Fight slow. He can technically counter everything you do. Bison has the tools, it just depends on how you use them. (Use the timer to win this match)
Jago is too sick
just the tip
Good job at NSB, Kim.
I didn’t see it all, had to get to bed. Only watched blocks A B and C.
Did you face any dhalsims?
i saw you on the loc test stream, whats your opinion on the v2012 bison :o
I would also like to hear this. Did you play on the version that gave him +10 back on stand heavy kick or was it earlier build?
what do you think about Bison now Kim, do you think the slight tweeks for his buffs are good enough? Twins and fei are gettings nerfed!
>Did you face any dhalsims?
I think is pretty tough is dhalsim is keep away/avoid chip damage…he is really hard to get corner, but once you get him into corner, oh yeah he is pretty much trashed…the hard part is work him to corner, his slide, his teleport, yoga tower, and defensive footsie are not easy to crack up.
What to do about people who jump back a lot? It feels like I’m playing as honda all over again.
Walk forward slowly, don’t get irritated and try to read a pattern to their jumping. They’re not doing damage if they’re constantly jumping back so there’s no need for you to give them an opportunity to do so needlessly.
Here i made a thread on srk so that i can put the vids in so i have 4 episodes now! so i guess watch it for the most part.
Should join the Twitter wagon too if you don’t already have one. Easy to push out updates along with Youtube subscriptions on the go.
do not EX PC! If they’re in the corner and constantly jumping back you can try EX stomp
see my video regarding a scrubby ken who jumps back alot lol, if you have the lead, play it safe!
Just saw the interview you had with CC Zhi, and I have a couple of questions.
TUC right? Are there any more recent vids of him other than the old stuff on youtube?
You mention how the SF4-serie is a very setup-heavy game (which I, and everyone else I think, agree on), dictator seems really light on these (except psycho crusher crossup stuff I guess, and I don’t think they count because they aren’t the double layered condom where you get a mixup afterwards, such as you get from dive kicks and good crossups), what are some of the setups that you use?
I can’t seem to find anything that is consistent enough to be really scary (from a back/forward throw specifically)
Just saw your play against Nekojita (Abel), never thought about that Ultra 2 right after DR? How do you feel about matchup against Neko?
did you really need to do it? Funny taunt at Mago 8:28
I noticed you play very risky when it comes to landing a Ultra. You did FADC into U2 when Mago had you in the corner. Also U2 right after DR during the match up against Neko.
No need to explain taunts ever cuz he playing like a bawseeee
sorry guys, I’ve been a bit busy. But I’m planning on doing a live chat sometime soon. its totally open to the public, so if you guys wanna just ask me questions, i’ll just say them on video while you type them out. Date to be determined later though
ok anyway,
TUC plays prob like 3 times a week, but its purely a casual thing for him right now. I just look at his record and can tell he’s playing the same people all the time. He prob needs some motivation to go out and play in other areas.
Like every bison player, I face the issue of having few setups. Most of my setups would be to avoid wake up uppercut. Bison doesn’t anything similar to Yun or Yang. So in this case, I can’t really explain over SRK what setups I use. It would take too long, but when that video chat goes up live, people can ask me specific questions and I’ll just answer it since all it takes is for me to say it outloud.
i have 2 questions
- why is c.strong good against abel?
- what are some neato tricks vs gief?
this is what i know so far:
- ex-scissors escapes his homo OS that beats everything else bison does on wake up
- zone him the fuck out and try not to trade with AA s.rh
- c.fierce is a good AA vs gief (dangerous but good)
- hs and dr are useless as he can always force a trade into KD, or use U2 if he has it selected
- c.fierce and sf.fierce are better to beat closer whiffed lariats due to extra damage, but c.fierce can be spd’d on hit if too close
- sk, s.rh, s.forward can all be psychic’d with lariat
- nj.strong beats lariat (i’ve noticed nj.fierce beats lariats pretty well too but sometimes it trades and i don’t know why. is there a better way to use it that you know of?)
my solution in this match up has been to not get knocked down and zone him the fuck out, but is there anything i can do once he gets a life lead and plays defensive or passive-aggressive? the way i’m playing against my local gief right now is heavy footsie play but the damage and opportunities to be aggressive are simply in giefs favour.
is my solution going to have to be “don’t allow him to get a life lead” too?
- beats abels stepkick most of the time. stops his dash, pretty safe if he guess jumps and you pressed low strong already
- tricks needs a proper definition, i would consider everything i do as solid gimmick-less fundamentals
Speaking of that Bison live chat.
Ask anything you want, about Bison, about seafood, etc.
I’m thinking about doing it sometime next week.
Can people post what times they are free. Saturday(Japan time) would be best for me. So I guess that might be Friday night ish for all you americanszzzzz