Thanks for the help!
I’ve been practising some combos with Saiki and I came across this one:
Jumping.C + J.B - B + Standing C = QCB D xx QCF C + Jump + J.B - B + QCF A + QCFx2 B or D = 525 Damage (only costs 1 meter and half drive cancel!)
Thanks for the help!
I’ve been practising some combos with Saiki and I came across this one:
Jumping.C + J.B - B + Standing C = QCB D xx QCF C + Jump + J.B - B + QCF A + QCFx2 B or D = 525 Damage (only costs 1 meter and half drive cancel!)
That one definitely works, i like to do this 1 meter 1 drive in the corner because it’ll keep them in the corner at the end.\
J.D/J.A, Stand C, xx QCB+D hold D, J.Back B, land, DP+B (drive cancel) QCF+C, QCB+D, Hold D, J.QCFx2 + B/D
This should do 500+ and it ends in the air super which will keep them cornered afterwards. To do the drive cancel from DP+B to QCF+C just tap C right after you do the DP, this will prevent the overlap that will cause you to get a super instead of the drive cancel air fireball. Saiki has all sorts of corner variations, so experiment with what you like and what is the most meter efficient.
I’m trying to get 3 characters and an order set in stone to get working on learning the game. Right now my team looks like Kim / Elizabeth / King, but I’m a bit worried that all of them seem to need meter as part of their gameplans.
Does this seem like a step in the right direction for team composition / characters, or should I restart? I don’t know anything about team structure; this is my first KoF game.
Also are links a heavy part of this game? I ask because I’m trying to do cr.B cr.A DP with Elizabeth and I can’t land it, do I need to link or do I suck?
That team is fine. King can live without meter easily, Elisabeth can do a bunch of damage with just drives and single supers, same story for Kim. I’d put King first in that team.
People make too big a deal of team structure, this is KOF, not Marvel. First decide who you want to play. Once that’s done, figure out the best order to facilitate those characters.
No links are not a heavy part of the game, but you do suck. Those aren’t links, but chains. So the window to hit those is huge, but you are probably screwing it up because you thought they were links. This isn’t sf4, you don’t need to link to be able to cancel into a special. You can just cr.B xx cr.A xx dp+A. And in fact, linking them would not work, cr.B doesn’t give you enough advantage to actually link into cr.A, so you HAVE to cancel. It’s easy, you just need to get used to the strange timing which is quite a bit different from most other fighters. Once you can do it, you’ll wonder why you ever had a problem with it.
It really helps to time cancels with the hit sparks, usually this means you would probably have to be slower with your inputs.
I remember The Answer on his stream saying the first time you face a good Kula you’ll get destroyed for free. Well it’s true, so I’m wondering how do I deal with this character’s pressure?
Know that her tatsu’s are punishable as fuck, learn to punish it, is a good first step.
Also, the second hit of her DP whiffs if you are crouching A or B’ing her. She’d have to use meter to get you off of her, which is somewhat win because you want your opponent to burn meter, but you lose positioning. If she does the cold spit thingy, you can get ballsy and do a EX DM(or EX Super, same thing) with Iori or anyone with invincibility startup to fuck her up. You can also just read the player and Jump over it and molest her face. Even though her hyperhop is good, it can be easily punished by DP’s, its nowhere near as good as the top hop characters (kyo, iori, clark, ralf). IMHO, i think they have the best hops along with K’, Saiki, and I guess Shen.
Hey guys! There’s a lot of solid information in this thread. I’m also one of those guys who’s looking at getting into the game after watching NCR, lol.
Right now I’m pretty set on using Shen as an Anchor and Kyo as my starting character. However, I can’t decide whether Iori/Ex Iori would be better in the middle. I also wouldn’t mind learning a relentless rush down character to stick in the middle, but I’m hearing Claw Iori fits that bill so it’d make most sense to put him there anyway. Do that make sense?
Man, I’ve been watching the streams, and it has been very entertaining. Shout outs to the KOF community for bringing their A game to impress me.
I’ve been a CVS2 player, so I’m somewhat familiar with SNK systems. I was wondering how the online play is for this game? What can you compare it to? And I assume all the real players are the ones left standing online since the game’s been out for a few months. Do you think the game’s been fleshed out? Is everything that can be known, already known in amongst the player base?
And is there a brady games type strategy guide out there? where can I learn all the frame data? I am new to the KOF scene so I don’t even know anything.
Hey guys, I just bought KOF and I am having trouble with the combos, what characters have easier inputs for combos or have street fighter like inputs?
