Ask popoblo something

glad to see you figured out the hotness w/ RC kyo.

and no, i didn’t see what good C-ken’s were doing. i didn’t see sanford play, and he had the best C-ken there (along w/ asianhitler). i’m not a big ken player, but i re-enacted the scenario in training mode, and RC funky kick either whiffs and you’re forced to block the second rotation OR you the second hit connects because you’re recovering from the funky kick, DP loses, but…

YES, it does work against that setup, but the timing on the backdash is relatively tight (not too bad though). but a jab DP beats it clean because the RC invincibility is gone from sakura. if you dash foward afterwards, you have a nice crossup setup also…

so if you’re midscreen, do the dashback and jab DP, if you’re in the corner, jump up, and come down w/ a FAT combo for half her life. if she baits it, you eat a low fierce, big deal. make sure she doesn’t have meter though, cuz then you eat an AA CC, which is half life for sakura.


Oh shoot, this counter is beastly. If not just by how sweet it looks, but the fat cross-up setup you get afterwards. Thanks Canadian guy and PPB. :tup:

I thought about it again, and Sakura making you block qcb+MK is very similar to Chun making you block SBK. Both leave the attacker at -2. There’s nothing guaranteed to can retaliate on her with afterwards, but it’s not a hopeless forced guess situation either. Mash on throw is pretty much the worse option you can pick as a defender in both sitatutions (plus in Sakura’s situation, you’re not even in range for a throw). Better to take a guess and go for high damage counter against the potential RC or block and wait to see if Sakura/Chun wants to walk up throw you… although you do leave yourself open counter hit if you try to combo against throw attempt… hmm, I’m not so sure how the option/counter tree works out at this point now. Regardless though, I learned more options I can use to counter Sakura’s RC now. Thanks again. My own Ken RC hurricane kick will also work to take Sakura out of her RC btw.

I tried asking this in the Rugal thread, but I figured I’d get an answer quicker here: what are C-Rugal’s good corner mixup options w/ and w/o meter?

Counterhit/meaty st. fwd xx green reflector thing -> super is all I can think of (other than c. shorts/throw). RC reflector thing -> super maybe? What else? Meaty Repukken -> whatever too I assume?

search for champbell’s OLD thread from what he learned in japan. he’s got some random stuff about rugal. or just watch a few yuu vids (C-kim/usually sagat/r2 rugal).

wtf theres an “ask popoblo thread???” where i have i been? popoblo…

coke or pepsi?

What finger do you press to do RC Hurricane Kick with Ryu? I use ring or pinky, both don’t work for shit. Yeah I suck on a stick.

LZJ- coke

i press start on the character select screen to pick ANY other character than ryu. that works well. i’m not dan, so i can’t magically guess when to throw RC fireballs at the right times, so i don’t play ryu. but i would use my pinky if i did.

Good answer to my question, poor form to LZJ’s :rolleyes:.

Pepsi 4 Life.

:confused: …nasty.

wtf? Coke destroys Pepsi

Money match at evo, coke vs pepsi - Best of 3. My money’s on pepsi.

Hey PPB -

What’s the difference between Blanka’s KK hop and his dash?

I have a question, dont know if its been asked before or not.
I want to RC Bisons fierce punch paint, when i do it, he seems to almost always do the teleport. Is RCing the fierce punch paint practical? Or does RCing it regester the jab from the roll with the fierce,hence causing the teleport?

plzplzplz teach me a-bison, im having a lot of trouble playin’ him, and i need to learn him well, before evo…

Yea its practical I use it all the time. You are probably inputing the roll to late so you are getting a jab and a fierce to close and teleporting.

heres what you do with bison (if ppb doesnt mind me answering your post):

run the fuck away until you have meter:
-use and smart whiffed dp+lp to build your meter
-if they get you in the corner, rc psycho crusher out when youre feeling uncomfortable, make sure you can do this move at least 90% of the time
-jump back with any normal that builds meter (i use x2 even though it only gives you meter for 1 normal)
-if they start running at you or advancing too quick use lk scissors to keep them back, unsafe if theyre to close so only do it at the safer distances.
-if they start doing walk up games, use ur cheap 2 frame jab: c.lpx2 xx torpedo/lk (or mk) scissors

Beat up their shit when you have meter:
-people are gonna watch out when you get meter and sometimes theyll let you get away with more stuff simply because you have meter
-use jabs and scissor kicks to break down their gaurd
-throw them alot.
-use deep crossups with j.rh otherwise use
-try to wait for garunteed setups but sometimes random activate is good
-paint them.

you can get away with alot of shit when you get meter. ive killed people with throws and other random stuff simply because they are afraid of the meter and i dont even have to do the custom.

cool cool…

anymore stuff???

for all the questions i’ve missed…

-go into training mode for 5 minutes and figure the shit out.

-OR if you want to know how to play a certain character, watch an expert play that character. (ie A-bison, watch kindevu, bas, aojiru, etc)

-OR search the old threads. it’s AMAZING that nearly everything has already been beaten to death. cvs2 hasn’t evolved much in a long time, so what worked a year ago pretty much still works now. it’s still all about A-scrub, K-somebody/cammy/sagat, and people wanting to be daigo/choi and play C-ken.

it’s that simple, you start to become better when people stop holding your hand with shit. i remember very recently typing about 2 paragraphs asking how to do geese’s deadly rave off a low forward in a combo. then i went into training mode and figured out an interesting way to do it, and posted that to help people instead (and deleted the old post).

not trying to sound like a dick, i’m just trying to make people not so dependent upon other people’s advice. it’ll make you a better player in the end.


Jump in. :rofl:

learn how to custom and all its practical setups and after that its individual small tricks which you dont even need to totally eff someone up with bison.