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Should I then play Kensou King and Elisabeth in that order?

do what you like B^]

Ah yes, I forgot about being able to tech regular throws even from disadvantage, dumb game. But yeah, grapplers then, or maybe you can hit him on the way down with a fast normal?

If you do the normal early, you just catch him still in the air, which isn’t a good punish unless you have a character who can CD and any where juggle him. I know for a fact though, you can DP it with Andy and others as he is coming down, but that shit comes out fast(The A version). If Andy and Ralf has about 50% health, just blow the meter(I usually dont advise this) and do a TK neomax. It works, but if you do it too early or while on the ground, it might whiff or you’ll be too late to punish.

So I come from sf4, sf3, and I dicked around with cvs2. I really wanna get into this game. It looks really hype in tournies and it has super cancels (I love third strike). Well those arent the only reasons, there’s all that smart stuff too. Anyway, my execution is decent (and i play on pad), when I do Iori’s cr. b, cr. a, f.a xx qcb. c, I never get the qcb. c. From what I know the inputs in this game are pretty hard, so either execution is ass or the inputs are screwy cuz im playing it on pc (hopefully im allowed to say that). Can you cancel the f.a into a half-circle back motion and still get qcb.c? or does your input need to be precise? Also, I can not get a half-circle to save my life. I can do Makoto’s command grab in sf3 like its nothing, and same for Iori’s in cvs2. Once again is this because sf has trained me to be a retard or do I need to actually go out and by a copy of the game?

The way the Arcade rip registers inputs is really weird, so the fact that you have trouble with quarter circles and half circles isn’t strange at all. Arcade version is pretty different from console, and has massive input lag. Go get a console and get the real game, it’s worth it, if you have local competition. If you’d be stuck playing online, don’t bother, it’s unplayable.

That makes me feel a little better. I was planning on buying the game eventually, I just downloaded it as a demo since my xbox isnt connected to the internet currently. Also whether I want to play this game for a long time or not I’ll buy it just to support the game and its company. They made what seems like a great fighting game without all the bs capcom managed to stir up. Thanks for the help.

I’m having a bit of trouble with duolon and team order

Since his rekkas are unsafe whats a good blockstring with him? also im having trouble with people hoppin in on me. Is there any normal that I would be able to use to stop hops in general? Is his J.CD a good air-to-air?

As for team order I play duolon/ex kyo/saiki in that order. Im wondering what would be the best team order for these guys. As in who would benefit from meter and who would be the better character on point to build meter.

welp, i’ve seen run up cl.c xx a ghosty repeat used, variations of light normals into a ghost; there’s a little bit of advantage on that guy on block which allows you to stage whatever offensive you really feel like i suppose (tick throws, janky overheads, do what you like B^]); rekkas into teleport can be alright (don’t overuse!) provided your opponent is scare/don’t have good options against the teleport (i.e. ex ranbu/maiden masher, ex iori rekkas, ex kyo amagami), but if they decide to opt for the reversal throw against teleport, it’s generally techable (i think)

good hop checks are st.a and if you’re really ballsy from long distance, space jam (6a); a lot of people would imagine the latter to be pretty unreliable but if you get it i’d think it’d make peeps think twice before going for a jump-in or w/e from farish-midscreen or so is great for air to air, haven’t really experimented much with air space jam as an option but has decent enough priority and can cross up if you really feel like it, j.c is also worth mention since it comes out pretty quickly

my team order is generally something like duolon/x/x; this is generally what works for me, as at the moment uncle dolan for me and a lot of other people seems to be a very momentum-based character that can easily ocv when he gets his swag on. i’ve seen him played second occasionally, but overall i almost always see him point. imo, duolon doesn’t really need a great deal of meter to be effective and even then, since he’s always making contact and such he builds meter fairly reasonably anyways.

Awesome I completely overlooked the ghost on blockstrings. I only used it on knockdowns, like dash in CD~214a as a pseudo kara meaty? idk i’m still learnin the ins & outs of the game so forgive me for soundin like a noob lol

Anyway thank you for the tips they are really helpful. I started thinking back on some of my matches I’ve had and realized how much I overused the teleport after blocked rekkas. Definitely gunna look out for alternatives now.

