Well anyway, I will be running Robert/Maxima/K with some friends to see how it goes. If anyone likes KoF at Northern Illinois University please give a shout out to the NIU Fight Club on facebook and we will get some KoF in! ;D
Ah, it’s f+A. I couldn’t quite remember. Alright, I’ll keep this in mind. Cheers!
Sorry to ask such a broad question here, but do we have a thread set aside specifically for discussing team construction? I want to get some opinions on a team I’m building (specifically its second slot, as I have waaay too many ideas to consider for it), but don’t want to clutter up this thread with that sort of topic and it doesn’t seem to fit in the General Discussion one either.
This thread or General discussion is as good a place as any to talk about team order.
Alright, sounds good. Thank you!
Basically, I want to build a team around this core (order is not specific, I can shift all three members around): Billy, Kyo or EX Kyo (either is fine by me, I enjoy both), and any third.
I have all kinds of ideas floating in my head, ranging from Clark and Daimon to Ryo, Kula, K’ or even Athena… but it feels like I’m either duplicating broad playstyles in many cases, or if I avoid that I’m somehow leaving a serious gap in my team design. Thus I’m basically trying to figure out which characters would be a good call to run alongside Billy and Kyo/EX Kyo.
Takuma sounds like a good fit, but I’m trying to avoid running complete copies of trends seen at Evo; I enjoy exploring different ideas.
Edit: I’m open to character suggestions not in my general ‘pool’ above, of course. Not worried about tier placement (so says the hypocrite with Billy and either Kyo variant on the same team… but I do mean it). Rather, I’m concerned about good team design (avoiding too many really awful match-ups) and good meter use synergy.
any safe jump setups for kensou,robert,shen or joe ?
thanks kupô
In terms of optimizing, I’d suggest Billy first then Kyo. EX Kyo is fun, but he’s best on battery and Kyo can burn stocks and use drives more efficiently so his arguably weaker/different neutral game strengths don’t matter as much when you’ve got a 2F EX Orochinagi. You could run Billy 2nd, but that’s a little more risky since at that point in a match he’s more likely to be smacked around by heavier combos and reaction supers where on point you can abuse j.CD, f.A, and quickly build up an EX DP which is the main thing he needs meter for anyway.
As for a third, C.Iori is fun and efficient and he has great normals for KOF, Takuma can easily work as an X factor, Daimon can blow up a character with his MAX CANCEL combo and he has much better conversions than Clark. Ryo, K’, and Kula are more suited near the front (and personally I only find Ryo to be strong and thus interesting and satisfying to play in XIII). On a last note, either Kyo has iffy HD damage so you could easily save DG for your anchor and only use DG for Drive Cancels, and PG is pretty easy to manage anyway so effectively Kyo shouldn’t be too likely to hog all of your resources since he’s not quite the type to be burning it all like a madman (unless you go nuts with EX Orochinagis and EX command grabs, but even then you should have HD ready). That said, Claw Iori and Takuma are able to use just PG or just DG and convert huge damage, while Daimon relies on both. Shen is another great anchor that can use either meter effectively.
Most safejumps are gonna rely on a hard knockdown, so for Joe your only setup is gonna be off of BHTK. Honestly he’s not safejump dependent at all so w/e.
Kensou gets an easy setup after his rekkas anywhere on the screen, and I think also after his command grab DM. Try feeling out the timing starting from the rekka one since the followup is the easiest.
Robert can jump forward after his command grab for a safejump, though midscreen you end up hitting with j.D at the tip so you don’t necessarily land at point blank and instantly gain access to his close range game, but it’s enough.
Shen’s most consistent safejump is to simply hop after his NEOMAX, but you can technically get one from his Tatsu! Gekiken DM but given that it often hits at different heights, you’d have to base the safejump timing on the opponent sliding on the ground rather than autopilot into a guaranteed setup.
With Robert, you also have a safe jump similar to Terry, hyper jump after a very short run following a normal grab.
You must work on the timing though. But after a while it feels natural.
@Sparkster : You can’t safe jump mid screen after Robert’s command grab. You have to be near the corner, otherwise opponent is too far.
Sparkster: I’ve had similar thoughts, ideally wanting a core of Billy/?/Kyo (Regular). I hadn’t considered Claw Iori; I may have to give him a look. Daimon would be interesting, though may not have the best meter synergy with my core if I’m reading your remarks correctly. Either way, it sounds like I wasn’t totally out of my mind with the team core and have two or three decent options to fill it out with. Definitely some good things to consider… thanks for your input!
Daimon’s just a powerhouse with PG and DG is all. But even with 50% DG and 2PG you can easily take off 45% from his delay grab which is much higher than Clark gets. If anything his bigger weakness is getting hit by cross-ups and early jump-ins. df.C isn’t even reliable against players that know how to space and time their j.CDs to beat or trade against it, so you’re stuck with air-to-airs then. Kaoru uses anchor Daimon, and he’ll sometimes spend a truckload of meter on Raiden (his secondary character). If you manage meter right anyway, you can have your second character burn it and then get it back before your anchor comes out (see: spend a bunch of meter on a combo while you have the lifelead and while sitting on full stock, then get it back from fighting or worst case from eating a HD combo). Of course, if you manage things wrong and waste meter on a EX DP while at magic pixel, things wont look so clean for your anchor.
That’s the general consensus I hear, that Daimon gets more off the same openings/situations than Clark does. I’ve been sticking with Clark as I find him more intuitive to play (and I have some hilarious Bret ‘the Hitman’ Hart custom colors for him), but I may try Daimon out. Was mostly looking for broad feedback on the pool of characters I was considering (which you provided in some detail) and ideas I hadn’t considered (which you also provided; Claw Iori wasn’t even on my list for some weird reason)… so I think I’m pretty well taken care of here. Thanks again!
Heyo. I picked up KOF13 the other day to play for fun. Would someone be able to break down the characters into archetypes? Zoning, rushdown, grappler? From just messing around, it doesn’t seem like KOF is a very zoning-heavy game. I couldn’t seem to find a Guile equivalent. Anyways, I’m pretty interested in playing Sagat/Guile type characters, if there are any, but I couldn’t seem to find a character breakdown by type.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
Saiki, Ash, even King could suit you. Ash is not beginner friendly though.
Dont forget Athena, very strong fireball game. Also Kensou is pretty decent. Also Andy and Joe to some degree. Then there are some semi-zoners i guess with a very strong mid range game like K’ and Ryo
(and yeah i would not recommend Ash as a starting character. Probably the highest execution requirements in the game)
Even though I’m completely opposed to fireball zoning…
Ryo, Saiki, Ash, King, K’, Takuma, and Kensuo.
Athena is complete ass, don’t bother.
Fucking Retarded
Cho mamma.
Yeah because having a great fireball, great DP, invincible commandthrow that leads to big damage combos, good movement, good combos, invincible ex teleport that freecancels into other specials and a fireball reflect that completely shuts down all other zoning characters in the game amongst other things is useless…
Say, Laban, didn’t you play a cat who used Athena in your EVO pools? IIRC, he beat you. That guy’s Athena (name’s Fernando I think) frustrated me to no end.