I feel special because I’ve played him a good amount of times. I’ll give you a hint how good he is…slightly better than me.
kang is like diago but on crack. BEAST!
Nah Kang is like a little choi.
Laugh: Find me a korean cabinet and ill play you for a million dollars.
Shhh… don’t let the secret out, but I’m also part Korean.
Hey, I wanna get in on this money match vs PPB. $5, console, Best of 3, at evo.
Not really a pride thing, but I have had to kick myself for losing to you last year at Evo (actually, I can understand losing to you, but not to that guy playing P groove Raiden). This time, we won’t play at midnight after standing around during a 6 hour delayed playing pool…
how about $10? were you the K-akuma/sagat/blanka guy or somebody else? and the P-raiden dude was raybladex. good player, too bad he was using P-groove…and raiden.
Yeah, that was me. $10 sounds good, I just wont eat the rest of evo after I lose my money ; )
Does he normally play P groove Raiden? Man, I swear I’ll never live that match down.
yes he normally plays p-groove raiden. I play himj here in portland
every once in a while. I think his main team when he still played was P- Raiden, Guile, M.Bison(dictator)
VDO’s P-raiden is BEASTLY. the only way i could get any success against him was to abuse eagle’s fierce RC lariat as AA because he wasn’t used to the parry timing.
sakura? naw, he’ll parry RC fireball and hurricane kick, then dizzy you. vega? fuck that, he’ll dizzy you faster. sagat? nope, he parries that tiger uppercut like it’s nothing. even when i mixed up ALL my different AA’s and the timings for them, he’d still parry the majority of them and punish. i loved it how he’d abuse the punch throw range. for example, knock me down, walk back a few steps, THEN punch throw me.
raiden having no ground game doesn’t matter when you can parry like that.
lol, there’s my random rant on P-raiden after playing VDO for like 15 games in casual on console.
Yo man… you get home ok? And yea VDO is gay like that. He has really fast reflexes to parry stuff. The best way to beat his Raiden is to tell him not to pick him on the character select screen.
yessir, that drive kinda sucks though, not gonna lie.
OR you just do bison’s CC for a shit ton of damage and RC psycho crusher when he jumps in because raiden is too fat to retaliate even if he does parry it.
A groove requires too much work. We should do that money match sometime. I am moving to Virginia in two weeks… so if you hit up a tournament out there or go to NY (and I still play), I might see you.
Yo PPB, how strong is your defensive game? I want to ask or discuss this with you too so please give my post a look and some possible feedback.
Post in this thread and not the Buk thread if you can so I can more easily seperate who’s reply is who’s.
i play A-groove, so i turtle, so i consider my defensive game to be pretty solid until i start doing stupid stuff.
i’d say you should just tech the throws unless the throw attempts are blatantly obvious and you REALLY think you can sneak a combo in. i just try and tech 99% of the time. but if it’s choi w/ C-ken and a level 2, BLOCK LOW. that’s like his specialty, walk up from a mile away like he’s gonna throw, shorts into super.
don’t DP, you’re asking to eat low forward into super or better yet, a fat CC for 75% life. not worth the risk/reward.
A-Bison vs C/N/A Chun…
how the fuck does bison win outside of get lucky with custom…
same logic on how the fuck does chun win outside of a get lucky strong into super.
A-bison vs chun is a turtle fest and usually whoever makes the first mistake will lose because they both have retardedly easy ways to do a shit ton of damage. they’re similar in a lot of ways…
-you’ll find them both in the user/anchor spot because they do so well w/ meter.
-they both have 2 frame low jabs
-they both have 4 frame low strongs/forwards
if you’re bison, you never want to randomly poke w/ scissor kicks because IF one of them 2 hits, you’re going to die to low strong xx GG. if chun starts to cross you up and get her guard pressure going, either crouching rh slide out of the crossup away to safety or do a fierce PC to get out of harms way. both build meter, which is better than just rolling away. i experimented w/ doing crossup RC PC against chun’s crossup, but it’s not very consistent and sometimes you eat the crossup, which isn’t worth it terms of risk/reward.
i remember seeing choi vs BAS on the evo 2K3, and choi’s chun was DOMINATING the matchup w/ smart footsies and what not. then BAS hit a crossup RH against choi’s FULL LIFE chun li, and it was a 100% combo after the link into CC. stupid. so if you’re bison, take a random risk w/ a jumping rh and make sure you can link into the CC after a scissor kick.
Hey, this point blank RC against small characters with Kyo is a pretty fun distraction. In case nobody else (including myself) had any idea what PPB was talking about a couple months ago, when you roll cancel Kyo’s dp+HP, hcb+HK, or [qcb, hcf+P super], Kyo will magically teleport to the other side of the opponent. It looks really funny as your dp+HP and your hcb+K will totally whiff even though you were standing right next to the dummy. If you RC the qcb, hcf+P super, Kyo appears on the other side and the super will hit from the back. It works with level 1’s too. I can’t think of a reason to ever do this in a real match of course, but yeah, it’s fun to mess around in training mode with.
Did you keep track of what the good players were doing to counter Sakura’s qcb+MK? Man, I think is move is cheap. If Sak does d.LK, d.LK, s.LK xx qcb+MK, there’s like absolutely nothing I can do to stop her from using qcb+MK again, but this time roll canceled. I’m using C-Ken. Did you happen to see what the good C-Ken players were doing to counter this Sakura string?
I have…
-do a rub dp+HP to hit Sakura between s.LK xx qcb+MK
-jump back after first qcb+MK is blocked, falling j.HK, d.MK xx super against RC’d qcb+MK (CORNER ONLY)
-take total guess and roll after blocking first qcb+MK, far s.HK
I tried using my Ken RC kick when against the RC qcb+MK, but Sakura’s invincibilty went right through mine. I can’t DP, and jump straight up come down with a combo doesn’t work either. I can’t throw because by doing shorts at the beginning, Sakura is just outside my throw range after making me block qcb+MK. Using my alpha counter is only a last resort, because I don’t want to waste it on something that’s going leave Sakura at a negative frame advanatage anyway.
I’m thinking just block to wait it out, or use my Ken s.LK after blocking the first qcb+MK. If I get RC’d to the face, then so be it. I’ll take a guess and do a roll next time? What would you do?
havent tried this, but does back dash and uppercut work?
Yo KCXJ…Can you roll through as Sakura’s doing her 2nd qcb+mk? I know I’m sounding kinda scrubby (gee wonder why) but I’m guessing that you have enough time to roll through as she’s trying to RC in your face all day. I’m having a hard time with it to…but I use P groove so I just parry the 2nd one when they become predictable.
It’s really weird I see a lot of American players get hit by little gimmicks like this. Why is that when I watch BAS, or Otaku, or Makoto or any other Japanese player, I never see them get hit by stupid gimmicks that we haven’t figured out how to beat yet!?