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I thought they fixed a bunch of crossups, including Hwa’s, and I think they made the inputs easier.

so any chance of update?

o r do I just need to go to gamespot versus…

I should go to versus anyway, they have all the godly games.

No idea.

I wouldn’t count on the update. Arcade is the only option for climax (unless they port it to phone or something…).

classic kyo’s running command grab and that slow ass double upkick move are like punishable as hell on block right?

I ran into this guy online that would upper cut me or throw me after every one I tried to punish…like what the hell.

is it online gimmicks?

Online gimmicks like 3S son! Dash and throw ftw!

Yep, they’re punishable. The second hit of upkicks is -4 or you can dp him in between the kicks. Run grab is definitely punishable.

so about those grapplers and those invincible command grabs…
Im caught in the crossroads of trying to keep away and also trying get in there and kill them…
tips against clark, daimon, ralf?

Ralf isn’t a grappler scrub.

Against Clark/Daimon. Just jump out, there’s absolutely nothing they can do to catch you…

Or just pick Karate to counter them.


Daimon has strong anti-airs, and Clark can jump up an air grab you.


ralf doesnt do grabs? I thought he did

Not in this game he doesn’t

Lolwut? Wouldn’t that just aid their plan of slowly pushing their opponent into the corner?


I’m planning on using the HORI SCV stick to play this game. It has the NOIR set up, thus I am curious if anyone is using a layout of ABCD?
I’d rather not macro anything, so is high-level play better without them and/or is it harder to gain consistent muscle memory?

I was thinking about getting the Mr. karate dlc, seeing as how I read he’s 30% off right now. Is he worth picking up? Or is it more or less a new skin?

Mr. Karate is godtier dude. He’s definitely a top tier character. Dominates tournaments. Easy to pick up. Amazing pressure. Amazing air-to-air game. He’s pretty cheap. Literally and figuratively.

I’ve been a bad pad player with bad thumbdamentals for years now, and it has never been more apparent than when I was trying to play KoF for the first time this weekend. the dinputs and cancel speeds are so absurd that I think it is finally time to switch to stick. Should I even try to conquer a game like this on pad, and are diagonal motions more consistent on stick?

Any good cheap sticks I can look out for, and does the fact this is a 4 button fighter impact what stick you buy?

Thanks for the reply Louis. XIII is the first KOF I’ve played in a loooong time and wasn’t sure he was worthwhile addition to the game