Doesn’t seem possible aside from incorporating the rekka infinite. His most optimal loop is …BC > [cl.C > DP+C > HCB,F+P]xn though it’s pretty tough to land since you need to run forward deep enough for the DP to combo from the cl.C over and over.
Rekka infinite?? How do you do it? In the corner I do BC, cl.C, dp+A, qcb+a x6 but then I can’t connect the neomax afterwards it looks like it would 800+ dmg but I can’t find a move that keeps em grounded for the neomax to connect (besides his lvl1 maiden masher)
King, much like Billy, much like Athena, is a match up that is summed up in one word. PATIENCE. Your main goal against a King player is to patiently walk her into the corner. A little easier done than said in some cases. As King is a zoning based character, a lot of players will just straight up run away without a solid foundation as to what the hell to actually do. Why is this important you ask? Well because 8 times out of 10 they’ll walk themselves into the corner. What Nagato said is 100% true. You need to walk, you need to mind your spacing, and you need to block low. Her main threat up close is cr.B cr.B st.B slide, or something slide and blocking low omits the worry of eating a slide combo(Slide is unsafe on block and can be guard cancel rolled for a full punish).Another benefit of low blocking her is that you don’t have to really worry about dealing with Far C, as it completely whiffs on crouchers.
Venom strikes are frustrating, but again this goes back to being patient. If you can walk King into the corner she’s in BIG trouble, meter or not. With meter she has the option of GC rolling or GCCDing you to re-establish a neutral game but you can watch out for those honestly. Respect trap shot, but don’t fear it. If you fear EX trap shot, you’re just giving the King player an easier time to deal with your corner pressure. Without meter she’s virtually free in the corner, as she has nothing that can stop your aerial assault, if your spacing is good. If you have a character that can manipulate vertical/cross up space really well then it’s even worse for her, as her anti airs can whiff completely. The King match up is very momentum based. If you can get your offense started on her then she’s already in a terrible position. But if she can get to the point where she can start to control the screen, then you’re at a disadvantage. She’s not a very clutch character anyways so there’s little to no way she can steal a win from you if you handle the match appropriately.
IMO, King, Liz, Kensou is the best order.
honestly, contrary to popular belief, I would argue that king is a rush down/footsies character. her gameplan is based on stand B into slide (which is SAFE on block, btw, unless it’s done at the closest possible range), and zoning anti airs with st. D, st. C and jump CD. fireballs are a good tool, but generally I’m not able to kill people by chucking venom strikes all day. any skilled player should be able to roll into a range so that more fireballs can be punished.
Is Kensou scary with meter? I found him to be a really good battery and everything I’ve read has said that as well.
Kensou has some amazing HD combos, but they require intense execution. If you link his target combo twice into HD and target combo two more times, you can do close to with 2 bars. kensou is also a great anchor, but if you have king on your team then she should be your point.
The EX Iori rekka infinite is floating around in the Iori thread I believe, but basically you do qcb+P qcb+P (DC) qcb+ AC [qcb+AC (qcf,hcb+P) qcb+P x2] xn. You have to manually crank out a Maiden Masher input on each second rekka (the first can’t juggle unless directly canceled into from an attack), so the combo’s not practical.
Usually for a corner HD look with EX Iori I go for …BC cl.C f.B > qcb+C qcb+C > [dp+C (2) > qcb+A qcb+A] xn.
There’s an iori thread??
If you search harder or just read sticky threads, you will eventually find one
thats claw iori though…
Oops I read that you was looking for Claw
K i need some help on how to fight Maxima, Hwa Jai and Terry.
Maxima seems to be able to just hit buttons and the guardpoint will eat whatever i try to throw out, and his damage is unforgiving so once i stop pressing buttons i get command thrown all day.
Hwa Jai just seems retarded to me so far, his strings into slide cancelled into the qcb+K thing into lights and repeat just seems like an endless blockstring unless i spend the meter to guard Blowback… not to mention he has wonky crossups that he can do through that string as well as a painful throw super.
vs Terry seems i’m just blocking strings into crackshoot (which is even on block afaik) all day and dont have a real opening to do anything, and then just blocking the walk up s.B pressure and his ambiguous j.D into string xx crackshoot.
Any help/tips on how to fight those characters is appreciated ^^
And lastly, as a command grab character how do you deal with people that alt guard?
The light version is around neutral frames if you block it crouching, but is actually negative if you block it standing. Plus it’s punishable. 1f grabs punish it for free. Heavy crack shoot is kind of like that but to a greater extent. It’s neutral if you block standing, but Terry is plus if you block crouching. The downside to that is that it has more startup. If you have a character that’s able to shrink their hitbox with a cr.b you can just do that and avoid crack shoot all together. It’s a good tool but a lot of people don’t know how to deal with it. Since heavy crackshoot has more startup it’s more prone to trades and getting beaten out of its startup. Plus it can only connect legitimately from heavy normals. Something like cr.b cr.b st.b D crack shoot isn’t a true blockstring. If you see that you can reversal it. You really have to look out for it, but unlike Kim’s air QCB. K it’s easier to tell the difference between the two. But always make sure you block crack shoot standing. No matter which version it is block high. As for the alternate guard thing it depends, which command grab character are you using?
Good lookin out man.
so if i just block Crackshoot high i can punish with a throw? coz i’m pretty sure I’ve tried that before and theyre usually too far for me to throw them even with EX command grabs at times.
The blockstring the Terry i fight against uses is c.B c.A c.C xx Crackshoot (usually light version), this usually leaves him far enough from me so I cant punish with throws… never really noticed if im blocking high or low so i’ll try that.
For the alt guard I’m mainly talking about Vice (i use Shen too but not as much), the locals recently picked up alt guarding alot against my Vice and idk what to do against it.
try pressuring with her normals, empty jumps. If they are in alt guard, just walk up and delay your low attack(or overhead) to try and catch them blocking incorrectly. Eventually they are gonna have to jump or guard cancel, you should be in favor of what happens next with Vice thanks to j,CD and whatnot.
Hey peeps, I got a question.
I’ve played KOF, HARD, since 94 but I kinda fell outta fighting games, period, in the 2000’s. I recently picked up KOF 02UM and I’m having a good time, but I’m not very good cuz I haven’t really invested the time into it. But I’m willing to invest a good amount in KOFXIII, I really want the game. The only reason I haven’t picked it up cuz everyone else makes it sound awfully intimidating.
I play VGs, period, about 6-8 hours week. I’m willing to put all that time into just KOFXIII. I don’t wanna go pro but I, at least, wanna get as good in KOFXIII as I am in SFIV. Is 6-8 hours a week of play, really enough time get decent at this game, or should I just pass this up?
How the hell am I supposed to make Yuri work?
When I’m forced into a poking game her normals feel incredibly limited. On streams I’m seeing a lot of Yuris just sticking out Yuri flips and raiohkens all the damn time, but I just can’t seem to get a feel for how to attack with her to keep opponents locked down.
The game isn’t hard at all, I think most attribute it’s difficultly to the trials. Those combos are definitely not what characters use for Bnbs, though.
Thanx bud! I’m gonna order this, right now.