Try holding the last directional input as your pressing the corresponding button, for example, qcf+a, as you are finishing the input, hold onto f, then press a.
I have a question in relation to Leona - How exactly do you cancel charging moves into charging moves?
charge downback > upback+P > forward+K
[1] > 7P > 6K
I see… So you basically cancel the charge to start another charge. Thank you!
Very noobish question: How does mad kof do the followup punches after df+D (the overhead) with Chin? If you press a punch afterwards he does it once, but MadKof does it 3-4 times before using a special, and he even does it raw for pressure. The wiki only lists this combo after a df+D: df+D > P xx df+B, qcb+A - (169, 20)
You can see it here at ~1:06 [media=youtube]Yiqa7y178SU[/media]
As noted in the movelist on the wiki, Getsuga Soushu, the punch special, can be canceled into command normals and specials. If you cancel it into his d,d+P stance (which counts as a command normal), you can then press punch again to do the punch special again. For all the meterless combos I put up for Chin, they mainly show the simplest way to get from any starter to df+B, qcb+A, which sets up his 50% drive combos, which you usually want to use whenever you have the resources.
Awesome thanks. The sad part is that I can just mash down and D and get all the punches lol. I also can’t link close C after ex qcb CD but works 100% of the time if you mash =(
Edit: lol I just realized this was Chin’s second trial
Is there like a guide on how to use normals correctly in this game? Like during breaks in block strings and in air toair situations it doesnt matter what i throw out it seems like my shit always gets stuffed. I think another thing to do with it is thats the normals are shit compared to 3s normals, could i just be possibly throwing them out at the wrong time?
KOF normals feel comparable to the good speed and hitboxes found in 3S, though there aren’t any Chun 2F jabs in XIII. If you can somehow provide a more detailed example of an instance of how you’re having trouble, I can try providing a more concrete answer. For now, this guide covers some basic spacial control with normals, though it wont solve your specific problems directly.
If I recall you can only tech throws from the stand blocking position. I’d like to know more about how to deal with Hwa Jai when he’s all cracked out and I tend to just block/keep my distance until I notice a major mistake.
Also are there any real tips on how to deal with Athena? I’ve been thinking I should work my way in slowly and once I’m in stay there. But man she can blow me up pretty badly if I’m not prepared. I normally lose air to air situations against her(That fucking J.CD is the bane of my existence). I can’t play a fireball battle with her because of her reflector, plus not to mention I can get caught in an ugly guessing game between anti airs and her command grab.
Long story short this character causes me nothing but headaches. I generally don’t know how to handle the situation against a good Athena and usually go in blind.
For reference my main team is Terry/King/Yuri in that order.
They really aren’t, but other normals are fast than you are used to probably.
cl.C is usually incredibly fast (2~4 frames startup), although, considering your avatar, you might be used to this if you play 3s Chun.
There’s some general rules on the speed of normals in KOF, it’s quite universal
Close standing lights 3~5 frames startup
Close standing heavies 2~4 frames startup or 5~8.
Far standing light 3~5
Far standing heavies 8~15
Crouch lights 3~5
Crouch C’s 3~6
Sweeps 7~12
Stand CD’s 12~20
The biggest thing that is making your normals feel ‘slow’ is probably because there’s no such thing as a ‘medium punch’ or ‘medium kick’, or in other words, moves that have more of an impact than jabs/shorts but still are low committal and difficult to whiff punish.
And while this seems to be very ‘well duh’, it is a bigger deal than you’d think, and ends up having a huge influence on the way the game plays out.
If you want something ‘big’, you’re going to have to commit to a big move, with a ton of recovery, You can’t just whiff heavies for no reason. The closest thing to having a ‘low committal/heavy impact’ move, is using hop heavies, which will only have recovery until you land.
But obviously, the issue with using those as if they were chun-li’s medium kick is that they have certain angles at which they’re pretty vulnerable. and thus can be anti-aired, trip guard anti-aired etc.
In older KOF’s, you could hold any non-neutral direction (so also down-back) and press C~D and tech verything. KOF’s equivalent of a ‘crouch tech’.
Crouch tech is gone now. You have to be standing and either press forward or backward + C/D to tech.
Thanks for the replies sparks and phoenix. Ill edit this post later tonight after playing some more and watching the replays so i can elaborate more on my problems. For what its worth right now I run duo, kim, and mai; i have pretty decent feeling for some of mai’s normals, mainly far standing C and D.
Yeah “crouch tech” is gone now, you actually have to stand up to break. Also it’s a legit mixup now between C or D throw, though generally your opponent wants to throw you to the nearest corner, so break accordingly. If you’re getting constantly thrown, give Alternate Guarding a try.
Actually it’s not like 02/um. It doesn’t matter which button you use between C and D to tech a C or D throw. So you can tech a D throw with the C button, unlike 02/um where it has to be the respective button.
What’s the generally accepted method to playing Leona?
