It’s in the game, but it doesnt work like sf4, no easy shit here.
No it’s a 2 apparently. cr.B is +2 and cr.C comes out in 4 frames. Frame Data on dreamcancel wiki.
I don’t know if it’s online play, or the fact that I suck but I can’t seem to get around projectiles at all without something bad happening to me. What do I do against fireball characters like Kyo, Robert, and Joe?
And is it just me or is Hwa’s s.D have insane priority?
EDIT: Guess I should mention my team. Right now I’m running EX Kyo, EX Iori, and Terry. Terry may be switched out but I’m pretty sure Iori and Kyo are there to stay.
Try to neutral jump and watch how they react. If they throw an slow fireball look to see if they run in behind it. If they throw a fast fireball try to roll it and close the gap as those have not so great recovery.
Joe’s fireball are able to be hopped over as well even if they look like you can’t.
Ex Kyo also has EX R.E.D kick to instantly close the gap. Ex Iori has pretty good fireballs himself and either his EX MM or maybe even regular MM has projectile invuln. Terry can EX buster wolf through projectiles. His C power wave is able to nullify even ex projectiles. EX power wave is also a strong tool because they either will jump, block, or answer with their own ex fireball while you can close the gap. You can also crackshoot over ground fireballs.
Maybe we have a different definition of what ‘plinking’ is. If you piano ANY two buttons, it does not count as a repeated input. You could use C~A instead of C~B to not get those annoying BC’s, but I can assure you cr.B, cr.C won’t become any easier. C+A is simply not registered as second “C”.
It wouldn’t make sense for the game to have plinking. Plinking is a very specific quirk of the SF4 engine, that never existed before that (and doesn’t exist in marvel 3 either, for example), so why anyone would even wonder if it exists boggles the mind
Yes it’s a 1 frame. cr.B is +2 and cr.C comes out in 4 frames. Frame Data on dreamcancel wiki.
All jokes aside. cr.B is +2 on block, so +4 on hit. Dreamcancel wiki used “sf4 style” startup (usually KOF players would say 3 frames startup, not included the 1st active frame). In sf4 a 5-frame startup move can be linked after +5, and it would be a 1 frame link, in the same way to link a +4 move into a 4 frame startup move, it would have to be a 1-frame link.
Are there any tips on how to deal with Athena? I know she’s not considered a “good character” but she’s so frustratingly annoying to deal with. Between her fireball traps, J.CD(fuck this thing), crystal bit DM, and her command grab she’s easily the character I have the most trouble against at this point in time.
Noob question:
I’m new to KoF (XIII is my first KoF game) and I’m not big on vs. games so this is the first real “team” game I’m trying to learn. I’m loving the game but have yet to settle on a team. Feels overwhelming a bit trying to settle on 3.
So far I like about a half dozen characters (Kim, Athena, Kensou, Mr. Karate/Takuma, Daimon) but am unsure about how to proceed in learning them / making a team. Is it best to pick one (I really like Kensou for example) and learn him well for now basically writing off the rest of my team until I have a good grasp on Kensou then move onto a new character? Or should I be trying to form a team of 3 from the start and work on all three at the same time. I’ve been trying to do the “three at a time” and am finding it a bit much tbh.
Thanks for the input here guys. Always appreciated!
A. Pick Shen
B. Repel Fireballs
C. Use bootleg anti air aka cr.C
D. Profit.
Lol, I counter pick her with Kyo, Shen, and K.’ She is indeed frustrating. You have to get in by air or using an invincible move to get through to her. If you have a fireball character, you play fireballs with her, then when she repels it back, you get in(I had trouble with this though). Once in, safe jump her so she can’t dp you. Watch out for teleport out of corner. Stay a good dash distant away when she has meter, then poke her. Force her to jump and put her right back in the corner. With K, I just dp her when she jumps(or a good timed ein trigger). I poke her with s.B.
When on defense, alternate guard so she can’t grab you. If you have Iori or anyone with a 2 frame normal, punish first part of phoenix arrow. If not, just alternate guard it to stop her from command grabbing you. Her j.CD is really good, but she has not really good hyperhop, which means you should be able to DP it without too many problems.
It isn’t too hard to learn 3 characters in this game. Just run a couple arcade runs with the 3 you really like and think are strong. Just swap out orders and get the BnB’s with them down and then see how it unfolds. Some characters have steeper learning curves(Mr. Karate for example) so you may have problems in the beginning with him. Kensou is really good and is easy to pick up. Just learn a good HD combo with him and learn which moves are safe and go to next character. Work on all 3. Once you feel comfortable playing them, play some real people. Learning 3 at the same time isnt bad, what gets hard is when you learn about 13 characters like I have and have character identity crisis with them lol. Somtimes I think I am Kim when I am Andy and do stupid shit. You’ll get the hang of it.
Explain please. All(?) moves are +2 frames in accordance to their dis/advantage on block when they hit?
As for the link I figured it was a 2 frame since I seem to have more consistency landing it via double tapping, guess that’s a load of shit then.
There you go. So for normals it’s +2, for most specials it’s +3.
Have a look at Saiki’s frame data to see it in effect.
Thank you kindly.
Who has, and what are some of the easier HD combos in the game? I’ve been scrubbing it up on this game since it came out and playing it like street fighter-lite but I figure I should pick a team and get (semi) serious. I’ve been playing a mixture of Kyo, Ex Kyo, Robert, Ex Iori, K’, Terry, Andy, Kim, Yuri, & King. I figured I could narrow it down by picking characters that are easier execution-wise, including HD combos. Any suggestions?
