wow, all this just cuz i asked if kcxj went to evo2k4.
look, no one is really hating on kcxj.
cheese_master made a couple small comments
and mickey D pretty much said kcxj disrepected him
everyone was just confused about why kcxj would lie about going to evo2k4.
kcxj:come to evo2k5, i wont’ ask you for frame data on blanka ball, just some casuals(money match if you want). that’s all.
popoblo: here’s a question for you. what happened to you? finals are over, are you passed out, drugged up, drunk off your ass? :wow:
yea, just get back to me sometime about housing, catch me on PM or AIM, i appreciate it. i really want to come to this tourney. ummmm, it’s really just a matter of timing. i don’t really look for anything, i just know from experience. and it depends on how fast you can do it. i can do RC taps extremely quickly, so me looking for something would be too fast for somebody else.
it’s kind of a bad habit to reversal RC electricity or RC legs anyway, because you’ll either get thrown or eat a fat jump straight up combo. as buk said and i’ve learned, getting up blocking is the best thing to do in 99.9% of situations.
N-groove is dope, and i just use the power characters like iori, chun li, sagat, blanka, then random characters like kyo, vice, maki, stuff like that.
yes, it does make cvs2 more fun because i can’t fall back on an 80% bison CC to get all my damage. and it allows you to rushdown without getting owned by A-sakura. it’s also tough for me to become good with it because i kind of need a lot of people to play against to make my rushdown solid. that’s why i gave up on learning a P/K groove team a long ass time ago.
not sure, since i usually have some combination of shots, beers, and mixed drinks. i’m not a heavyweight or anything.
i remember looking into that thread and already seeing people break it down with references up to the second. i can’t get much more detailed than that, so i didn’t bother. i’m sure people covered everything you can work on.
agreed, americans like SUV’s and crouching fierces too much, lol.
i don’t have internet at my house yet, so i’m busy getting in shape, learning 3S, and drinking every now and then.
you’re still giving your money away.
i’ll money match anybody in here except for champbell, since he already took all my money at TX showdown.
the daigo-killer comes out of hiding, what’s up roger? been saving that K-ryo for nationals?
deal, can we do it on console? is it not cool with the rest of your roommates if i stay with you? or are there any other ann arbor players like cullen or kalonji that i could stay with? cuz terrell offered me his place to crash at, but he said it’s a 45 minute drive from his place to the arcade. i’d like to avoid that drive everyday if i could…
cuz then i’ll lose a total of $20 to both you and buk? :tdown:
plus i actually just wanted to play everyone a few times or so, but money match seems to get people’s attention.
anyways let’s make it $5 cuz your push for $10 was as buk’s immediate “$10 it is”
Yea, my friend Nick, who lives one block away from the arcade said he can house you from Sat to Sunday.
As far as money match, that challenge was directed at R1Beatdown. I’ll take you up on first to 5 for 10 bucks, but I don’t have a CvS2 stick… so Obot would have to lend me his, or we’d have to do it at the arcade.