Her command jump Tsuika? No data on it, but I can tell you that the move is relatively safe and she can actually frame trap you with certain setups using the move. It’s also depends on where she does it. At the peak of the jump, it is about -5, but you have to time your punish because she is still airborne and once she hits the ground she can block. If she does it near the ground, I am guaranteed that it is about -3 or -4. I know this because if you do the slash lower to the ground, Mature can s.C(which has 3 frame startup along with Iori and Kyo’s close s.C. Not confirmed until her data is released though) you and the opponent cant do anything. This is somewhat of an option select. Here’s why:
If you try to grab her after the move, you can’t. In KOF13, you can tech throws from ANYWHERE, even whiffed or disadvantaged special moves.
Since Mature player usually hit close s.C because it’s her fastest normal, she will tech the grab and if you don’t try and grab her, you’ll find yourself in a blockstring; most likely first rekka. First rekka is SO safe that the only way to punish her is to guard cancel roll at standing C, forcing her to whiff the rekka. However, she may do qcb+B which recovers really fast, but you’re still in advantage imo.
What I usually do is tech the grab, it pushes both players away to a position that mature’s pressure is somewhat stopped. At this point, this is when you need to rush her and watch out for her s.D roundhouse, if she does it, sweep her. You can then throw out some s.A or B’s to stop shorthop/hyperhop potential and just dont let off of her. Also, Mature only has one good wakeup option outside of the game’s guard mechanics, and that’s her ex DP(which is her command jump, then Tsuika slash). This move is punishable and not instant, so you can bait it out and punish it.
Every character is good, but you will have problems with Ryo because a lot of his moves are not safe. You’ll be wise to change him. The rest of your team is indeed legit.
*Mature player here. Her command jump move is anywhere from slightly negative to advantageous on block depending on when it hits. If it’s her light version and it hits during the peak of the arch she’s a little negative. If it hits descending from the arc it’s neutral or slightly advantageous and if it hits really low then shes at some advantage (around +3). Her 2nd rekka is punishable by long sweeps (IE: Kensous) or by fast traveling horizontal attacks. I believe every character with a rekka can punish her 2nd rekka with their own rekka series.
As for her first rekka I think it’s safe except for probably some super fast dm’s. Mature’s QCB B is slightly negative and is used for frame traps mostly. *
You duck under it, since it always whiffs crouchers. Then you sweep or do fancy shit like cr.B/cr.A > command normal > special.
If she starts using st.D (which hits crouchers), know that the move’s slower so it can’t be used in as many instances to create tight frametraps or blockstrings, so you can press a button to interrupt it more easily than st.C.
are there characters that should only be played in first position, and characters that should only be played in 3rd position? Or is everyone pretty much interchangeable depending on your playstyle? (ie. in mvc2 you would never run cap commando on point, etc)
There’s definitely characters more effective in certain positions, but it sort of depends on the team, and if you have a good reason, you can make stuff work in different positions. There’s no ‘useless’ characters in certain positions. Just, if you put a character in a position that is ‘unconventional’, ask yourself if you know why you put the character in that position. This can be all kinds of reasons, like ‘I like to play a grappler last, when my opponent is getting desperate’, although typically it is probably more common to play a character last that has very damaging combos with a lot of meter.
Just to give you an idea, when I play Mature/Claw Iori/Kyo I play in that order, but in my team Mature/EX Kyo/Claw Iori, I feel Claw Iori is more effective last. If I would play Claw Iori with Shen and Elisabeth, I’d put him first.
Characters more often than not have a style that fits into a certain spot on a team, but this is definitely not like marvel and you should always feel free to adjust team order, especially in an attempt to give yourself better matchups. In a lot of a cases a character is considered “not great” in a spot, simply because they excel in a different one. Shen for example even on point is still a really good character, with all the tools you need to play well and to build meter. But when you play him anchor and stock him full of meter, he becomes not just a good character, but a character that shuts down a lot of the good options people have and can kill in a single mistake.