Any which way. Personally I space and pressure with j.CD and put them in enough blockstun and always threaten with instant overhead into knockdown and cr.B x2 st.B xx knockdown. j.CD is just a means for me get back in that is a bit difficult to contest with a grounded normal attack anti-air. It’s easier to deal with in this game than in the past, but it’s still a good tool. Otherwise Leona could pull a hit and run kind of style and try to coax opponents moving into spaces where she can easily anti-air and air to air. Down back Leona kinda works but you need to be able to play on the offensive as well if you’re down on life differential. So it’s good to learn how to be flexible with her and have an offensive gameplan.
Any advice on how to fight mature? I am having very bad problems fighting that character at almost every step of the road and even after playing a good mature player and going into the lab I cannot seem to understand her. When I have a character like Andy I can pressure her well with changing up my blockstrings with fireball instead of zeineken because she can punish either L or H version via s.L
Same for Vice, but the thing about vice I don’t understand is how her air BBack move beats just about everything.
Alright well let me throw my general playstyle out there and see if there’s some approving or disapproving smilieys then.
Typically with Leona I do not use her J CD as it takes a week to come out comparatively to the other characters I spend most of my time on (Takuma, K’, Athena, Shen) the only real use I can see coming from it is off jumps or SJ as most of the time when I attempt a J CD from a hop either the active frames will not come out due to startup or I will get tagged before said active frames decide to come out. At the moment I am relying heavily on her grounded CD more so than anything else, kara cancelled into either her D dashing move (loses to neutral jumps) or her big blue balls either A to halt forrward advancement or C to stuff attempted jumps whgen they figure that stuff out. Chuck earrings from full screen or after a knockdown in order to set up a n obstacle course on oki. I will not mention her cr B chains as they’re clearly extremely important to her gameplan and I would expect are assumed.
Air to air I find she struggles against characters (barring V-Slasher obviously) with anything but her nJ D, or J B. You can use her J CD in situations like this as well I would assume however the long startup has me far more careful about smashing on CD in the air.
So far these compounded methods of play have racked me up plenty of wins (God willing they reach Leona ), but a few things seem really out of place, in particular the CD XX dash seems extremely gimmicky but most people have a nightmare of a time dealing with it (even with 1F throws as she can push herself out with the hitbox) but without said gimmicks I would find controlling horizontal space relegated to earring (no thanks) or up close with the ball/far st C.
So yea that’s where I’m at with her, I’ve worked in her HD combos already which most people have claimed are hard as balls so that part of my game dowesn’t really need any help, now I’m sitting on fundamentals and considering either rotating my current style of playy to something more legitimate, or continuing with a good thing and running the same gameplan.
Nagato IIRC you can duck under Vice’s air blowback 100% of the time
You meant Vice’s j.CD? Yeah, just about every character (I’m not sure if Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima) can just crouch it every time and then punish her with a sweep or cr.B into a combo, so her j.CD is more for air-to-airing. Her main jump in that you’ll actually have to look out for is either j.C or j.A, but on their own they’re not that great at air-to-airing so whenever she commits to her standard jump-ins she wont likely be able to land an anywhere juggle unless you try hopping too late or something.
Vice gets blown up by zoning since she lacks any sort of fast invuln move other than NEOMAX, and her slightly above average hop arc combined with her lacking a good horizontal-vertical jump-in leaves her with the basics. Many Vice players put themselves on blast from doing too many j.CDs or panic air-to-airs, both easily punishable by crouching and tagging her landing with a cr.B hitconfirm. It’s a bad habit you can really look out for on her, especially since her grounded anti-airs aren’t that great, especially her cr.C which doesn’t quite cut it for keeping people out of her vertical space. Because of this, Vice’s most consistent AA methods involve meeting the opponent in the air with j.B/j.CD or setting up for a cr.B/cr.D tripguard, but her actual grounded answers are weak and her qcb+AC is invuln, but too slow for her to realistically anti-air a hop (the only really super yomi answer I can imagine is reacting with a tiger knee airgrab, but there’s still the startup of the hop which can slow her down. And on one further note, if you’re especially worried about her anywhere juggle, just always approach her with a j.CD in the air, so as long as your characters have a good one that works as an air-to-air or air-to-ground. So even if Andy’s j.CD trades with Vice’s j.B, she’ll go into a soft knockdown and be unable to recover in time to scoop you in with her EX sleeve.
Otherwise just watch out for her grappler setups into hcb f+P. It’s sort of hard to alternate guard against her for long because of her good cr.B, but at the very least her qcf+P flying grab is not only reactable, but also quite easy to anti-air. Her hcf+K arm whip is a really good poke that can anti-air hops, but it’s still possible to get into a somewhat close range and then hop over it and onto her, or counterhit her with a projectile or other fast poke. She can’t continually poke with this attack because of the stiff startup and recovery, so keep that in mind before trying to jump at her because that might be what she wants so that she can air-to-air the jump for a combo.