Shen will come to mind almost immediately. Very basic execution and his HD combos are very very simple to learn. Ex Kyo also has very basic BnB’s and a very easy HD combo (in his case it’s not his most damaging, but it’s not a massive difference compared to his optimal HD combo like a lot of characters).
Since you mentioned King, her basic HD is very easy, but it’s arguably better to save her meter on drive cancels, so take that for what you will.
How do you fight Chin? Have no idea what’s safe or not.
GGs again Nagato you let me get 5 games on you! You’re slipping lol.
I think I’ve figured out most matchups except I have no idea what to do against:
Joe’s corner pressure
really lame Mai players
He seems to be one of those characters like Kula that can do something slightly unsafe, then punish your attempted punish with an EX move. His overhead is weird and hard to see sometimes but a bit slow, you can stop it with a good normal or DP. I just watch out for the drinks and grab mostly.
While I cannot help you with the Joe pressure, I can help you with Mai seeing as how I locally play against a very good Mai.
First off you need to accept the following things:
- You CANNOT jump on her unless you have a godlike air-to-air or air-to-ground and even then it is not suggested.
- You CANNOT carelessly approach her on the ground either. St. (Insert any Normal) will keep you out all day.
- When she has Neo-Max and you know the player does not like a specific character or you are on your anchor, for the love of god do not do anything stupid.
Now once you have accepted this it comes down to a game of patience. This is assuming the Mai player is very lame and knows what they are doing.
Due to Mai’s nature, whenever she is not chucking fans at you, she’s normally going to check you with one of her standing normals. Whenever you two are not full screen you are to expect her to do so, in which case you can counter by standing just out of her range and trying a counter attack with a traveling special move or running in after a blocked St.D or St.C, though the former is a bit dangerous. I find jumping into crossup after a whiffed Heavy Normal makes them block. I play Elisabeth, so when I see a Mai whiff a Stand Heavy, given I have meter, I immediately throw out the EX Shoryu as it punishes that shit and I get nice combo afterwards.
Once you are in on Mai, however, you can win. Do not let up and GET IN THAT ASS. Mai does not that many(if any) non-risky reversals she can just throw out. This is where having a decent rushdown comes in handy. High/Low/Command Grab mixups can end a Mai in 10 seconds flat. If they GCD you out their face, get back in there immediately. Don’t be reckless but do not give them the space they need to start annoying you again.
Hope this helps.
I play against a very good Mai player and back this 100% But I also play King and he has trouble with the counter zoning(A well placed venom strike blows up her J.CD) On top of that one thing I noticed is that Mai players will throw out J.CD really early in their jump to gain momentum. If you see a pattern with this just crouch and be prepared to trip her with a good cr.b/throw punish when she lands.
Mai has no practical reversal options, she needs at least 2 stocks to burn on an EX super, and needs 3 stocks and all of her HD for a Neomax. I think that’s where she falls a little flat against most of the cast. Yea she has these amazing normals and this great spacial control, but against a player who can fully capitalize she’s fucked when she gets knocked down as most of the cast can run over her(Ralf can scare her pretty badly with EX Galactica Phantom on her wake up)
As for Joe, the key thing is respect his DP. Another key aspect to fighting a good Joe is to find the holes in his pressure. There are a lot of things that he has that aren’t true blockstrings(such as cl.C f.b hurricane upper) On top of that he lacks a good anti air to control vertical air to ground space. I really can’t offer much advice against Joe, as I kind of play the match up by ear. Plus my characters excel at spacial control/pressure, so fighting Joe isn’t too much trouble.
I kinda slipped lol, I was trying out some new stuff and Majin Hwa, but good shit. I’m getting my Claw Iori better and for some reason I am not so hot with Shen as of late. It is probably because I started using more characters, but I’m gonna mold down to a “real team” soon and stop playing about 12 teams lol. I play a lot of characters so I know how it feels to be in different shoes and because it is fun. It’s probably why I know a lot of matchups as well. But real talk though, I feel like us South players have a different playstyle than others so a typical rushdown isn’t gonna cut it against us. I have found out some offensive tools that I might post about soon thats pretty dumb to the point that jabs or trying to stand up for incoming hyperhop will be beat, but it might be the fact that I am getting into a deeper layer of the game and really putting the rock/paper/scissors type thing into actual matches.
The only way to stop Joe if he has you in the corner is to guard attack cancel him, but it is hard to do because A version hurricane upper is not a true link. That can get you countered. I say weather the storm until the Joe does something stupid like slash kick, but if you try to punish too late, you can end up eating a tiger kick. However, the most dumb thing a Joe player can do is a f.B because it is punishable if you guard cancel roll it. Sadly, I haven’t played a good Joe, so I can’t give no real advice other than that. Joe/Joe Mirror is easy because in the corner, the pressured Joe can just ex dp. But with other chars, I am not familiar with.
Mai players are no threat without meter and 100% drive because they will blow that meter just to neomax you lol. Just beat a lame mai at her own game. Her qcb+p, GUARD CANCEL ROLL THE FIRST HIT AND IT IS PUNISHABLE I HAVE TESTED IT, SHE FREE AS HELL. Just push her to the corner, force a jump and DP it. Mai has no really good pressure anyway. If she has enough to neomax you, play smart and just guard cancel roll or block some of the fans. Remember, to do a raw neomax you need 3 bars and 100% drive, so rush dat hoe.
how do i get good at kof now i hella suck now/
you know red kick? thats a good move use it all the time. they don’t like you chillin@amagami apex just throw that shit out gets them ALL DA TIME
I bought this game on day one since I wanted to support it an it’s lack of gimmicks. Now I am finally getting around to playing it. Who is a good person to learn the mechanics with. I like Mai, Kula and Maxima but I was not sure if they were the best to learn things with.