A good general rule is to play your team order based on who benefits most from the meter situation. If you have a character who’s general gameplan works without a lot of meter, then lean towards playing them point or 2nd. If you have a character who’s good, but becomes great with meter, try to play them 2nd or anchor. Depending on who makes up your team obviously these decisions become a little more complicated, but it’s probably a good idea to start with a “base” order for your team that you feel is most effective, and then consider how you can adjust that order if you feel like changing up the matchups will benefit you.
So basically, no, there aren’t hard and fast rules like “Never ever play character X on point or Y on anchor”, but there is usually a pretty easy setup that will help you get the most out of your meter. From there, you can work on different orders to handle matchup problems or to give opponents a different look to keep them off balance (always keep in mind you can switch your order in tournaments, even if you win a game).
Hey everyone I am very new to KOF (but a good UMVC3 player) and I was wondering a few things.
I run a team of Clark/Maxima/K is this a good order for it? Basically looking for tips on the team order/synergy to see if I have things fucked up at all.
What should be my basic gameplan with Clark on offense? Also what are his best options to combat runaway zoning?
Well, your order is all dependent on who you are facing, and preference. I run a lot of characters but it’s all to usually who I am facing. However, I can give you some advice. The order that you run is fine but you’ll have to hit the lab hard with K’ because him on achor can be hard to run if you don’t have good mindgames. Also, his near 100% combos take time to learn and has some technicality to them such as instant otg’s. Clark plays any position well along with Maxima and K’ so you can run that team in any way you want to. Like I said, I usually change my order around depending on who I am facing. For example, Clark has a bad matchup against Flames Iori, if you know your opponent is gonna put him first, you could combat the bad matchup by putting clark somewhere else and putting K’ first, but it’s all about preference unless you feel a certain matchup is in your favor if this character starts at his/her position.
Clark has many options and playstyles, he doesn’t have to throw you but his command throw is soooo good, that you just might want to use it since it gives him safejumps and stuff. Clark can’t really do anything against zoning, but he can rushdown so well. He can get in your face before you start any zoning because he has one of the best hyperhops in the game along with a really good blowback attack(the dropkick in the air. If he does it on the ground, he is airborne so no lows will hit him). Just look at some videos from Bala, OAR Raph, Majin, and Roski on Clark’s options. These are all amazing clark players and there are plenty of videos of them using Clark in casuals and tournament matches.
Appreciate the heads up Nagato. Basically I need to grind combos and read up on the wiki to learn more fundamentals of movement, combos etc… in the game. It just sucks I have like 1 friend to play with on a good connection so it is hard learning in a vacuum like that.
That said I like this game a lot and want to be decent at it so I will put in that work.
Basically, but if you do it wrong, you can eat a big fucking combo. If a grappler jumps in and does jump D, cr. B, then try to grab, you stand up then GO BACK TO DOWN just in case if goes for another low. I do it like this: Block air attack, downback, pause, back then BACK TO downback, repeat. You only have to switch to high guard for 1 frame to extend your throw invincibility so yeah. But you have to look for overheads and lows. If you do it right, you won’t get grabbed. However, the hard part is not getting grabbed by empty jumps. I still somewhat struggle with that, but with Iori I can just s.C to stop empty jumps. It’s more about the options your opponent is doing. If they see you alternate guard, they’ll try empty jumps, so you will somewhat get the feeling when they try to. The goal for alternate guard is to block the jumping move, then block the low or overhead, and stop yourself from getting snatched. The more you play grappler players, the more you will get used to it. Also, remember to use it against any character with command grab, including: Athena, Kyo(ex HCB+K is COMMAND GRAB), Both Iori’s, Kensou, Clark, Elizabeth, Vice, Benimaru, Daimon, Maxima, Shen, Raiden, Hwa, Robert, Mr. Takuma, Saiki, Yuri, and Mr. Karate.
Can you plink? I’m having a helluva time with shen’s c.B > c.C I’ve been told it works but I cant make it work yet. New to the game, sorry for the scrub question. Thanks in advance