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I remember it being a bit more technical but I did have fun with the demo. Gamestop is having a buy 2 get 1 free so I think I’ll pick it up. I just dont want to get it and be discouraged cause I’ll have to put hours a day into it that I dont have :frowning: Know what I mean?

Well I ‘insist’ on it because I don’t own a stick at the moment, and I play those two games. I asked because I was wondering if KOF might also be in the list of games that would work for me.

How do I ECDTEG? Also, I just found out that Kyo’s st.D is only a half circular that you can sidestep towards his back. Sucks that Mai’s qcb+P is a full circular; too good.

Okay, here’s a good one: How do I use AB Roll?

This is one thing I just don’t get and I think it’s used if you predict what the other guy is going to do. I play guys who want to play runaway, as soon as I get it they like doing AB roll and sometimes I can punish and sometimes I can’t. Online is dumb. If I get them in the corner they do it, especially if I jump in. But if I do it, noooooooo, they see it coming and punish.

This one thing about KOF just confuses the fuck out of me.

So I’m probably going to pick this game up soon but I’m not sure who I should use starting off.

The one character I REALLY want to use is Duo Lon, I wouldn’t mind using Takuma as he seems like a really solid character, and from what I’ve watched in the past Elizabeth seems kind of fun but idk how good she actually is.

Are these 3 characters viable for a beginner at all? (Beginner as in I have never played a KoF game)


I’ve never even heard of ECDTEG. o_O

Personally, I’m no pro, but I typically only roll to pass projectiles or if I’m Guard Roll Cancelling.

It’s extremely dangerous to do up close because you can be thrown at any time.

The only exception to this may be Goro’s qcb roll or EX qcb roll.

Haven’t tested it.

Dumb question, can you cancel anything after you throw with Vice’s hcf throw?

You have to first know what rolling is useful for before you can predict and punish it from your opponent.

Situations where rolling is useful:

1: To avoid projectiles.
2: To escape the corner, especially on wakeup.
3: To position yourself for a command grab (rolling in next to their sprite).
4: To create additional distance or close the gap in general.
5: To negate a single hit attack (rolling past a DM, a crossup, etc.).
6: To create ambiguous crossup situations (ambiguous rolls). These are done by rolling directly on the center of a sprite as they wake up. The side you end up on will be random.

There are more uses for it than that. It’s a spacing tool with functionality but it’s also extremely dangerous to use without thought. Rolls are 100% vulnerable to throws during their entire animation and they’re vulnerable at the end to anything. When you get a better sense of when rolls are a viable option, you can start predicting them from your opponent and punishing them with throws or full combos. Look for people who try to roll out of the corner a lot. If you know they like to do that, don’t try to pressure them right away on wakeup, just wait a moment a few feet away then grab their ass as they try to roll out. Recognizing stuff like that takes a lot of time and experience so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see everything you can exploit right away.

Ab guard cancel roll. Cd blowback.

What times should i be using one over the other.

Ah, when I read this I thought you meant roll cancel and then CD them into the corner. :smiley:

AB Guard Cancel rolls should be used when you predict your opponent is going to complete a lengthy blockstring and you want to roll past him and punish from behind as he does it. It can be used to escape a blockstring at any point during the blockstun, even on single hit attacks. Sometimes people do this just to maintain the space they require to play comfortably. There’s also certain setups that are escapable with GC rolls, like Terry doing an EX Power Wave then jumping over you for a crossup D. In that situation, if you don’t GC roll, you will get hit by his crossup because you can’t block in two directions at once.

CD Guard Cancel Blowbacks are useful for when you don’t feel confident enough to withstand the pressure you’re under and you need an opportunity to retake momentum. Essentially they’re momentum resetters at the cost of 1 stock. They can also be used to keep an opponent in the corner. If you’ve lost momentum and you want a chance to retake it, GCCD Blowbacks are a safe bet.

Naked CD Blowbacks are usually high priority moves with longer startups. The usefulness of each one is character specific. Some have anti-air properties, some are strong horizontally, some cover multiple angles or move you forward, etc… Most can be whiff cancelled into specials which make them useful for cover or kara cancelling.

