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In terms of meter management, King is best on point I think, IIRC her DM’s don’t do alot of damage compared to most of the cast.

Duo Lon also doesn’t need meter to be effective, but it certainly wouldn’t be a waste to use meter on him.

I think Mature could be ok on point, that’s where she is on my team. Mature/Beni/Andy.

How does one truly play Clark?

At the moment I’m playing him as a calculated rushdown character, using busters for mixup. Am I missing something? It feels like those charge moves are there for a reason haha.

Yup, to punish. Specifically when the enemy isn’t blocking when they should be on the ground.

Not sure of it’s AA capabilities, I would guess bad though.

Hmm. I’m trying to find a decent use for them. Punishing sounds fairly good, Corner carry is always a good thing. and they really throw them in it.


Sure, no problem, by the way, was it you that animated the GDLK horsehead at finals?

I did. But around 2 people did it before me.

I tend to use his pokes like s.C and s.D and Sweep because everyone wants to try to runaway, outzone, or try to jump in on Clark. I use EX Gatlin’ (and try to always keep a Gatlin’ charged) if they want to play fireball minigames. You can use A Gatlin’ to AA too and it’s a really good AA. Perfect if they’re trying to early jump in and then jump in again on you.

I’m working on a Clark bible that will hopefully explore these concepts and KOF 13 Clark’s true origins.

Sounds dramatic. :o

How are people able to get in the corner with EX Iori after 2 C rekka’s able to recover in time to get a reset with s.C/DP? I just tried it in training mode and he doesn’t recover nearly in enough time for me to land anything.

It’s not C Rekka, it’s A Rekka x 2.

any advice on how to make movement on fight stick more accurate? im having problem pulling of combos like iori for example, ill do 3 or 4 simple combo hits then ends with a super (qcf+hcb+a). but i cant pull off the super even though i put in the right input, i do it pretty fast so i dont know if its timing issue. i play older kof on computer emulators using keyboard and never have any problems pulling off combos. but fight stick for me is another story. like when i was doing kyo trails, forgot the trail number but it was a simple one where you perform a crouch corner kick and before the second leg hit, a qcf+a should be performed. but every time when i do it, it turns into kyos dp. is there a way i should be holding it or something? any advice will be appreciated. ps i use a hori sc5 stick ps3

Hey guys, first time KOF player here. I’ve just been playing around in trials getting a feel for this game, its definitely… different than what I’m used to. A couple of questions:

Is there plinking? It doesn’t seem like it

Also what are some good characters to pick up for a beginner? I know I want to play Iori, but I’m not sure who else to start with. I have mediocre execution, looking for more rushdown based characters. Just by watching the game previously I have an interest in Kdash, mature, vice, yuri, and possibly duo lon. Not sure how any of these characters actually play though.

And lastly any general tips for “links” in this game? Not sure if they’re called that but it seems like some things have insane buffer frames and others you have to be pretty exact with…

No, there’s not really any plinking.

Don’t use the trial mode to gauge the difficulty of the game. They’re tutorials to an extent, but many are impractical or contain 1 frame links that aren’t often used in real play. You should definitely examine them for ideas on what you can do, but yeah… many of the trials in mission mode are more for the prestige of completion rather than practical things you can apply in your every day game, especially as a beginner.

K’ and Mature are excellent rushdown characters with very intense corner pressure and frametraps. Vice is a really good command grab character. She lacks a reversal without meter but makes up for it with her ability to EX Deicide off any successful air trade which leads to big combos. Yuri can pressure pretty decently but I wouldn’t exactly call her a rushdown monster. Duo Lon is an intense rushdown/pressure character with amazing space control, but he takes a lot of creativity to reach max potential. A lot of people saw Mad_KOF’s Duo Lon and were inspired to pick him up, but unless they’re dedicated to really mastering his mixup potential and mindgames, they’re all going to end up average.

Links in KOF are easier than you might think. You’re likely not buffering inputs at the right time. The general formula for combos in KOF is normal->command normal->special->drive cancel/super cancel. If you’re a beginner, you should try Robert. He has two command normals so his hitconfirms are very large and forgiving for new players.

