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what do you think about these teams ?

[LEFT]Team.A 1st-Kensou/2nd-Takuma/3rd-Shen[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team.B 1st-King/2nd-Joe/3rd-Kyo[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team.C 1st-Robert/2nd-Ex.Kyo/3rd-Maxima[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team.D 1st-K’/2nd-Chin/3rd-Daimon[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team.E 1st-Ryo/2nd-Andy/3rd-Ralf[/LEFT]
[LEFT]thanks [/LEFT]

He means her jumping blowback attack (j.CD). It’s a really fast move with a good hitbox, so I wouldn’t recommend challenging it directly. If you predict it, you can just crouch under it and punish the landing recovery. Otherwise, the best way to beat Vice is to just zone her out and don’t let her get her offense started.

Team A looks alright, Kensou may or may not spend too much meter depending on your playstyle and whether or not you want Takuma coming in with meter, but he doesn’t gain too many utilities with meter aside from the command grab which isn’t incredibly necessary. Then Takuma’s Takuma, plus anchor Shen.

Team B might run you trouble unless you can really avoid certain situations with King until she has meter. For instance, try anti-airing Benimaru’s j.D from a jump, or even Raiden’s full jump j.D. These high approaches can’t really be beaten with her cr.C, and even if you run behind the opponent the cr.C/cl.C/cr.B can still lose if the moves can cross up like the two I mentioned can. So for the time being, meterless King needs to really avoid certain situations so I’d recommend her only if you’re really on point with her air-to-airs or if you’re comfortable running underneath full jumps on reaction. Joe has similar problems, and his main lifeline is j.CD since he has no good grounded vertical anti-air outside his EX DP. Of course, you could try to circumvent these issues simply by blocking and getting really good on defense, but that type of pressure might not be what you’re looking for, especially if you’re the type that doesn’t like to sacrifice advantages so easily. One plus though is that Kyo can do just about anything so there’s no problem there.

Team C’s probably arranged in the order I’d recommend, especially since EX Kyo’s midscreen HD combos are easier and take less meter so if the opportunity presents itself, he can easily act on it. With Robert first, he could easily contest the opponent with projectiles, j.D, reaction DPs, and even a little bit of tick throw pressure, and until the opponent gains a meter his projectile blockstrings can’t be guard rolled. And then Maxima at last can be a scary dude, though this is mainly when he’s got at least one meter on hand for EX Vapor Cannon hitconfirms, EX Air Vapor Cannon (which can’t be anti-aired), and even his DM to a degree. Certainly you’d wanna be sure to put in a lot of time with Maxima if you want him on anchor so that you’re familiar with all of his nuances.

Team D’s interesting. K’ can run his thing pretty much without meter aside from tacking on extra damage to kill, and he builds meter exceptionally well, especially if you can tack on his instant Air Minute Spikes to most of your air-to-airs and grounded anti-airs. This could allow Chin plenty of meter for his drive loops or even his really damaging HD combos. However, Chin has a good amount of peculiarities such as deciding when to take a drink to power up or figuring out blockstrings and hitconfirms by instantly canceling into his stances, but once those are down he’s certainly powerful. And finally Daimon on anchor is a wild ride; some matchups feel very difficult, while others not so bad, but at the least he also feels to vary greatly depending on how much meter both players have. If he’s got nothing and the other’s full, he’ll eat crossups and early jump-ins all day and one touch will kill him. But if he’s got the meter, all it takes is one mistake or even one df.C anti-air and it’s just about game. Good defense is a necessity for Daimon due to his big vulnerable hitbox.

Team E also looks fine just like all of your teams. Ryo can run most his stuff on point, Andy’s always a punk, and Ralf’s hella good.

Could someone please explain what vj. D means? Really just the vj part. Much appreciated.

“vertical jump”, or rather neutral jump. Jump straight up.

Oh, thank you very much. I’ve never heard it called anything but neutral jump before.

great thanks sparkster ^^

do you have an idea why takuma’s command grab can’t be kara-cancelled when all character’s can be ?

hmmm ok I need help finding a 3rd that I can rely on, I’ve been running Ralf/King/??? for a while now and it seems that I cant find a third that I can use to wreck shit with, all my anchors so far just dont feel “natural”.
I’ve had Vice in that slot for a while and around a month ago I switched to Shen and I cannot make this fool work, I still feel completely hopeless if im outside of close normal’s range and It seems that he’s completely free to pressure unless i have 2 meters to kaioken them off of me.

so my question is mainly this: any tips on how to make anchor Vice/Shen work? mainly Shen coz I’m trying to get at least to “ok” level with him then see if I’ll keep him or find another anchor but seems that I’ve hit a wall with him and I dont know what to do to get past it.
if not Vice/Shen who do you recommend as a anchor? outside of Ralf,King,Vice and Shen I’ve only dabbled with some others (EX Kyo, Mature, Yuri). I’m open to all suggestions though. I’ve been thinking Kula but idk if that actually works, pretty sure I’m just biased coz she looks adorable ~___~

Thanks in advance~

Yuri could work as a nice closer since one good divekick or command grab can turn into easy damage on top of her solid list of just about every tool. EX Kyo can work, though it can be a little difficult to approach with him so I’d recommend Shen or Yuri for your anchor for now.

