I got a question that I’ve been wondering about ever since I started getting further and further into KoF:
What separates Clark and Daimon?
All I know is from what I’ve read; Daimon has scary oki and mix-ups along with some solid grounded and air-to-air normals but has to constantly apply pressure to do well in a fight. While Clark has an armored/delayed command throw and a few basic combos. But I thought there might be something deeper that I don’t see (because I’m still fairly lacking in XP) and was hoping maybe someone else could elaborate on? And if Daimon is considered ‘superior’, what is it that prevents him from being heavily used? Similar to Kyo, Iori, Shen and Billy.
yeah lets just swallow everything madkof says without thinking for ourselves… You do realise that madkof also thought billy was ass (who you consider top) until he faced a good one?..
Daimon is superior to clark in most ways imo. Better throws, better pokes, better combos etc. Only thing Clark got going for him is that his cr.D is better, and i guess his hcf.B. However daimons dp.D does the same thing, only in a different way, and its drivecancelable.
Dunno why Daimon is not used more, he is really strong imo. I guess shoto type characters will always be the most popular :). Check out vids of Kauro for a beast Daimon ^^
Goro Daimon: Slow, has bad matchups with zoners, few ways of getting in without using meter.
On the plus side he has an invincible command grab that does about 200 damage, s.D is a decent AA, jump in D and CD are good jump ins. Can combo off of a jCD with an OTG grab and do massive damage if you have meter.
Clark: Fast, good oki, bad matchups with the top tier characters, difficult to AA, needs meter in order to drive cancel into grab super unlike Goro, jCD not nearly as gdlk as Goro’s.
Good news is that he’s much more mobile, A Gatlin’ AA’s somewhat (depends on distance) and he can use it and EX Gatlin’ to shut down runaway and fireball zoning. His jumping grab is 1 frame and is very good at shutting down jump in pressure, getting the timing down takes a while. Landing his grab leads to Oki, Goro doesn’t really have an Oki game like Clark.
They both have easy Hyperdrive combos that do great damage but Goro does more damage with his Neomax.
So Goro is slower and harder to use but does more damage. Clark is easier and is a lot faster but doesn’t do as much damage.
Honestly I just really hate Athena. I hate her design, I hate her voice, I hate the way she plays. I think she’s the worst shoto/hybrid character. There’s way better zoners and way better characters with a fireball and a really good grab. But my hatred of her amplifies these negative traits. But I really do think that anyone that sticks with Athena is shooting themselves in the foot.
If you want to zone, pick Ryo, pick King, they’re way better at zoning than Athena. Way better, no comparison.
If you want a good hybrid character than by all means pick Beni or Mr Karate. They can do what she can do but way better. So what if they don’t have a fullscreen fireball and a horrible unsafe shield super?
I just picked up the game a few days ago and loving it so far but having difficulties finding a mid/anchor that I like. As an Adon player in AE, Hwa was a natural transition and King just clicked with me. Currently I’m using Joe at mid/anchor switching him around with Hwa but feeling that it makes my team very susceptical to getting zoned when King gets ko’d/corner dependent to do major damage. Any recommendations on characters that would be an upgrade or tips for my team?
2nd: I’d put Joe on 1st if you want to stick with him. But for other character it depends on what you’re looking for. For grapplers I’d go with Goro or Clark. For shoto-style characters I’d go with Saiki, K’, Ryo, and Kyo. For characters that can do everything I’d go with Karate, Beni, EX Iori, and maybe Billy.
One guy’s opinion is suddenly truth now because he won a tournament?
Forget about team order for now, and get into the habit AAing hops( st.a. cr.c) and jumps( nj.d/b, dp), jumps especially. Also, learn how to mount an offense by mixing up jumps, hops (including empty jumps), and throws.
I think the above is paramount for getting much better at the game.
Since there’s no Hwa Jai thread I thought I’d ask here.
The SRK wiki lists Hwa’s EX Dragon Kick aka Tiger Knee as startup invulnerable and when I try to test it out against Iori who I recorded to trip me with cr. HK then immediately spam cr. LK and every time I try to wake up with EX Dragon Kick I get counter hit… I even see the EX flash go off but still get hit… the LK Dragon Kick goes through fine. Anyone can confirm?
I also believe that Joe’s HK Tiger Kick has startup invulnerability but it’s not listed as in the wiki.
damn someone should update the srk wiki! imagine the poor fool who doesn’t know of dreamcancel =(
well Hwa’s B version of Dragon Kick has startup invul according to dreamcancel. Maybe it’s just me but King’s normal trapshoot has lower body invul… but there’s nothing said about it
I fixed the invuln properties. Joe’s dp+D is pretty shitty anyway, but if you tried being reckless with Hwa Jai’s EX DP you’d find out pretty fast that it’s not invuln.
I also added an image to the rounds/conditions section, namely a table showing the amount of life you gain back depending on when you score a KO.
Hwa’s B SRK is okay on wakeup. You can still get hit out I think, and it’s horribly unsafe. But it works more often than it should because a lot of people don’t see it coming. His EX moves are garbage on wakeup. His A Grab super is amazing especially in Drunk Mode, they really chance it if they want to pressure you.
I got another question, this one’s on team building.
I’ve got an alternate team I’m working that focuses largely on zoning and controlling space, either through specials or strong normals. So far it’s K’/EX Iori/Terry, but I’m really torn between Iori and Beni. I played CvS2 iteration of Iori and REALLY liked him. And his KoF XIII version is pretty close, except for the less-than-stellar command throw he has. And EX Iori doesn’t get a whole lot in the way of hugely damaging combos either, but then again he’s a zoning-type character. The thing with Beni is that I’ve seen him utterly dominate his personal space, other people’s personal space and keeping folks out. An amazing j.D, combo-able corner throws, lightning loop, but roughly the same dmg as EX Iori.
I keep flip-flopping between them and just thought I’d get someone else’s opinion. Or possible strong, if not stronger, candidates for a zoning-type team.
Stop spreading misinformation… Hwa Jai dp.B does not get stuffed by jumpins, and it wont get stuffed by meaty attacks on wakeup. Any dp can get stuffed if you do it too early as a anti-air. Does not mean it dosent work if you do it deep.