Also, random thing I just remembered from Japan… I was at Taito during peak hours, so every top player started to show up. I was streaking in one of the cabs vs GrandMaster Ibuki, Sakura, Guile, and Yang. A UltimateMaster Sagat sits down and starts playing me. I beat the shit out of him in a quick 2-round victory. Out of nowhere, Kayo and her friend show up and start watching matches. Now, Kayo doesn’t receive the star-treatment she gets in America, no, quite the opposite actually. Everyone just kinda spread away from them and didn’t make eye contact. Pretty fucked up if you ask me, but fuck it, I’ve seen Japanese people do worse.
Not gonna lie, compared to her friend, Kayo looked extremely convincing. Her friend was obviously a tranny. She was a bit taller than Kayo, and had more masculine features (bigger hands, back), but, not gonna lie, still looked aiiight (if she didn’t open her mouth, since she had awful teeth like 98% of Japanese).
Kayo sits down to play on the same side I’m on and her friend goes to the opposite, so I’m playing right next to Kayo. She plays against a Master Blanka and goes on to DESTROY him…horribly destroy him. The dude stands up to see who beat him (Kayo was playing without a card), spots Kayo, and immediately gets a shameful look on his face, as he’s walking towards the exit, defeated. While this is going on, I get a random challenge. I already have my card in the machine (Abel), so I’m just waiting for the opponent to pick his character. They pick Sagat…SCORE!!! (or at least I think to myself).
The round starts, and I do what I always do vs Sagat…stop giving a shit. I just get to my perfect range and continue to abuse my shit, it works. I take the first round pretty convincingly. 2nd round starts, I go with my same game plan of disregarding any shits I have, but this time the Sagat is actually fighting back! I get in step kick range and start looking for whiffed pokes to counter… I see none. This Sagat is just patiently waiting there, occasionally throwing FB’s. I inch a bit closer and immediately get greeted with a -> cr.lp xx uppercut…(this is a standard in Japan, every scrub Sagat can nail this consistently). I start respecting that option and play a bit more cautiously. He keeps on tagging me with FB’s and perfectly spaced knees, I start getting desperate. I jump a couple times and meet a perfectly timed uppercut, timed so it trades into Ultra, and then proceed to lose the round by eating a neutral jump MK instant OH. Alright, I wasn’t going to lose to a Sagat any time soon, so I step my shit up and actually start trying. We get into a fierce footises battle, I land a couple solid xx CoD, while the Sagat makes some smart uppercut reads and knee pressure. It gets down to the wire, I back him up to the corner, he whiffs a and I punish with a full step kick combo into U1 for the win.
I wipe my forehead in relief, and start wondering who that AMAZING Sagat player was… A couple seconds after the game ends I see Kayo’s friend stand up on the opposite side of the cabs, and she looks fucking pissed. She starts going off in Japanese while heading for a vending machine. She sees that I’m the only Abel player on that side and just gives me the dirtiest look I’ve ever seen in my life. I feel like part of my soul died that day. She came on my side and just started absolutely DESTROYING people. She went on like a 8 game win streak (huge in Taito during peak hrs, BTW). She even beat 6 (Yang player, UltimateMaster) a couple times before losing to Ameriken. Not gonna lie though, she has one of the most solid Sagat’s I’ve seen. She’s not like Kayo, where Kayo is just an above-average Viper player but gets attention for other shit… no, she’s actually REALLY fucking good. I know she would wreck shit up if she came to a NA major.
Just a random flashback I got while working, I’m pretty sure I’ll have a couple of those periodically.