I can’t recall the exact thread I posted it in, but I answered a similar question that went over Shen’s options other than just cl.C f.B while hoping for a hit. Just about all of his normals are exceptional: st.A as a preventive hop check, st.B has excessive range, st.D has even more range than st.B and works as a distanced poke or for ending blockstrings, st.C is da god, even his cr.C will usually trade at worst when most other cr.C uppercuts will flat out lose, and really he has st.CD and neutral/back hop j.CD and j.D for air-to-airs on top of running underneath the opponent. For damage, just be able to start HD from his cr.B cr.B st.B chain and cl.C f.B for the huge damage, but really with like 1-2 meter and one drive you can pull upwards of 50% even from a raw EX command grab, so when he hits he’ll hit hard.

I mean yeah, he can approach from hops with j.D and j.CD and then use j.C when close, poke with st.D/st.C/st.B/cr.B/st.A/nj.D/nj.CD/st.CD, stay halfscreen and react to something with his Gekiken DM (especially the EX version which can reliably anti-air hops) or even land it from an anti-air qcf+C or any st.CD/j.CD counterhit, and as for blockstrings you can land a cl.C or cr.D or st.CD and start feinting to keep Shen totally safe and with a slight frame advantage so that you can threaten afterwards with a hop or counterpoke or even run in and EX command grab. And if they’re playing defensive, you can just block projectiles for meter or slap them away and slowly work your way in as they corner themselves, and the corner is where Shen gets better blockstrings and BnB damage.

I asked this over on Dreamcancel, but that forum seems pretty dead. Any tips or set ups on how to land Takuma’s command grab? I feel like it comes out so slow, and it leaves him very vulnerable if it misses. The EX version is great, especially on wake up, but that’s the only version I usually use.

Hey i’ve been playing kof for ahwhile, but i haven’t been able to grasp the mechanics of the game yet. So my question is what should I do to get a better understanding of the game. For the good players what were the first steps that you took to be where your at now with the game.

I just do it from empty hops and such. I treat it as with most other command throws; and since hard knockdowns and resets induce a natural throw invulnerability, I just mainly do it from a mix-up not on oki.

The wiki is down now, which would have resources such as Dandy_J’s Beginner’s Incomplete Guide to KOF among other good articles and visuals to help explain the game mechanics and flow.





So here’s Dandy’s guide and here’s my guide to start off with. Other than that, I suggest Maj’s Footsie Notebook.

I mostly land it by Drive Canceling it from zanretsu. Other than that, empty short hops and sometimes even running and grabbing is the norm, although rungrab isn’t as effective as with Clark for exampe because Takuma’s is not instant. I’ve been wondering could you use the EX version as an late anti air as it has some invul at startup, but haven’t gotten around on testing it.

I’m having a hard time against clark. I HARD time. It’s like he has an answer to everything I do, I have to time command grab with iori a certain way to catch his argentina drop, and I just cannot zone him with Andy. Everytime I try, I get counter hit’d by his short hop blowback. When I try to go low, I get ex command grabbed, when I try high, I get air thrown. What are some good tips top stop Clark? I have had success nuetral hopping to his forward+BD command dash and hurting him, but everything else just goes down the drain. I have gotten OCV’d by clark about 20 times in the last couple days and it is really annoying me. He is the only character that gives me this many problems(Even more than Kyo). I alternate guard him alright, but by the time I look up, my guard is red from dropkicks. Also, I have had a hard time punishing his charge back, forward move(dont know which version, and i have trouble with the ex). Every time i try to punish, my normal move whiffs and I am grabbed from my animation. Can any of you guys give me any tips on how to stop Clark? I really need to know this matchup especially since he is played in all majors at high levels.

It’s true what you said, Clark has an answer to everything, the thing is though, he does not have an answer to everything at the same time.

His air-to-air grab and j.CD are great anti-air tools, but if he commits to them and you stay on the ground, he can be blown up with tripguards and other forms of anti-airs

his ground game is great, but his normals aren’t the most dominant in the game. His other tool on the ground are throws, and there’s one thing that is really really great about this.