Please help
Online is fucking terrible. You cannot compare it to anything. It’s much worse than SF4 and Marvel. Only thing it’s comparably better than is KOF12. But that’s like saying putting your hand in a grinder is better than putting your dick in a grinder.
I have said this many times, and other people have too (seriously, read through the thread). If you cannot get people to play with you, this game is not. worth. your. money.
None of the real players are left standing online, because to real players this game is unplayable online. utterly unplayable. I live in the Netherlands, we have some of the best internet in the world, and even playing with people who live less than an hour drive away, online is really not good. It’s vaguely playable, but don’t expect to be teching throws or blocking high-low mixups anytime soon.
As for it being fleshed out. There’s still plenty to explore, and still a lot of discussion of tiers, but most of the combos and tiers are kind of leveling out slowly
No. Check out the SRK wiki, it’s good.
There’s some framedata, but most of it isn’t known yet.
Stop trying to do trial mode combos, they’re exceptionally hard. Check out the SRK wiki. Take your time, really look at your inputs, the game’s inputs aren’t difficult, just very different.
Ah damn I bought this to play online, and finding out online is bad is an upset
Some people have friends with good connections, others have problems, online is unreliable, but you should try your luck, if you see some people with 4 bars, try and send a friend request and play some matches, who knows, maybe you can get some decent connections.
Does anyone know the frame data on Mature’s rekkas? I need to find out how to punish the first one or second one if it’s possible. Thanks.
I was wondering what makes Kula bad?
I was convinced she was a solid character in the first few weeks, she seemed to drop quite a lot since.
No, no data is available. I’m pretty sure the first is pretty difficult to punish, 2nd and 3rd should be free. Go in trainingmode record mature doing a rekka and block straight afterwards. Just the normal way you would learn a punish. Framedata isn’t going to help you there even if it was available (due to knockback etc.).
I wouldn’t say bad. Her tatsu’s are unsafe on block, her dp isn’t invincible, her damage output is a bit disappoiting. Her icebreath is maybe a bit slow to be really good.
Kula is certainly not bad.
Her main weakness is her damage, and she doesn’t use meter as effectively as the top tiers.
Her pressure is safe but predictable. Most block strings involving ice breath can be punished with guard cancel roll.
She lacks mix ups that’s not standard with all characters.
Nevertheless, she has all the tools necessary to fight back, she’s the best anti projectile character, and she’s one of the easier characters to use effectively. To win though, you can’t rely on bullshit but have to outplay the other guy unlike characters such as Mr. Karate.
Also, good Kulas would almost never use tatsu outside of combos. I suppose it can be abused if the opponent doesn’t know it’s punishable but it’s completely unnecessary in her gameplay.
People still play online, but some people don’t. I try online every day for 3 and 4 bar connections on XBL, those are the only tolerable connections and nothing below that should be played. If you want to play online, just play people near you or right outside of state. I play TN and Georgia people quite a bit since I live in Alabama, so the connections tend to be 3 and 4 bar.
Her first rekka is about -6 or -7 frames, but it pushes her back to the point that she’s safe from mostly anything, even long pokes like Kim’s 5B(Standing B). However, fast startup supers can indeed punish her. Iori’s Shiki Yaotome(Maiden Masher) can hit her but you really have to react to her rekka to catch her. The second rekka is even more negative then the first and can be punished about 8/10 cases. IIRC you can sweep the second rekka, thats how negative it is. As a part time mature player, playing as her basically permits you to NOT use second rekka unless you confirm or looking for chip. It is very punishable.
If you are a CVS2 player, you should feel someone at home. There is no strategy guide for that game that I know of, but there are plenty of videos online from SNK themselves on some of the game mechanics. There is also a tutorial mode in the game to help you out in the basics.
I won’t be helping out as much in the thread in a bit. School is locking down on me and I gotta get some IRL stuff going and out the way.
I would test it but I don’t own the game. I just play at the arcade. Just thought there might be some out there maybe remnant from the arcade version or if someone took it upon themselves to do frame data because there are frame data for certain characters. Probably won’t get real frame data until Cilmax comes. Hope Arcadia does a more thorough version this time.
Thanks. I am really looking to punish the first Rekka or at least know that there is a gap I can press. I figured I could punish the second one and I can definitely punish the 3rd one. Do you by chance know the data on her move that jumps forward and slashes you (don’t know the name). I usually just DP or roll the high one and jab/5C the low one because I never seem to be able to punish or throw it. Wonder if it’s advantage.