cr.B, cr.C hitconfirm string, which, once oyu have the link down, pretty easy and adds a good chunk of damage. But as Sparkster says, Ryo isn’t really about hitconfirms.
I’m on the fence about KoF 13. I keep hearing its all hard and stuff, but then I also hear Blazblue is hard and yet I own Blazblue. With enough practice, would I be able to play this fairly well seeing as i have a little experience with Blazblue? Also I main Jin and Platinum on BB, what characters on KoF 13 would be good starting points for me, besides Athena of course cause I am sold on maining her.
Is this game worth getting if all I can be in it is an online warrior? Is the netcode worse than AE2012? I really like how fast tempo the game is and the combos but I live in a rural area and for certain can’t travel to play
It’s pretty difficult to get into compared to other modern fighting games, but you can get used to the execution if you just put some time into practicing. Relative to older KOF games, it’s actually significantly easier. The difficulty of KOF execution mostly comes from stick movements, like tapping up directions quickly to get hops instead of full jumps or doing complex motions for special moves (e.g. hcb,f or qcf,hcb), unlike Street Fighter, where most of the hard execution is due to precise button timings for links. Personally, I find it easier to learn stick movements than button timings, but your results may vary.
Maybe you can elaborate more on why you like to play those characters to make it easier to make suggestions. KOF and BlazBlue are very different games.
Jin and Platinum are both my mains from BB due to the variety they have. Both have projectiles, reversals, are pretty fast, have fairly easy (for me) comboes, and are just overall beginner friendly BUT have a lot of mileage for an advanced player too. Athena sounds like a perfect character but I know KOF13 has teams of three so I’ll obviously need two more characters. I guess an easy question would be is KoF 13 comparable to BB in terms of difficulty or is it like leagues above it? I’m definantly not afraid to practice if KOF 13 is worth it though, it sounds like its a lot of fun.
The netcode’s unreliable, so being an online warrior isn’t a real option unless you have fiber optics or somehow manage to get a consistent 4 bar connection.
If BlazBlue is easy to you, KOF13 will be fine. I keep on wanting to punch people in the face when they say this shit is hard. All these people just booted up the game, booted up trials and went “OMG THIS IS WAY TOO HARD” and ragequit. But the fact is, the difficult trials combos have fuck all to do with actual play. BnB’s are easy. It just takes some time to get used to.
My execution is arguably pretty horrible, and I can do most stuff with most characters. When it comes to HD combos, I sometimes have to compromise and choose to learn a 700 damage combo that is easy rather than an 800 damage combo that is hard. But I think that’s a fine and fair tradeoff. There’s no need for every player in a game to be able to execute all the most difficult stuff. As long as all BnB’s are accessible (and they are).
As for who you should pick. If you’ re looking for beginner friendly characters with variety, reversals and projectiles you should look into Kyo or Flame Iori. There’s better projectile characters, and there are characters with better reversals, but none of them have the variety in playstyle that they can dominate both close and far range with ease.
Well I would reckon any game worth its salt would require you to really practice to get good. Kyo and F.Iori look neat, would they work well alongside Athena?
My only true lingering doubt left overall is the netcode. I hear its “bad”, but I’ve also read plenty of people do just fine with KOF 13’s online. Online will be my only option unfortunatly, and I’d hate for it to scare me away from getting this game cause gameplay-wise it looks as good as if not better than BlazBlue, and I’d love to be a part of the KOF13 community, beginner or not.
What are some strong footsie based chars that have good normals and pokes, like mai for example. I can footsie like hell with her
Yuri. Her st lk, jab fireball, and lp reflector all make good tools in footsies. If you catch someone hyper hopping/jumping with her st lk you can cancel into her dp+k into grab for decent damage.
I have not really played a KoF game since 99 or 2000, and never had any favourite teams. I have tried mucking about with the cast of XIII, but none of the characters jumped out as `holy shoryukens, I have to build a team around them!’. As such, I find myself very much a blank slate on character options and need a little more info to progress. What archetypes do each of the cast fit (eg rushdown, zoning, footsies, etc)? Are there any characters sufficiently low-tier that a beginner should think twice about before using? Do any characters have such unique mechanics that they play dramatically different to the rest of the cast (and as such may not be a good idea to learn with)?
A resounding no. This game is absolutely unplayable online at an intermediate to high level and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I have fiberoptics, by the way. I also live in a shit area and online is my only option to stay sharp enough at games to play them at the level that I want them to, and not for lack of trying I had to give up KoF. When I move to atlanta in a year or so, I’m gonna try to pick it back up but by then I might be too behind. Sigh, SNK why are you such a shit company.
If anyone does want to get into this game that has a local scene, I would highly recommend it. Don’t let any of these pretentious players scare you away by saying that it’s such an advanced and hard game because of its old school input windows. People say shit like this to validate themselves for some odd reason. IMO this type of attitude is going to kill games before they even get off the ground, look at VF5:FS. You just need to training mode hard for a few days and you’ll be able to do do HD combos, and within a month of consistent play against good comp you will be landing them in matches all the time. Other than that, it’s just like learning any other fighting game. You get out of it what you put into it.
Thanks, ill try her out
Don’t get it. Online is unplayable. Unless, for some reason you can’t have non-online matches, but an active scene still lives relatively close (no more than 100 miles), there is no way in hell you’ll get any satisfaction out of online play.
- Fireball zoners: Joe, Mature, Athena, Kensou, Saiki (and non-fireball zoners: Leona, Maxima, Billy)
- Footsie characters: Mai, EX kyo, Ralf
- Grapplers: Raiden, Clark, Vice
- All-round: Kyo, EX Iori, Terry
- Rushdown: Yuri
Haven’t listed them all, and it’s pretty much all the typical archetypes, but just to give you an idea.
Nope. Everybody is decent.
Not really. Chin gets to drink alcohol which is a ‘unique’ mechanic. He’s unique all together. But since you learn a team of 3 chars, you can have a quirky guy.
Agree 100%, another thing: new players should not be scared if they find some inputs hard or if they see some trial combos in case they were introduced to the Fighting genre by other 2D recent games, new players on my local community don’t have problems with the inputs after they learn more tips like shortcuts and how to press the motions correctly, after 1 week (or even less time) they can do HD combos in various ways, learning is part of the fun.