His command throw has a whiff animation, so if he commits to it and you jump, he’ll eat punishment. Even if he tries to normal throw you, his close C isn’t very good as an anti-air, so if he attempts a throw and you jump out, chances are his close C is going to whiff completely, so either way, he has to commit to ground throws.

Whenever I play against Clark’s I just play ‘the floor is lava’. Why bother with the floor at all, if you’re going to get grabbed anyway. But arguably, this isn’t the best of strategies due to his airgrab, but characters with high priority jump attacks might be able to get away with it.

Another option, which is very viable against clark, is learning to alternate guard. If you don’t know what that is, read my article on dreamcancel:

Alternate guarding is effective against Clark, as his low options aren’t as scary as his grabs, although, now he can cr.BA xx grab, it has gotten a lot scarier than in older KOFs. But with it, you can blow up any tickthrow.

On offense, make sure your jump-ins are tight. Your jump-in > normal should be an airtight blockstring, if it isn’t, your opponent might reversal grab you in between. Therefore, heavy normals are preferred as they cause more blockstun.If you catch the opponent trying to mash in between jump-ins anyway you can also use that as knowledge to purposely do a bad jump-in, and rehop into combo.

If the Clark player tries to use his B grab as an ‘anti-air’ in a similar way that people used to do this with invincible grabs in older KOFs, you need to stay on point. It is not particularly legit. Since you can ‘autoguard confirm’ your jump-in. and rehop on reactions, but you need to be mindful of it.

Maybe needless to say: never, ever empty-hop > low/throw on a Clark if he isn’t knocked down. And even if he is, this is what Clark wants you to do, he has instant throws.

If you feel the need to mix him up on the floor use normals that are outside of his throw range. In KOF grapplers cannot grab limbs, so a well-spaced sweep will make throws whiff.

Depending on your character, you might be able to outpoke him on the floor in general. I see you use Iori, for example, Iori’s st.D is magnificent. Good range, good priority. st.C is similar, but less ideal. Even st.B is pretty good to keep him at bay. just, NEVER commit to qcb+C. It’s safe against most characters (-1), but it’s unsafe on grapplers with an instant grab.

Don’t try to command grab Clark with Iori. Clark will win every time. Iori’s grab has 7 frames startup, and has no invincibility of any kind. That grab, in general, only really works if your opponent is mindfucked, which, if he OCV’s you 20 times, is not the case.

Claw Iori is also a character with the worst tickthrow potential due to high throw invulnerability, so no, don’t do it, he has plenty of other damaging options.

I hope that helps.

Well, I alternate guard against Clark as just as good as I AG against Liz. Thing is, the yomi for the Clark player’s in my community know that, and just try to break my guard. In which I end up using meter to get away or knock him back. The other info you gave JUST may help. I have been trying to command grab him with Claw Iori lol, but only ex since it’s instant. Also, I guess I could cl s.C his empty hops but its so risky. Thanks for the help though, I’ll start using D more, but it sometimes trade with clark’s s.D.

Iori’s EX grab is far from instant. It’s 4 frames startup.

Trading a st.D for a st.D isn’t that bit a deal. You both take an even amount of damage. As long as you don’t flat out lose all the time, it’s fine.

cl.C is an amazing anti-air. it’s not risky. If you trade or hit a hop attack with cl.C, you are granted a counterhit (trading with hop attacks ALWAYS grants the person who anti-aired the counterhit, never the person who hop attacked), which gives it a proper damage boost from 70 to 87 damage. A hop j.CD of clark is 80 damage. In other words: the trade is in your favor. Not by much, but the soft knockdown he gets from a trade is worthless as you recovery roll and are standing before he gets to you due to his reset state.

If Clark normal jump CD’s, you have amply time to run under close C on reaction, or run under tripguard with cr.BA f+A > super.

Also, when you’re alternate guard, you can stay in crouch block for as long as possible and in standblock for only 1 frame. If you do that well, the chance is lower than 50/50 that you’ll get your AG broken by low attacks. Also, as soon as you block an attack, clark is definitely out of range to tickthrow you, so you can stop alternate guarding and attack.

I totally forgot about trip guard! I’ll try my best to take advantage of that. Thanks for the help man!

[S]Help I get blown up by Raiden’s shoulder tackle (“ready…go!” x 239482390482390) does the armor stop as he starts charging or what? Is it completely safe?[/S]
Thanks for answering on the stream Laban!

While I’m here, what 3 out of the following gives me the best/most tools and seems the strongest: Mature / Vice / Hwa / Saiki /Robert