Regular Deicides can only be followed up with command grabs or DM command grabs. EX Deicide gives her enough frame advantage that she can launch into another combo (cl.D, f.A, etc.). EX Deicide is also an anywhere juggle, meaning that anytime Vice wins an air trade she can use it and launch into a combo or HD. This is one of her biggest strengths.

All characters in KOF are viable, but some definitely require more dedication than others. Duo Lon is one of those characters. He has near limitless possibilities for mixups and space control, but he requires a lot of training and “presence of mind” to really come to life. I would say he’s moderate as far as execution requirements go. His rekkas are easy but some of the drive cancels and HDs are tricky. If you’re willing to constantly think about and improve your mixups, Duo Lon might be a great character for you.

Takuma is very solid but he lacks a reversal. He makes up for it with ridiculous damage for little meter off command grabs and other setups. He can zone extremely well and has moderate execution requirements (some of his moves are charges and used extensively in combos). Not a bad character to pick up, but the lack of a reversal will be hard for a new player to cope with initially.

I don’t know a huge amount about Elizabeth but she’s a pretty interesting character. She can end blockstrings with teleport moves or counters that set up her positioning. She’s very mobile and unconventional. Seems like a character that tries to make the opponent hang himself. I have no doubt she’s fun, but probably takes a good level of dedication to master as well.

I think the most beginner friendly character is Robert. He has literally every tool you could want on a character and he’s a shoto so SF players can understand the design right away.

Those three descriptions are pretty much perfect for me, honestly. I’ll definitely look into Robert too, though, since I do come from SF. What order would you recommend I use them in? I was thinking Duo Lon/Elizabeth/Takuma

Thanks man, greatly appreciated.

Good shit.

Yup, he pretty much has everything, plus a unique normal cross over, just waiting for people to realize this, and you’ll start seeing flowcart Robert’s ala flow chart Kens everywhere.


It’s hard to say. The conventional wisdom is the point character should be the best battery. That would probably be Duo Lon because his blockstrings build a lot of meter. Takuma would probably be a good mid, but I have no idea how easy or efficient Elizabeth is as an anchor. I know she has some crazy scaling “glitch” with some of her HDs that give her extreme damage, but it’s hard to execute. I don’t know if she has the best low hitconfirms for HD either.

You can play any character in any spot. Ideally you want your mid to be someone who can use meter and even HD if the opportunity presents itself, but can also function without it or at 50% to save meter for the anchor. Your anchor you want to be someone who can exploit the meter you have and is good at opening people up and delivering solid damage. Good hitconfirms both high and low are helpful for HDing with anchors.

How do I handle Kyo’s j+2C with Athena/Kula/Yuri?

One thing about Robert is that his wall-carry combos can be a bit finicky to pull off. People who want to maximize their HD combo damage when they have 2 meters or less need to really be aware of their distance to the corner so that they’ll use the correct combo.

Guard Cancel Blowback. I think Kula can keep Kyo at bay rather well, as long as she doesn’t get trapped in the corner. s.B and j.B stuff a lot of Kyo’s approaches, and c.C is a good anti-air. You just have to be careful with it, since it’s very unsafe if blocked or whiffed. Also, I’ve found Kula’s standing blowback to be a pretty good ranged anti-air, that apparently doesn’t get much use. So much so that one very good player I had played a few sets with was completely taken aback the first time I used it, as he had never seen the attack before.

Ah I was hoping I could deal with it without Guard Cancel blowback.

Yuri’s cr.c/cl.c probably does well against it. Just a guy I played a while ago kept approaching me with that and I felt like I couldn’t do much against it without meter.

Athena can catch him with her forcefield super. Yuri can ex command grab to safety unless corner’d. Kula has no option but to guard cancel roll or blowback. If you do blowback too late though, he can punish you. So I would do cancel roll since you can block immediately after it is done.

Which characters do you guys feel are the strongest point characters?