As for my team should I anchor saiki or ex kyo? any thoughts on this? I find myself using ex red kick a lot but i’m not sure which character should be my anchor.

the thing about ex red kick is that you don’t use ex red kick

ex kyo is nice anywhere, play him third or second depending on your own personal preferences and play style. imo ex kyo don’t need a whole lot of meter (obvs it’s nice to have), so if you play conservatively and use meter wisely (not using ex red kick), second would be a fair spot. i don’t know too much about saiki, though. but yeah, the best way to decide frankly is to just play a lot and see what order works best for you.

Any general Maxima advice? He doesn’t really fall under a true character arcetype, and such his neutral game isn’t as easy to grasp as it is for other characters. I’ve been making better use of his 1-frame command grab as a handy punish, since it takes care of things that close :snkc: is too slow to handle.

Alright, so, I’m as new as they come to the KOF series. I have very little exp coming into the first KOF title I own (KOF XIII). The characters I like are King, Ryo, Shen, Athena and Kim. I don’t really care about tiers (I am used to the low tier days of Juri and Cody). What I want to know is, are these good characters to be learning the basics of the game and getting used to the engine.

Any general tips or advice for a KOF noob who comes from a SF background? Any help would be appreciated and if anyone felt like doing matches with a beginner, just add me up on PS3 (I don’t have it for 360).

Is ex red kick that bad? The only uses I get out of that thing is reacting to a fireball to close the gap. I do see what you’re saying though, about using meter conservatively and such. I really need to rethink my gameplan so it looks like I better hit the lab lol

Thanks a lot for helping me out your tips were great all I gotta do now is my part.

ex red kick is just a good round/game winning last resort; w/ ex kyo ideally you don’t want to be at that far range that makes you consider using ex red kick anyways (unless you want to be an asshole/get a really sick dumb aa knockdown)

Try these.

yea I understand about the range he needs to be in but since im still new to the game I tend to forget about universal rolls and when im gettin knockdown by like king for example I tend to dash back ex red kick to a fireball I predict. not sayin im godlike & shit but I do see how thats bad. I seriously cant wait for finals next week so I can just concentrate on kof for the next month before evo lol

king is annoying the hell out of me too. just remember that there’s huge lag on wakeup ex trap shoot (much more than it looks), and the second hit of hcb+b can be ducked into bnb. maybe raiden can’t due to his size, but ralf and maxima can. hcb+d is also unsafe so try to estimate how close you’d be after blocking and bnb accordingly. if anybody has any general tips against her projectiles that’d be great too. besides rolling and hyperhopping, online i can’t seem to get around them easily and when i finally do, i botch my damn combo! if i could just solve this then king scrubs online should be no problem since these three things comprise most of what they do.

Whats flame Ioris best HD combos? I been trying to break 800 with 2 bars but I just cant

One word: Walk.

Just walk to her and carefully watch for tornado kicks. If you have raiden then you can jump the slow venom strikes and just do j.D, it should beat or trade with tornado kick. Keep forcing her to the corner if the player is playing lame. Once you got her in the corner, poke her and watch out for her slide. Her slide is one of best escape moves and somewhat safe. However, if you guard cancel roll the slide and the opponent already input the command for venom strike, you get a free blow up on her, it is totally free(I have tested in the lab, both venom strikes are free if you roll cancel the slide). Try to safe jump her but be careful because ex trap shot is a monster. You can try to bait it but make sure to not throw any limbs in the process. If the King player spams s.D or HK, just frame trap her on wakeup and you will beat it everytime. Some low moves can go straight under it and some will trade with it, both being in your favor if she is cornered or near it. Patience is the key but it is really hard to do so especially in a heavy offensive game like KoF13. King can control the flow of the round, let her do so and beat her at her own game unless you want to get more life back. But that can be risky and you can end up losing MORE life in the process.