I main Hwa and yes his B SRK gets beaten by a lot of jump ins. It may be good on wakeup though, I’ll see you halfway. But as an AA for jump ins it’s extremely risky.
I agree it is pretty poor as an AA, but thats due to its bad angle and hitbox, people often jump over it or land on the other side etc. Its not because it does not have enough invul.
anyone know how to perform a counter hit with C+D kicks?
or is it random
A J.CD will counter hit if they beat a move that is done on the ground or during a hop. J.CDs don’t counter hit jumping opponents.
Hi guys! I’ve had this game for a while but now I’m finally trying to actually learn how the game works, so I have some questions:
- How useful are the CD moves in general? J.CD especially seems like it would be really useful for locking down the opponent but after watching some high level matches I don’t remember seeing players use them that much.
- How strong is keepaway in this game? I’ve heard that it’s pretty weak but I’d like to make sure (planning on having Saiki in my team). Any vids of good lame play would be appreciated.
1: It’s character-specific. Yuri has a good jCD and sCD. Hwa Jai’s sCD is an easy cancel into Drunk Mode without much threat of being punished, Kyo and Karate/Takuma’s jCD are gdlk air attacks, etc.
2: Eh, I might be the wrong person to give their .2 but it’s pretty legit with certain characters. Chris G. mains King BTW. About a quarter of the cast can zone pretty effectively.
- From my experience, most j.cds will be used for air-to-air. For a lot of characters( Takuma, Kyo, Yuri, etc), it is THE air-to-air, and will beat out most approaches from the air. Be warned that a lot of those j.cds will whiff on crouching opponents, however.
Another category of j.cds are those angled downward( K’ Mature, Elisabeth, etc), those are better used for grounded pressure and offense, and do well in beating out a lot of grounded AAs. These aren’t as useful for air-to-airs (unless you jump backwards), however, j.cds like Yuri’s will usually beat those out.
Grounded cds are primarily used to anti air (Yuri, Mature), or halt a grounded approach( Takumas, Robert, Kyos, etc). They work really well at it too.
Personally, CDs( both air and ground) are an extremly useful tool for offense and defense, and can be used frequently. So yeah, they are good.
- Saiki has the second strongest keepaway in the game, you can use him.
Just be warned, keepaway is only weak because it doesn’t net as much damage as it use to, you’ll have to rushdown your opponent eventually in order to do damage. It still works pretty well in the this game provided that you don’t get touched and you occasionally shift into a more offensive gameplan.
weird in orochinagi forum
the combo video for takuma j.CD manage to get a counter when the dummy just stands there
You can set counter to first hit etc in practice mode.
If you want to practice your reaction time though, just set random counter in training.
i see…
i have a question regarding to pressure from characters such as kyo, iori…etc how can i stop opponent from abusing down c then to a crouch light punch&kick to a df. d? i keep getting hit by it, sometimes when i do successfully block it, he’ll trick me by jumping again when i block low. also iori’s stand c seems really good and fast. almost all close combat his stand c or b hits me first and turns into a deadly combo.
Depends on who you use. You can generally AA them with s.A or try to AA them with an SRK. or EX You just gotta’ get used to jump in pressure.
If Iori’s using s.C a lot, try to out-poke him, maybe jump in or bait him. Not knowing who you main makes it difficult to give specific advice.
i use takuma, shen, and andy( thinking about switching him out for iori or someone else). if it helps
thats not gonna work lol. TBH only ex iori should use 5C at poke ranges since he can go straight into rekka. Take heed as even if an iori uses far 5C its cancelable for about half of the frames so he can easily dp you.
did they update the console ports to climax? are they even going to do that?
Climax is just the arcade version of the console port.
cool, I was under the impression that there were a few changes added to it as well.
not sure were I got that though, been out of the loop for months just picked the game back up today lol
Nah, there actually are ghetto unlisted changes.
We only got a few reports like how Shen’s far C was nerfed and Kyo’s hcb+BD is a soft knockdown.
I remember STA players mentioning some of the changes and Art (the owner) hinting at them, but there hadn’t been a real full change log compiled by anyone.
Climax was going to be a free update to consoles, but their one free digital console update was used to push that early patch which"fixed" the lobbies and caused that jank frameskip at the character select screen.
Indeed, I recall that Answer said a certain Hwa combo works in Climax now but not in consoles. As for Shen, if he repels anything stronger than an EX he will get back more meter was one of the changes he got included what you listed.