Are you the worst Sakura Player? Vent here

Very very very very easy. All yo need is a standard screwdriver adn the very very very cheap replacements.

You pull out the old stuff (very very very hard to pull out the cables from some of those buttons) and you stick in the new stuff (very very very easy to slot in the cables).

Then you just bash the buttons down into place and screw everything else back in. You only take out 6 screws. 10 screws if you are swapping the actual stick too or changing the gate.

I presume you’re probably doing DF+LK DF+LP D DF+MK HP if you’re getting the Otoshi ^^

This is kinda hard to explain, since I’m really tired and this was in training mode so I can see what is happening.

Sometimes it’s like when I do the crossunder, you sometimes walk a little bit when you land, or just landing, or I’ll get ready to press downforward so there’s a little forward input. Then when I move it to down, it’ll sometimes register as another downforward or double up because of a little tiny, itsy movement on the pad or a shortcut, so when I do the low-kick, it’ll otoshi instead.

Or somtimes, it’ll be fine, but the input will be read as something like downback all the time instead even though I’m holding down, so I don’t get an EX Tatsu after the c.hp.

It just comes down to the amount of time you get given to do moves and shortcuts really

I just did it a second ago, and my inputs were uf, uf+lk, f, df, d, d+lk, df, df+lp, d. I got the otoshi after the lk, as silly as that sounds, stupid negative edges. This was when doing a crossunder after an EX Tatsu from left to right. But things like that do happen. Not all the time, but sometimes they do, and it’s never at a good moment either :frowning:

Sometimes the game just misses out down inputs because of shortcuts, it’s really silly.

So just your pad being weird then, I think the game doesn’t display all inputs if you/the controller are too fast with it :confused:

Unwanted diagonals are the bane of the 360 pad, it’s practically impossbile to go from Forward or Backward to Down quickly without that Down turning into a diagonal-Down :frowning:

Yeah, the pad and shortcuts really put things down.

Critique my lame Sakura

Hi guys,

I’ve uploaded a 2 videos of me getting beaten into the ground and would appreciate some advice on how I could suck less:

What I noticed from watching those videos back is that I have no ground game at all, and I don’t think I used a single cr.HP to anti-air. :sad:

You jump around way too often, giving Frun several free ultras in both matches. You should also hit confirm the 7-hit combo you do all the time, when he blocks, pull out instead of finishing the whole combo and get it blocked and punished.

You need to get to grips with her entire movelist. You didn’t use any of her normal moves and were just trying to hit confirm anytime you were within jumping distance. Poke more and pay a little more attention to what the opp is doing.

Need to practice those link combos a bit and don’t bother linking into Hadouken, want to link the c.MK into a Heavy Shou.

Oh yeah, you jumped over Rose’s Ultra and just sat there. Eventually you just managed to squeeze out a c.HP but you had full Super and Ultra ready. Not sure if others agree but if you have Super ready and the chance to use it, use it, HP xx Shou xx Haru Ichiban does more damage than a full Ultra so it’s nothing to scoff at (although with Ultra ready probably best to go with that).

Winning with Sakura Gameplan:

Learn Combos (you would’ve won more rounds if you had finished or punished properly.)
Learn Pokes (s.Roundhouse was good but don’t overuse, your opponent can think and counter poke rendering one poke useless.)
Learn Best Air Jumpins (saw j.Forward [mk] :wtf:)
Learn Shenanigans (saw only one time you used ground crossup shenanigans; shenanigans may win you matches.)

in that order. Gogogo :tup:

Think of it this way: Using Chess as reference, think of your pieces as parts of your game. Right now you have the bare basics (don’t mind my wording, I’m a recovering dickhead). So let’s say you have only pawns to protect your King piece o.o; Against pawns, your opponent can use any of his other pieces besides his pawns to take you down =\ So you must learn the other parts of the game and execute them properly in order to protect your King piece more efficiently. Combos (Knights), Pokes and counter-Pokes (Rooks), Specific Jumpins (Bishops) and Shenanigans (Queen).

Thanks for the help guys. :bgrin: You don’t realise how many mistakes and missed opportunities there were until you watch yourself on video. I particularly like the focus crumple I got against rose which I punished ruthlessly with a single cr.LK :rofl:

I think my severe lack of ground game is my number one priority. If nothing else more time on the ground might just mean that it takes my opponents by surprise a little when I do eventually jump in. I practice combos/execution anyway so hopefully I’ll just become more consistent over time since it seems to be a bit of a lottery at the moment whether I’ll hit a link or not.

radar since you’re like the first person i’ve seen in the Sak forum using PC, we should become friends and do many sak battles till one of us starts crying.

superscott on steam
superscott bot in windows live

lol, I’m happy to give it a try - but it’s pretty much guaranteed to be a terrible 1 bar connection. :sad: InTheSak and GGawaran are also on PC, I’m sure they live closer than me too :razzy:.

I’m RadarTrap on GFWL

EDIT: This is an idea of what I’m talking about…

Im trash online =( reaction blocking against other sakuras is terrible, I eat shennanigans all day long

I eat random shouokens from other Sakuras online all day long. I keep thinking surely they won’t throw out another one cos it’s so dangerous and then BAM! :rofl:

Just do what I do when playing online. Put a good movie on and sit back and relax. Or give the other player a huge life/round lead and see if you can make a come back. I found doing the life lead thing is a fairly decent training thing as well as seeing how many times I repeat one combo in a match.

RadarTrap I’ll send you a friend request, my tag is WickN00b. I’m from Australia too.

thats no good? I use it all the time. HK is better because its harder to AA?

Air-to-Air: j.f.Strong (MP), j.n.Forward (MK)
Jumping in: j.f.Fierce (HP), Roundhouse (HK), Short (LK), j.n.Roundhouse (HK).

Fierce and Roundhouse can crossup at a specific distance, Short can obviously crossup. Why waste the added pressure of crossup possibility?

hey im on PC too!

add me ^^ “NeozooM” GFWLive

It’s this game. Sometimes its a minor annoyance, sometimes it costs the match.