Arkansas High School Wont Let African-American Student Be Valedictorian

Completely off topic but I was looking up HBCU’s(while researching Fusion Centers, apparently HBCUs are possible hotbeds for terrorism :rolleyes:) and I was reading about two HBCUs, Bluefield State University and West Virginia University, which started out as HBCUs but are now PWI. >_>, both are also in West Virginia, made me think of this thread a bit.

carry on

Lol, good job Arkansas High School at not creating a “big mess”.

By not allowing her to rightful representation as the valedictorian of your school, you have succeeded in allowing the rest of the world to see how ignorant your school board is. What is the definition of a “big mess” in your eyes?

And as if she probably wasn’t going to be super straight already as far as grants and scholarships go, now Oprah and shit is going to cadillac ride her straight through college and after. And Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are going tag team DHC trick the fuck out of that state. I almost feel sorry for everyone that will feel the oncoming wrath.

She has a daughter and still somehow gets straight A’s and they just wanna get all anti coon about the shit? Nice.

this is one strong reason to not give a fuck

This is why Arkansas is in my top 5 list of states I pray my car never breaks down in.

who dat in your avy Unclle Tombogart

just goes to show you cant stop racism

not even in a school.

This shit makes me wish the DC sniper had hit Arkansas instead.

this was on CNN awhile ago. I thought it was funny everybody jumping on the school only knowing one side of the story, when alot of that story is based on things other than facts.
I finally read the article linked, and there are serious liberties taken therein by the ‘reporter’. Funny how persuasive the tone is to yall.
valedictorian status can get heated with parents, espcly when ranking isnt based solely on GPA. Throw the race card in, hahaa, people want civil war with heads on a platt
but maybe its legit, i dont know

aaaaaaaand what would be the other side of the story?

whoever heard of rank and valedictorian not being decided by GPA?

lol nigga please. my mom lives in mississippi, in an area that’s relatively heterogenous and when obama got elected president kids were being sent home for even bringing it up. principal said, "calm your happy asses down, we ain’t ready for this shit so don’t fucking bring it up.’

lol I read it as “calm your nappy asses down”


Why all the redneck hate? I mean they can be entertaining:


double picard facepalm.jpg

Rednecks always have a beer near them, or some form of alcohol. O_o

I think the real story here is that her parents decided to name their daughter Kymberly Wimberly

Soooo glad I don’t live in Arkansas anymore. This is fucking disgusting.

Stupid but really unsurprising. The school board can spin it any way they want, but at the end of the day it’s still wrong. I don’t understand how such an ass backwards mentality towards others can be tolerated in this day and age.

I have no words for this kind of stupid shit that goes on. Like I don’t know… fuck.