learn a lesson from Canada, and distract the country below you with quality weed and sexy, easy women, and the youngest legal drinking age you can enjoy on the continent without fear of being kidnapped and ransomed by a cartel
at the rate america is falling into the gutter, pretty soon your country will be clamoring to build a wall to keep us out as well. we will become the new mexico. oh the embarassment.
I got 2 grand in USD I had to exchange to Canadian money.
I got 1860 from 2000.
Better do it now than later I guess, cause I doubt the Canadian economy is gonna crash anytime soon. Or the American going to rise.
Those of you who think it wouldn’t happen in insert southern state haven’t lived outside of the cities. I could totally see that happening in the school district I grew up in.
I googled this… looks like in reality a black student and a white student were made co-valedictorians. Their GPAs were separated by a fraction of a point.
Also note that the “big mess” quote was supposedly overheard by the mother of the student, it’s not a quote from the school board, like that article makes it seem.
Also, school’s student population is basically a 50/50 black/white split, fwiw.
You actually needed to post that…especially with the rep you seem to have on here.
Sarcasm doesn’t come across well in print…and the same goes for outlandish posts.
Probably the fact that acted like he loved us then fucked us (and america) up the ass on the way out w/Nafta. Kinda like how a brother will get mad, shout “fuck all ya’ll bitch-ass niggas” and either flip over a table or punch out a car window as he leaves.
omfg is an asian kid that is trying to align himself with the largest demographic on this website. this means saying the ‘n’ word in a lighthearted fashion and saying stuff that magazine writers and hack comics have been saying since 98.