It can kinda get blown up on block, or you can run the '98 preemptive anti-airs or the new DPs against it, but it’s more safe to chuck out now than in '98 where it’d get crouched and blown up every time for free against 80% of the cast.
it sure ain’t no shingo kick though
I’m in kind of a dilemma, whilst I prefer ash and his lame playstyle, I find it difficult to actually do much damage with him.
I mean, I really like Ash, but I’m unsure if i should keep him and drop him in favour of another character such as Athena or perhaps mature. I guess it depends on my personal preference, but is there advice out there? I like to play lame as hell, but I’m not too keen on king.
Well there are three key factors when it comes to getting damage out of Ash. Meter, execution, and patience. Ash isn’t an easy character to play. It’s hard to suggest a good character that supports the lame style of play because not even King is fully all about that. Honestly just try out other characters and see what works out for you. I had a pretty similar dilemma not too long ago. I’ve been playing Yuri since arcade(I love this character) but the whole dive kick, mix up heavy character that she is now just doesn’t mesh well with me. I often felt like she wasn’t doing well on my team(which is pretty bad considering she was my anchor) eventually I started playing Ex Kyo and my team is now a million times stronger than what it use to be. At the end of the day branch out and play other characters and see what works out for you. But don’t just drop Ash out right. Delegate him to like a sub or something. I still keep Yuri for certain match ups. But for all intents and purposes, Ex Kyo is apart of my main team. Also if your signature is correct I think that having Ash and Saiki on the same team is kind of redundant. Saiki can piss off the opponent like Ash, and gets better damage for a lot less work.
anywhere - ralf (charge b,f+A xx qcf+C xN), ex kyo (qcf+C xx qcf+A xN), kim (whatever into qcb+D xx charge d,u+B xx qcb+D, neomax does like 700)
corner - king (dp+B xx hcb+B xN), hwajai (dp+D xx qcb+B xN), benimaru (qcf+K xx qcb+P xN…you can short short qcf+PP, raw BC for an easy starter), shen woo (hcb,f+P into qcf+A xx qcf+D xN)
What is the timing on Maxima’s super-cancel from his quarter-circle-back + P attack? It’s used in the trials a lot, and I can’t pull this cancel off at all well. I’m trying to do it as quickly as possible, however I think I need to use some type of pre buffer or alternative motion for this? If anyone could tell me how they do it I would appreciate it.
I start buffering the super motion the moment Maxima cocks his arm back before the Vapor Cannon. It’s not the easiest cancel in the world, but I’ve become a lot more consistent with it as time goes on. It’s definitely worth learning as it allows you to capitalize on that 1-frame command grab.
I picked this up a couple of days ago and I’m a little confused on some of the cancels. For example, Athena can cancel her hp srk into qcb x2 super. The problem I’m having is that you have to cancel the SRK into Super on the very first hit of the SRK. From an input standpoint, I don’t see how that is possible to do an srk into qcb x2 before the first hit of the SRK. Seems impossible.
However, I’ve heard that there are shortcuts for these things and was linked to a page (which I lost) that had a lot of info on shortcuts… none of which made any sense. Is there a beginners guide to this stuff?
dp into her super is hcb, f, hcb.
This may be what you are looking for though.
hcb, f, hcb + button? Is that how it works?
And yeah, that is the page I was given. Thanks a ton.
Sorry. hcb, f + button to cover the dp. the second hcb+button should initiate the super.
why uncle dolan 50/50 so bad?? how rip shirt
Can someone give me some advice on how to deal with Ralf? I’m having a hard time dealing with the pressure he puts on me with his normals, and is there anyway to punish or stuff his dive bombs? I’m using K’/Yuri/Iori(claw) btw.
Ralf is secretly super good. However, Ralf can be zoned out properly. If you get cornered by him DO NOT GUARD CANCEL ROLL, he can frame trap it. So do guard cancell attack. He has instant overhead, qcf+C is advantage on block, qcf+AC is craazy good. The hard part about his qcf+AC is, if he does it on wakeup(assuming he did not tech roll a knockdown) he keeps throw invincibility advantage given by the game’s system so you cant grab him out of it unless you do command grab. However, if he tech rolls, you can grab it normally. You need to rush Ralf and not let him get started, do safe blockstrings and poke him before he uses his long range pokes like his C and D. Remember, you can duck his s.C, but not his s.D. His shorthop is one of the best in the game along with his blowback attacks. The Only thing ralf does not have is a strong wakeup game, try to take advantage of it but WATCH OUT FOR QCF+AC, this WILL beat safe jumps or empty jumps. A normal jump will beat if you empty jump then normal jump to avoid it. You should get a counter, and go for a combo. Some ralf players mash downfoward.A with him on wakeup, that move is not safe and can be baited. If you play a ralf that does that, just back up and hit him where it hurts.
As for his divebombs, they are pretty safe, but fast supers can punish it. Iori can punish it with EX 8 Maidens(not normal super though), Andy can neomax him, K’ may be able to heat drive it but I’m not 100% sure because I always lose with K’ against Ralf. Don’t know if Yuri bicycle super can hit him either.
What’s up all I have not played kof in a long time I was wondering if the light to heavy aspect is still in effect like Andy vs. shen (meaning it takes more for the lighter fighter to ko the heaver fighter?)
All characters have 1000 health.
what if any thing has changed in this game last thing I remember they made a 3D version and not alot of people liked that. oh and thanks for not being rude.
Adding to Nagato’s post, I think you can roll forward on reaction when he does his dive and then throw him as you land right next to him because he always bounces back when he hits the ground. Give it a try in practice mode because I don’t remember.
That was the Maximum Impact series. Those games sucked, except Armor Ralf was bad ass.
I’m trying to find a third character for my team, and not exactly where to start. Currently I have Kensou on point, Elisabeth second and need an anchor. I’m not great at execution, but I’m not terrible either. I feel like maybe having a zoning character would be a good change of pace to my other two characters, in which case I could move Elisabeth to anchor. Thanks for the help!
One word… King will fit you perfectly.
It kinda works but I wouldn’t go for throw. You can throw-tech from anything in the game except for rolls and something else. A trip guard might work but its harder than you think. If you roll to late to a ralf bomb you might get a guard cancel roll/shift. I wouldn’t advise that unless you have a grappler character.