Make sure you’re doing it all as one gliding motion. When you do QCF, HCB, don’t do it as two separate commands (don’t go neutral in between), just glide qcf, then roll the stick down to back. Practice it stand alone. If you can do it stand alone, you’re probably getting hung up with the F+A part of Iori’s strings. The game thinks you’re doing a DP motion perhaps? If so, go neutral for a split second after you do F+A, then do QCF, HCB.

For Kyo’s, I think you’re trying to do DF+D, QCF+A, right? After the DF+D, again go neutral for a split second before you do the QCF+A. At first this will seem hard, but it’s all about how you buffer. When you’re doing inputs, you can buffer the command during the animation of the last move, so as soon as you input DF+D, immediately go neutral then do QCF.

It’s hard to explain, but hopefully you’ll get a feel for it. Once you do you’ll have no trouble with it.

Yeah I wasn’t necessarily gauging the difficulty of the game by the trials, just getting used to the characters I was interested in, like it seems with Iori c.lp f.lp is a useful hit confirm…? Maybe not though. I just played through arcade mode for grins and giggles. Right now I’m feeling K’ Joe and Iori, not necessarily in that order. I tried Mai and good god she controls like a tank. Thanks for the heads up though, I really want to dive in. I played the demo the first day it was released and was pretty interested, never got the game though because nobody around here or on my friends list online plays it… EVO finally convinced me though… I’ll just make new friends that play this game :stuck_out_tongue:

And is there any specific youtube user who has good character tutorial videos or anything? I’m kind of referencing the hyper guide and just kinda clawing my way around trying to figure stuff out for myself. I found a somewhat useful one for Iori but thats it.

I’m also having a really hard time understanding proper movement in this game with the hops and rolls. Then theres all this roll cancelling, blowback, hd, drive, neomax… its quite a lot to take in lol.

And sorry if these are commonly asked questions… if theres somewhere else I can reference where this stuff is already answered gladly link me up, theres a lot of information here to sift through.

cr.B, cr.A, f+A is a mainstay BnB for Iori. It’s not part of the “impractically difficult” crew of links.

Movement and space control will take you at least a few months to get a strong feel for. You’re right, there are a lot of options to think about in the game and the best way to get better at it is through experience. I’d advise you watch this video though, it will help you immensely with core KOF-specific fundamentals (a MUST watch): [media=youtube]Ye3KVgI1LvU[/media] is a good reference for what you can do with many characters in the game. Check out the KOFXIII wiki as well, it includes framedata for many characters and large lists of combos and other references.

Duo Lon is defenitly a good first pick. Probably the easiest character in the game to pick up and get effective with along with Mr.Karate. K’ and Iori are both great aswell as pretty basic. Tho i would avoid Joe unless you really like him, he has a huge blind spot when it comes do anti airs and his combos require a lot of practice ^^-

thanks dude, after couple of days trying to figure out my problems i realize i had alittle problem going neutral. when i do go neutral then execute moves sometime works and sometimes dont. as for iori combo i usually do jump+d, crouch+c, then qcf+hcb. sometime works sometime dont, i think i need to get used to turnin with my wrist.
as for kyo, i pulled that move off perfectly and constantly with a ps3 controller using the analog stick. but when i switched to fight stick sometime works but most time turns into a dp. i think like you said it has to do with the neutral part. on analog stick after df+d the analog automatically return to center(neutral) but on fight stick it seems alittle harder, idk why.

It will definitely take some time to adjust. Props to your name, you must have started out KOF like me on WinKawaks/GGPO. I went from keyboard, to pad, to stick. It was a big adjustment every time, but you’ll get it, don’t worry!

Edit: Just want to note, if you’re an emulator player, there’s a possibility you’re playing on the arcade rip of 13. If so, be aware that buffering feels a lot different on that version than 13 console. I don’t know if that’s because it’s a buggy rip because I’ve never played 13 1.1 arcade on a cab, but it felt awkward as hell for me and not at all like 2002/2002UM/13 console.